Unforgettable Barcelona Adventures!

In this episode, we'll follow the adventures of Barcelona locals as they overcome unexpected obstacles to enjoy the city's vibrant culture and cuisine.

Ca: Enric va anar al Mercat de la Boqueria a comprar pits de pollastre per al sopar.
En: Enric went to the Mercat de la Boqueria to buy chicken breasts for dinner.

Ca: Però va accidentalment demanar un quilo de peus de pollastre en comptes!
En: But he accidentally ordered a kilo of chicken feet instead!

Ca: Enric es va sentir atordit, no sabia què fer amb tants peus de pollastre.
En: Enric felt stunned, he didn't know what to do with so many chicken feet.

Ca: Després de caminar pel mercat, va tenir una idea!
En: After walking around the market, he had an idea!

Ca: Va recordar la recepta de sopa de peus de pollastre que la seva àvia solia fer.
En: He remembered the chicken foot soup recipe his grandmother used to make.

Ca: Va comprar els altres ingredients necessaris i va començar a cocinar.
En: He bought the other necessary ingredients and started cooking.

Ca: La sopa de peus de pollastre era deliciosa, una de les millors que hauria tastat mai.
En: The chicken foot soup was delicious, one of the best I've ever tasted.

Ca: En el Park Güell, Marta va intentar fer-se una selfie mentre feia ioga.
En: In Park Güell, Marta tried to take a selfie while doing yoga.

Ca: Va triar una font com a fons per a la seva foto, però va perdre l'equilibri i va caure a l'aigua davant d'un grup de turistes.
En: He chose a fountain as the background for his photo, but lost his balance and fell into the water in front of a group of tourists.

Ca: Va ser molt vergonyós, però els turistes van riu i li van oferir ajuda.
En: It was very embarrassing, but the tourists laughed and offered to help him.

Ca: Va acabar fent amics amb ells i van passar el dia junts explorant Barcelona.
En: He ended up befriending them and they spent the day together exploring Barcelona.

Ca: Mentre caminava per la Rambla, Jordi va veure un artista de carrer que dibuixava el seu equip de futbol preferit en la seva pancarta.
En: While walking down the Rambla, Jordi saw a street artist drawing his favorite football team on his banner.

Ca: Jordi no estava d'acord amb ell i van començar un acalorat debat.
En: Jordi did not agree with him and they started a heated debate.

Ca: Van discutir durant una estona, però al final Jordi va admetre que en realitat no sabia tant sobre futbol com l'artista de carrer.
En: They argued for a while, but in the end Jordi admitted that he actually didn't know as much about football as the street artist.

Ca: Laia va portar els seus amics al Castell de Montjuïc per un passeig nocturn fosc.
En: Laia took her friends to Montjuïc Castle for a dark night walk.

Ca: Va explicar una història de fantasmes fantasmagòrics que havia sentit de la seva àvia.
En: He told a spooky ghost story he had heard from his grandmother.

Ca: Tots estaven esgarrifats i van riure molt quan Laia va admetre que la història era inventada.
En: They were all horrified and laughed a lot when Laia admitted that the story was made up.

Ca: A la platja de la Barceloneta, Oriol va intentar impressionar la seva cita amb les seves habilitats amb el paddleboard.
En: On Barceloneta beach, Oriol tried to impress his date with his paddleboarding skills.

Ca: Però va acabar caient a l'aigua i perdre les ulleres.
En: But he ended up falling into the water and losing his glasses.

Ca: Va ser embarassós, però la seva cita va riure i van acabar passant una bona estona niant, prenent el sol i menjant gelat.
En: He was pregnant, but his date laughed it off and they ended up having a great time nesting, sunbathing and eating ice cream.

Ca: Totes aquestes persones de Barcelona van tenir aventures úniques i van superar els seus obstacles per gaudir de la vida de la ciutat.
En: All these people from Barcelona had unique adventures and overcame their obstacles to enjoy city life.