Unlocking Ljubljana: A River of Hidden Stories

In this episode, we'll sail down the Ljubljanica River as Manca, a local guide, reveals a heartfelt story that transforms young Tomaž's view of the city forever.

Sl: Ljubljana je bila sončna in živahna.
En: Ljubljana was sunny and lively.

Sl: Ljubljanica se je mirno vila skozi mesto.
En: The Ljubljanica River meandered calmly through the city.

Sl: Mali čolni so plavali, ljudje so uživali v lepem poletnem dnevu.
En: Small boats floated by, and people delighted in the beautiful summer day.

Sl: Med njimi je bil tudi Tomaž, mlad in radoveden.
En: Among them was Tomaž, young and curious.

Sl: Želel je doživeti Ljubljano na drugačen način.
En: He wanted to experience Ljubljana in a different way.

Sl: Želel je spoznati skrivnosti mesta, ki ga je slišal od prijateljev.
En: He wanted to discover the city's secrets he'd heard about from friends.

Sl: Manca je bila lokalna vodnica.
En: Manca was a local guide.

Sl: Znala je pripovedovati zgodbe o mestu.
En: She knew how to tell stories about the city.

Sl: Pogosto je peljala turiste na čolne, vendar je dvomila, če njih res zanimajo njene zgodbe.
En: She often took tourists on boat rides but doubted if they were truly interested in her stories.

Sl: A danes je bil izziv drugačen.
En: But today was a different challenge.

Sl: Tomaž je bil drugačen.
En: Tomaž was different.

Sl: Njegove oči so sijale od zanimanja.
En: His eyes shone with curiosity.

Sl: "Pozdravljena, Manca.
En: "Hello, Manca.

Sl: Rad bi izvedel več o Ljubljani," je rekel Tomaž.
En: I'd like to learn more about Ljubljana," Tomaž said.

Sl: "Kaj meniš, je kakšna posebna zgodba, ki bi mi jo lahko povedala?
En: "Do you think there's a special story you could share with me?"

Sl: "Manca je stala ob njem, držala krmilo čolna, premlevala njegove besede.
En: Manca stood next to him, holding the boat's steering wheel, mulling over his words.

Sl: Videla je, da je iskren.
En: She saw he was sincere.

Sl: Bil je tu z namenom.
En: He was there with a purpose.

Sl: Želel je resnično začutiti mesto.
En: He wanted to truly feel the city.

Sl: Odločila se je, da bo dala priložnost.
En: She decided to give him a chance.

Sl: Plula sta mimo Tromostovja, mimo lepih baročnih stavb.
En: They sailed past the Triple Bridge, past beautiful Baroque buildings.

Sl: "Veš, Tomaž," je začela Manca, "tejo reko sem vedno imela za posebni del Ljubljane.
En: "You know, Tomaž," Manca began, "I've always considered this river a special part of Ljubljana.

Sl: Ni le reka, prinaša zgodbe.
En: It's not just a river; it brings stories.

Sl: Ena od njih me posebno gane.
En: One of them particularly moves me."

Sl: "Manca je obrnila čoln proti bolj skritemu delu reke.
En: Manca turned the boat toward a more secluded part of the river.

Sl: Tam, kjer se je voda umirila, je bilo manj turistov.
En: There, where the water was calmer, there were fewer tourists.

Sl: "Tukaj je nekoč živela moja prababica," je povedala.
En: "My great-grandmother once lived here," she shared.

Sl: "Rada je hodila k tej reki, sedela na obali.
En: "She loved coming to this river, sitting on the bank.

Sl: Vedno mi je govorila, da reka nosi skrivnosti, ki jih ne razumemo.
En: She always told me the river carries secrets we don't understand.

Sl: Tu se je zaljubila, tu je našla mir.
En: Here, she fell in love; here, she found peace."

Sl: "Tomaž je poslušal z zanimanjem.
En: Tomaž listened with interest.

Sl: Pogledal je zeleno okolico, bilo je kot v pravljici.
En: He looked at the green surroundings, it was like a fairy tale.

Sl: "Hvala, Manca," je rekel hvaležno.
En: "Thank you, Manca," he said gratefully.

Sl: "To mesto mi zdaj veliko več pomeni.
En: "This city means much more to me now."

Sl: "Ko sta se vrnila na izhodišče, sta si izmenjala nasmehe.
En: As they returned to the starting point, they exchanged smiles.

Sl: Tomaž je imel v srcu novo zgodbo, spomin na Ljubljano pa nepozaben.
En: Tomaž carried with him a new story and an unforgettable memory of Ljubljana.

Sl: Manca je našla nov pomen v svojem delu, spomnila se je moči pripovedovanja zgodb.
En: Manca found renewed purpose in her work, reminded of the power of storytelling.

Sl: In tako se je končal dan ob Ljubljanici.
En: And so the day by the Ljubljanica came to an end.

Sl: Tomaž je odšel bogatejši z izkušnjo in novo prijateljico.
En: Tomaž left enriched by the experience and with a new friend.

Sl: Manca pa je čutila, da je ljubezen do svojega mesta močnejša.
En: Manca felt that her love for her city was stronger.

Sl: Ljubljanica je še naprej tiho vijugala skozi mesto, nosila zgodbe tistih, ki so se sprehodili ob njej.
En: The Ljubljanica continued to quietly meander through the city, carrying the stories of those who walked beside it.