In this episode, we'll weather storms both literal and emotional, as Ivan's outdoor art exhibition turns into an intimate, unforgettable connection with nature and humanity.
Hr: Ivan je stajao ispred glavnog ulaza Botaničkog vrta, promatrajući oblake kako se skupljaju na nebu.
En: Ivan stood in front of the main entrance of the Botaničkog vrta, watching clouds gather in the sky.
Hr: Bio je prvi dan studenog, Dan svih svetih, i osjećao je uzbuđenje pomiješano s tjeskobom.
En: It was the first day of November, All Saints' Day, and he felt excitement mixed with anxiety.
Hr: Njegova prva izložba na otvorenom.
En: His first outdoor exhibition.
Hr: Lana je stajala pored njega.
En: Lana stood beside him.
Hr: "Ne brini, bit će dobro", rekla je, iako je i sama bila zabrinuta zbog vremena.
En: "Don't worry, it will be fine," she said, although she was also concerned about the weather.
Hr: "Tvoja umjetnost će govoriti sama za sebe.
En: "Your art will speak for itself."
Hr: ""Znam", uzdahnuo je Ivan.
En: "I know," sighed Ivan.
Hr: "Ali ovo je rizik.
En: "But this is a risk.
Hr: Vrijeme je nepredvidivo.
En: The weather is unpredictable."
Hr: "Matej, kustos vrta, prilazio je s drugim krajem staze.
En: Matej, the curator of the garden, approached from the other end of the path.
Hr: "Ivan, sve je spremno", rekao je s osmijehom.
En: "Ivan, everything is ready," he said with a smile.
Hr: "Ali možda bismo trebali imati plan B, s obzirom na oblake.
En: "But maybe we should have a plan B, considering the clouds."
Hr: "Botanički vrt bio je prekrasno uređen.
En: The Botanički vrt was beautifully decorated.
Hr: Drveće je bacalo zlatne i crvene sjene, a Ivanove slike i skulpture bile su raspršene među živopisnim cvjetovima i lišćem.
En: Trees cast golden and red shadows, and Ivan's paintings and sculptures were scattered among the colorful flowers and leaves.
Hr: No, vjetar je počeo puhati jače, a kiša je prijetila da pokvari sve planove.
En: However, the wind began to blow stronger, and rain threatened to ruin all plans.
Hr: Ivan je gledao svoje djelo, nadajući se da će ljudi osjetiti snagu prirode koju je pokušao prenijeti.
En: Ivan looked at his work, hoping people would feel the power of nature he tried to convey.
Hr: Sudionici su se već okupili, a Ivan je znao da mora brzo djelovati.
En: Participants had already gathered, and Ivan knew he had to act quickly.
Hr: "Matej, možemo li koristiti one velike suncobrane iz kafića?
En: "Matej, can we use those big umbrellas from the cafe?"
Hr: " upitao je Ivan.
En: Ivan asked.
Hr: "Možda možemo zaštititi umjetnine.
En: "Maybe we can protect the artworks."
Hr: "Matej je kimnuo glavom.
En: Matej nodded.
Hr: "Da, možemo ih donijeti odmah.
En: "Yes, we can bring them right away."
Hr: "Ivan i Lana su zajedno s Matejem i nekoliko posjetitelja brzo krenuli u akciju.
En: Ivan and Lana, along with Matej and several visitors, quickly sprang into action.
Hr: Veliki suncobrani su postavljeni oko osjetljivih dijelova izložbe, dok su oblaci prijetili olujom.
En: Large umbrellas were set up around the sensitive parts of the exhibition, while the clouds threatened a storm.
Hr: Dok je kiša počela padati, posjetitelji su se zbijali pod suncobranima, gledajući umjetnost izbliza.
En: As the rain began to fall, visitors huddled under the umbrellas, viewing the art up close.
Hr: Neočekivana intimnost situacije otvorila je nove razgovore o umjetnosti, prirodi i prolaznosti života.
En: The unexpected intimacy of the situation sparked new conversations about art, nature, and the transience of life.
Hr: "Možda ovo i nije tako loše", promrmljala je Lana dok je proučavala jednu od Ivanovih slika.
En: "Maybe this isn't so bad after all," Lana murmured as she examined one of Ivan's paintings.
Hr: "Svi su tako povezani sada.
En: "Everyone is so connected now."
Hr: "Ivan je stajao sa strane, promatrajući ljude kako se okupljaju oko njegovih djela.
En: Ivan stood on the side, watching people gather around his works.
Hr: Srce mu je bilo ispunjeno toplinom.
En: His heart was filled with warmth.
Hr: Što je izložba kojem nikako nije savršena, bilo je upravo ono što je njegov rad činio posebnim - povezanost ljudi s prirodom i emocijama.
En: Although the exhibition wasn't perfect, it was precisely what made his work special - the connection of people with nature and emotions.
Hr: Kako su se oblaci polako razilazili, a kiša stajala, Ivan se osmjehnuo.
En: As the clouds slowly dispersed and the rain stopped, Ivan smiled.
Hr: Naučio je prihvatiti nesavršenosti.
En: He learned to embrace imperfections.
Hr: Njegova umjetnost nije bila samo o izložbi, već o ljudima koji su je živjeli.
En: His art wasn't just about the exhibition but about the people who lived it.
Hr: Tog dana, iako kišovitog, svi su u vrtu doživjeli ljepotu u njezinom najautentičnijem obliku.
En: That day, although rainy, everyone in the garden experienced beauty in its most authentic form.
Hr: A Ivan je znao da je postigao svoju metu - prenijeti prolaznu ljepotu prirode onima oko sebe.
En: And Ivan knew he had achieved his goal - to convey the fleeting beauty of nature to those around him.