In this episode, we'll journey through a nostalgic summer evening in Belgrade, where three friends treasure their timeless bond amidst the enchanting backdrop of the Kalemegdan fortress.
Sr: Sunce je polako zalazilo iznad Beograda.
En: The sun was slowly setting over Belgrade.
Sr: Nebo je bilo obojeno nijansama narandžaste i ružičaste.
En: The sky was painted with shades of orange and pink.
Sr: Vetar je nežno duvao kroz grane starog drveća u tvrđavi Kalemegdan.
En: The wind gently blew through the branches of the old trees in the Kalemegdan fortress.
Sr: Miloš, Ana i Dragana su došli na piknik.
En: Miloš, Ana, and Dragana had come for a picnic.
Sr: „Vreme je divno,“ rekla je Ana, dok je širila ćebe na travu.
En: “The weather is wonderful,” said Ana, while spreading a blanket on the grass.
Sr: Dragana je izvadila košaru sa hranom.
En: Dragana took out the basket with food.
Sr: Imali su sendviče, kolače i sok od narandže.
En: They had sandwiches, cakes, and orange juice.
Sr: Smeštajući se na ćebe, Miloš je primetio divan pogled.
En: Settling on the blanket, Miloš noticed the beautiful view.
Sr: „Pogledajte! Ovde se Sava uliva u Dunav,“ rekao je sa osmehom.
En: “Look! The Sava flows into the Danube here,” he said with a smile.
Sr: „Prelepo je,“ uzdahnula je Dragana.
En: “It’s beautiful,” sighed Dragana.
Sr: Dok su jeli, pričali su o različitim stvarima.
En: While they ate, they talked about various things.
Sr: „Sećaš li se one igre kad smo bili mali?“ pitao je Miloš Anu.
En: “Do you remember that game we used to play when we were kids?” Miloš asked Ana.
Sr: Ana se nasmejala i klimnula glavom.
En: Ana laughed and nodded her head.
Sr: „Nikada neću zaboraviti te dane,“ rekla je sa setnom notom u glasu.
En: “I’ll never forget those days,” she said with a nostalgic tone in her voice.
Sr: Sunce je već bilo skoro na horizontu kada su čuli glasnu muziku iz daljine.
En: The sun was almost on the horizon when they heard loud music in the distance.
Sr: „Šta je to?“ upitao je Miloš.
En: “What’s that?” Miloš asked.
Sr: Dragana se nasmejala.
En: Dragana laughed.
Sr: „Mislim da je venčanje na obali reke,“ rekla je.
En: “I think it’s a wedding by the river,” she said.
Sr: Smeštanje na Kalemegdanu je bilo magično.
En: Being at Kalemegdan was magical.
Sr: Dok su ih svetla grada polako obavijala, Miloš je osetio unutrašnji mir.
En: As the city lights slowly surrounded them, Miloš felt an inner peace.
Sr: „Ovo je kao san,“ rekao je, gledajući u pravcu gde se reka sreće s nebom.
En: “This is like a dream,” he said, looking where the river meets the sky.
Sr: „Slažem se,“ rekla je Ana, mereći svaki trenutak sa svojim prijateljima.
En: “I agree,” said Ana, cherishing each moment with her friends.
Sr: Tog trenutka, svi su osetili zajedništvo i sreću.
En: At that moment, they all felt unity and happiness.
Sr: Bez mnogo reči, znali su da je ovo večer jedno od onih koje će zauvek pamtiti.
En: Without many words, they knew that this evening was one of those they would remember forever.
Sr: Različite staze u životu ih možda razdvajaju, ali njihovo prijateljstvo nikada neće prestati.
En: Different paths in life might separate them, but their friendship would never end.
Sr: Večeras, bez obzira na budućnost, uživali su u sadašnjosti.
En: Tonight, regardless of the future, they enjoyed the present.
Sr: Piknik je bio jednostavan, ali pun ljubavi i topline.
En: The picnic was simple but full of love and warmth.
Sr: „Moramo ovo ponoviti,“ rekao je Miloš, dok su pakovali stvari.
En: “We have to do this again,” said Miloš as they were packing their things.
Sr: „Svakako,“ odgovori Dragana.
En: “Definitely,” replied Dragana.
Sr: „Ali sledeći put ja donosim kolače!“
En: “But next time, I’m bringing the cakes!”
Sr: Svi su se nasmejali, uživajući u poslednjim trenucima večeri.
En: They all laughed, enjoying the last moments of the evening.
Sr: Kako su krenuli niz tvrđavu, zvuk reke i smeh su ih pratili.
En: As they walked down the fortress, the sound of the river and laughter followed them.
Sr: Bila je to savršena letnja večer.
En: It was a perfect summer evening.
Sr: I tako su, sa svetlom Beograda iza sebe, otišli kućama, ali srce su im ostala na tom čarobnom mestu.
En: And so, with the lights of Belgrade behind them, they went home, but their hearts remained in that magical place.