explore the echoing chambers of an old warehouse where hidden dangers lead to unexpected camaraderie
Sr: Bilo je to jedno hladno veče kada je Aleksandar došao u staro skladište da preuzme neke kutije za svoju radnju.
En: It was a cold evening when Aleksandar came to the old warehouse to pick up some boxes for his shop.
Sr: Skladište je bilo ogromno, sa metalnim policama visokim kao planine.
En: The warehouse was huge, with metal shelves as high as mountains.
Sr: Kutije su bile svuda, neke su stajale uredno poređane, dok su druge bile razbacane kao da je prohujao neki olujni vetar.
En: Boxes were everywhere, some neatly stacked, while others were scattered as if a stormy wind had passed through.
Sr: Aleksandar je koračao pažljivo, pokušavajući da pronađe one koje su mu bile potrebne.
En: Carefully stepping, Aleksandar tried to find the ones he needed.
Sr: Nažalost, nije primetio jedno nestabilno brdo kutija koje se nadvijalo iznad njega.
En: Unfortunately, he didn't notice an unstable pile of boxes looming above him.
Sr: Duboko u mislima i brizi da ne zaboravi ništa, napravio je korak koji je doveo do njegove nesreće.
En: Deep in thought and worried not to forget anything, he made a step that led to his accident.
Sr: Zvučalo je kao grmljavina kada su kutije počele da se ruše, a Aleksandar je pokušavao da pobegne.
En: It sounded like thunder as the boxes began to fall, and Aleksandar tried to escape.
Sr: Ali kasno je bilo, kutije su ga uhvatile u svoje kartonske kandže, zarobile ga ispod sebe.
En: But it was too late; the boxes caught him in their cardboard claws, trapping him underneath.
Sr: "Nemojte brinuti," viknuo je Aleksandar, mada tamo nije bilo nikoga da ga čuje.
En: "Don't worry," shouted Aleksandar, even though there was no one around to hear him.
Sr: Negde na drugom kraju skladišta, Milica je radila na popisu robe.
En: Somewhere on the other end of the warehouse, Milica was taking inventory.
Sr: Bila je veoma organizovana i uvek je znala gde je šta.
En: She was very organized and always knew where everything was.
Sr: Jedini zvuk koji je prekidao tišinu bio je škripa njene olovke na papiru.
En: The only sound disturbing the silence was the squeak of her pencil on paper.
Sr: Ali tada, kao grom iz vedra neba, čula je buku.
En: But then, out of the blue, she heard a noise.
Sr: Prestala je sa radom i zastala da bolje sluša.
En: She stopped and listened more carefully.
Sr: Buka je ponovo odjeknula, ovog puta praćena Aleksandrovim pozivom u pomoć.
En: The noise echoed again, this time accompanied by Aleksandar's call for help.
Sr: Milica je bez razmišljanja krenula prema izvoru zvuka.
En: Without hesitation, Milica headed towards the source of the sound.
Sr: Videla je ruševinu kutija i Aleksandrovu ruku kako mlatara tražeći pomoć.
En: She saw the pile of boxes and Aleksandar's hand waving for help.
Sr: "Hej, drži se, Aleksandre!
En: "Hey, hold on, Aleksandar!"
Sr: " povikala je dok je pretrčavala preko skladišta.
En: she shouted as she ran across the warehouse.
Sr: Milica je bila mala ali snažna, i znala je tačno šta treba da uradi.
En: Milica was small but strong, and she knew exactly what to do.
Sr: Počela je brzo i metodično da uklanja kutije, jednu po jednu.
En: She started quickly and methodically removing boxes, one by one.
Sr: Aleksandar je mogao da čuje njene ohrabrujuće reči dok je radila.
En: Aleksandar could hear her encouraging words as she worked.
Sr: Aleksandar je osećao kako se težina kutija smanjuje.
En: Aleksandar felt the weight of the boxes diminishing.
Sr: Nakon što je poslednja kutija uklonjena, Milica mu je pružila ruku.
En: After the last box was removed, Milica reached out her hand to him.
Sr: "Uhvatila sam te.
En: "I've got you.
Sr: Možeš li ustati?
En: Can you stand?"
Sr: " upitala je sa osmehom.
En: she asked with a smile.
Sr: Aleksandar je klimnuo glavom i sa njenom pomoći ustao.
En: Aleksandar nodded and, with her help, got up.
Sr: Bio je prašnjav i ponešto zbunjen, ali srećom nije bio povređen.
En: He was dusty and somewhat confused, but fortunately, he wasn't hurt.
Sr: "To se ni meni nije desilo," rekao je Aleksandar pokušavajući da se našali, dok je otresao prašinu sa sebe.
En: "That doesn't happen to me every day," Aleksandar said, trying to lighten the mood as he brushed off the dust.
Sr: Milica se samo nasmejala i pomogla mu da skupi kutije koje mu zapravo trebaju.
En: Milica just laughed and helped him gather the boxes he actually needed.
Sr: "Slušaj, Aleksandre, sledeći put budi pažljiviji," rekla je Milica, ali je njen ton bio pun ljubavi, ne osude.
En: "Listen, Aleksandar, next time be more careful," Milica said, but her tone was full of love, not judgment.
Sr: Aleksandar se složio, shvatajući koliko je važno da pazi na svoje okruženje, posebno u skladištu prepunom iznenađenja.
En: Aleksandar agreed, realizing how important it was to pay attention to his surroundings, especially in a warehouse full of surprises.
Sr: To veče su zajedno završili posao.
En: That evening, they finished the job together.
Sr: Aleksandar je zahvalio Milici na hrabrosti i snalažljivosti, a ona je samo odmahivala rukom, govoreći da je to deo posla.
En: Aleksandar thanked Milica for her courage and resourcefulness, and she just waved it off, saying it was all part of the job.
Sr: Oboje su znali da je skladište ne samo mesto gde se čuvaju kutije, već i mesto na kojem može da se rodi prijateljstvo.
En: They both knew that the warehouse was not just a place to store boxes, but also a place where friendship could be born.
Sr: Kada su se kutije konačno sljegle i skladište je ponovo utonulo u tišinu, Aleksandar i Milica su izašli pod zvezdano nebo.
En: When the boxes finally settled, and the warehouse fell silent again, Aleksandar and Milica went outside under the starry sky.
Sr: Zajedno su se smešili na sve nezgode koje skladište može sa sobom doneti, iako su u svojim srcima znali da će, šta god da se dogodi, uvek jedno drugo izbaviti.
En: Together, they smiled at all the mishaps a warehouse can bring, knowing in their hearts that whatever happens, they will always have each other's backs.