Unveiling Secrets: The Enchanting Quest for Dragon Scales

In this episode, we'll journey with Dylan, Owain, and Carys as they unlock the mysteries of a secret lab and discover the magic of friendship through their quest to prove the existence of mythical dragon scales.

Cy: Yn helltir o safleoedd hanesyddol cylchlythrennol Cymru, cuddodd labordy cyfrinachol.
En: In the annals of Cymru's historic sites, a secret laboratory lay hidden.

Cy: Roedd hwn yn fan lle'r oedd gyfrinach ysgafell gegin a gynhwysai pob math o wrthrychau rhyfedd.
En: This was a place that housed the secrets of a kitchen chamber containing all sorts of strange objects.

Cy: Oliw oeddem yn tyfu yn aer yr ystafell, cymysg gyda phersawr sbeis pwmpen sydd wedi’i anghofio, yn tanio’r awyrgylch hydrefol.
En: An aroma wafted through the air of the room, mixed with the forgotten scent of pumpkin spice, igniting the autumnal atmosphere.

Cy: Yn uniongyrchol yng nghanol y dryswch oedd Dylan, diloren ac ymchwilydd amatur llawn brwdfrydedd.
En: Right in the midst of the chaos stood Dylan, an amateur researcher full of enthusiasm.

Cy: Dylan oedd hynod o awyddus i brofi fod graddfeydd draig yn bodoli, ac efallai’n dal i law rhyw bŵer arbennig.
En: Dylan was extremely eager to prove that dragon scales existed and perhaps held some special power.

Cy: Ond roedd Owain, ffrind Dylan, yn amheus.
En: But Owain, Dylan's friend, was skeptical.

Cy: Roedd Owain bob amser wedi amau presenoldeb dreigiau, ond roedd ganddo hoffter o straeon cyffrous, felly penderfynodd ymuno â’r antur.
En: Owain had always doubted the existence of dragons, but he had a fondness for exciting stories, so he decided to join the adventure.

Cy: Roedd Carys yno hefyd, cefnogol o Dylan, a gydnabu â phwer adroddiadau ystoriau draig hynafol.
En: Carys was there too, supportive of Dylan, and acknowledged the power of ancient dragon tales.

Cy: Ddydd Calan Gaeaf, gydag awyrgylch o ddirgelwch, penderfynodd Dylan ddechrau’r arbrawf.
En: On Hallows' Eve, with an air of mystery, Dylan decided to begin the experiment.

Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni brofi," meddai'n bendant, "Mae'n rhaid i ni ddangos bod y dreigiau'n wir."
En: "We must prove it," he said firmly, "We must show that the dragons are real."

Cy: Torrais Owain i mewn, “Mae croglo'r poboldy rhywun arall yn well na cheisio dallt dreigiau dychmygol.
En: Owain interrupted, “Hanging around in someone else's attic is better than trying to understand imaginary dragons.

Cy: Ond, beth bynnag, ar gyfer hynny, yma ydw i!’’
En: But anyway, that's why I'm here!”

Cy: Trio o draed, a dyfrau, dechreuodd y tîm.
En: Three steps, and with bated breath, the team began.

Cy: Betso gwasgaru pâr o bin cildwrn yn y labordy.
En: A set of pincers scattered around the lab.

Cy: Roedd Dylan yn symud ymlaen i osod graddfa'r "great" ar peiriant a'i addasu i ddefnyddio ar gyfer hynod o arbrawf.
En: Dylan moved forward to set the "great" scale on the machine and adjusted it for this unique experiment.

Cy: Gallai Carys weld Dylan yn poeni, ond aeth ati i'w anogai.
En: Carys could see Dylan worrying but went on to encourage him.

Cy: “Rydym ni’n cael hwyl, Dylan.
En: “We’re having fun, Dylan.

Cy: Dydi amhosibl ddim angen bod mor ofni!”
En: The impossible doesn’t need to be so scary!”

Cy: Eironig y dechreuodd y peiriant fflicia chlampgarol a chlychau eto.
En: Ironically, the machine started flickering clamorously and ringing again.

Cy: Wrth wasgu’r switsh, llosgai'r ystafell fel pe bai’r dyfu mewn sêr.
En: As he pressed the switch, the room burned as if under the starlight.

Cy: Cafodd y cynhaeaf cath gan Owain, a methu gwenu, ar ben y boen yn barod i fwrlwm hwyliog.
En: Owain harvested the cat’s whiskers and managed a smile, ready for some joyous commotion.

Cy: Roedd Dylan yn ymsuddio i golled, ond o sydyn canfyddodd y raddfa’n fflachu golau.
En: Dylan sank into despair, but suddenly noticed the scale flashing light.

Cy: "Edda di!" gwaeddodd Dylan, yn syfrdan a chyffrous, wrth iddo ddangos y fath oedd y graddfa dreig.
En: "There it is!" shouted Dylan, stunned and excited, as he revealed what the dragon scale was like.

Cy: Roedd yn goleuo o dan lihen penodol.
En: It was glowing under a specific lichen.

Cy: Nid oedd unrhyw bŵer arbennig yn hyn, ond yr edrychiad oedd wedi cyfres o gochol.
En: There was no special power in this, but the sight was a series of cautious revelations.

Cy: "Efallai nid oes treigiau hudol," cydnabyddodd Owain o'r diwedd, “ond dyma beth!’’
En: “Maybe there aren't magical dragons,” Owain finally admitted, “but this is something!”

Cy: A dyna’r hud.
En: And that was the magic.

Cy: Nid yn dreig au holl o Brifys erbynter, ond bod eang am weld realiti.
En: Not dragons' roars from Prifys, but a broader view of reality.

Cy: Roedd Dylan yn teimlo’r diolch am ei ffrindiau oedd â’i ochr er gwaethaf ei hamheuon a’i gamgynebion a daeth y dreig yn symbol ei ffrindiaeth.
En: Dylan felt grateful for his friends who stood by him despite their doubts and misconceptions, and the dragon became a symbol of their friendship.

Cy: O’r ystafell llawn olau, cerddon nhw allan at lon i gyrraedd Hafan.
En: From the room full of light, they walked out to the lane to reach Hafan.

Cy: Ac felly roeddwn nhw'n byw'n hapus am byth.
En: And so they lived happily ever after.