Unexpected Guide: Kristjan’s Impromptu Tour in Old Town Tallinn

In this episode, we'll follow Kristjan as he transforms from a casual walker to an impromptu tour guide, immersing a group of tourists in the rich history and beauty of Old Town Tallinn.

Et: Kristjan jalutas ühel päikeselisel hommikul Tallinna Vanalinnas.
En: Kristjan was walking in Old Town Tallinn on a sunny morning.

Et: Kivid olid märjad eilse vihma tõttu ja õhk oli värske.
En: The stones were wet from yesterday's rain, and the air was fresh.

Et: Järsku leidis Kristjan end suures turistide grupis Raekoja platsil.
En: Suddenly, Kristjan found himself in a large group of tourists at Town Hall Square.

Et: Giid rääkis värvikalt vanalinna ajaloost.
En: The guide was vividly describing the history of Old Town.

Et: Kristjan jäi kuulama.
En: Kristjan stopped to listen.

Et: "Keskajal oli Tallinna Raekoja plats väga tähtis koht," ütles giid.
En: "In the Middle Ages, Town Hall Square was a very important place," said the guide.

Et: Ent peagi pidi giid ootamatult lahkuma.
En: But soon, the guide had to leave unexpectedly.

Et: Turistid vaatasid ringi, segaduses.
En: The tourists looked around, confused.

Et: Keegi hüüdis: "Kus on giid?"
En: Someone shouted, "Where is the guide?"

Et: Kristjan püüdis lahkuda, kuid äkitselt pöördus üks turist tema poole: "Kas teie olete meie uus giid?"
En: Kristjan tried to leave, but suddenly a tourist turned to him: "Are you our new guide?"

Et: Enne kui Kristjan jõudis vastata, tundsid kõik temast huvi.
En: Before Kristjan could respond, everyone was interested in him.

Et: Ta otsustas proovida.
En: He decided to give it a try.

Et: "Jah, muidugi! Ma jätkan ekskursiooni," ütles Kristjan.
En: "Yes, of course! I will continue the tour," said Kristjan.

Et: Kristjan hakkas improviseerima.
En: Kristjan began to improvise.

Et: Ta rääkis Raekoja hoone kellast, mis oli pärit 15. sajandist.
En: He talked about the Town Hall's clock, which dated back to the 15th century.

Et: "See kell on väga vana ja väärikas," seletas ta.
En: "This clock is very old and dignified," he explained.

Et: Turistid noogutasid ja pildistasid hoonet usinasti.
En: The tourists nodded and eagerly took pictures of the building.

Et: Nad jõudsid Katariina käiguni.
En: They reached St. Catherine’s Passage.

Et: "Siin elasid ammustel aegadel käsitöölised," jätkas Kristjan.
En: "In ancient times, craftsmen lived here," Kristjan continued.

Et: "Nad tegid käsitsi uhkeid esemeid."
En: "They made exquisite items by hand."

Et: Turistidele see meeldis.
En: The tourists liked this.

Et: Järgmisena suundusid nad Toompeale.
En: Next, they headed to Toompea.

Et: Kristjan nägi Aleksander Nevski katedraali.
En: Kristjan saw the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Et: "See kirik rajati 19. sajandil," rääkis Kristjan.
En: "This church was built in the 19th century," said Kristjan.

Et: "See on ilusa arhitektuuriga."
En: "It has beautiful architecture."

Et: Üks turist küsis: "Miks on Eestis nii palju vanu hooneid?"
En: One tourist asked, "Why are there so many old buildings in Estonia?"

Et: Kristjan vastas: "Me hoiame oma ajalugu. Me armastame oma kultuuri ja traditsioone."
En: Kristjan replied, "We cherish our history. We love our culture and traditions."

Et: Lõpuks jõudsid nad Pikk Hermann nimelise tornini.
En: Finally, they arrived at the tower called Pikk Hermann.

Et: "See torn on Tallinna sümbol," ütles Kristjan.
En: "This tower is a symbol of Tallinn," said Kristjan.

Et: Turistidele meeldis loo lõpp.
En: The tourists enjoyed the ending to the story.

Et: Ekskursioon lõppes ja turistid tänasid Kristjanit.
En: The tour concluded and the tourists thanked Kristjan.

Et: "Sa oled suurepärane giid!" ütles üks neist.
En: "You are a great guide!" said one of them.

Et: Kristjan naeratas.
En: Kristjan smiled.

Et: Ta tundis end uhkena.
En: He felt proud.

Et: Ta polnud kunagi varem giid olnud, kuid nüüd oli tal uus seiklus, mida meenutada.
En: He had never been a guide before, but now he had a new adventure to remember.

Et: Kristjan jalutas kodu poole.
En: Kristjan walked home.

Et: Ta teadis, et järgmisel korral, kui keegi vajab giidi, ei karda ta samme ette võtta.
En: He knew that next time someone needed a guide, he wouldn’t hesitate to step up.

Et: Tallinna Vanalinna ilu ja ajalugu olid muutunud tema südameasjaks.
En: The beauty and history of Old Town Tallinn had become a passion for him.