Unearthing Secrets: Picnic Adventure on Table Mountain

In this episode, we'll join Annelise and Johan as they turn a simple picnic on Table Mountain into a thrilling adventure, unveiling ancient secrets hidden in a mysterious cave.

Af: Op 'n helder somersdag, met die son wat hoog aan die hemel skyn, besluit Annelise en Johan om 'n piekniek op Tafelberg te hou.
En: On a bright summer day, with the sun shining high in the sky, Annelise and Johan decide to have a picnic on Table Mountain.

Af: Hulle maak hulle mandjie vol met kos: vars broodjies, kaas, vrugte en koeldrank.
En: They fill their basket with food: fresh sandwiches, cheese, fruit, and cool drinks.

Af: Hulle klim op tot by die boonste punt van die berg.
En: They climb to the top of the mountain.

Af: Die uitsig is asemrowend!
En: The view is breathtaking!

Af: Die blou see strek wyd voor hulle uit en die stad lyk klein onder hulle.
En: The blue sea stretches wide before them, and the city looks small below.

Af: Die lug is skoon en hulle kan die sout van die see ruik.
En: The air is clean and they can smell the salt of the sea.

Af: Annelise lê die kombers uit onder 'n groot boom.
En: Annelise lays the blanket under a big tree.

Af: Johan begin die kos uitpak toe hulle 'n vreemde geluid hoor.
En: Johan starts unpacking the food when they hear a strange sound.

Af: "Wat was dit?
En: "What was that?"

Af: " vra Annelise.
En: asks Annelise.

Af: "Ek weet nie," sê Johan.
En: "I don't know," says Johan.

Af: "Kom ons gaan kyk.
En: "Let's go see."

Af: "Hulle volg die geluid en ontdek 'n klein, geheime grot in die kant van die berg.
En: They follow the sound and discover a small, hidden cave in the side of the mountain.

Af: In die grot sien hulle ou tekeninge op die mure.
En: Inside the cave, they see old drawings on the walls.

Af: "Dit lyk soos tekeninge van die Khoisan!
En: "It looks like Khoisan drawings!"

Af: " sê Annelise opgewonde.
En: says Annelise excitedly.

Af: Johan neem foto's met sy kamera.
En: Johan takes photos with his camera.

Af: Hulle kyk verder en vind 'n klein skatkis.
En: They explore further and find a small treasure chest.

Af: Binne is daar glinsterende juwele en bykomstighede wat lyk asof dit baie oud is.
En: Inside are glittering jewels and accessories that look very old.

Af: Hulle is in verwondering oor hulle ontdekking.
En: They are in awe of their discovery.

Af: Skielik hoor hulle weer 'n geluid.
En: Suddenly they hear the sound again.

Af: Dit is 'n groep toeriste wat naderkom.
En: It's a group of tourists approaching.

Af: Annelise en Johan besluit om die grot se geheim te bewaar.
En: Annelise and Johan decide to keep the cave’s secret.

Af: Hulle bedek die ingang met takke en blare.
En: They cover the entrance with branches and leaves.

Af: "Kom ons gaan terug na ons piekniek," sê Johan.
En: "Let's go back to our picnic," says Johan.

Af: Hulle sit en eet en gesels, maar hulle gedagtes is steeds by die geheime grot.
En: They sit and eat and chat, but their thoughts remain with the secret cave.

Af: Hulle voel soos ontdekkingsreisigers wat 'n groot geheim ontdek het.
En: They feel like explorers who have discovered a great secret.

Af: Teen laatmiddag besluit hulle dit is tyd om huis toe te gaan.
En: In the late afternoon, they decide it's time to go home.

Af: Hulle pak hul mandjie en kombers in en loop stadig terug.
En: They pack their basket and blanket and walk back slowly.

Af: Die avontuur van die dag het hulle vermoeiend gemaak, maar hulle is tevrede en gelukkig.
En: The adventure of the day has made them tired, but they are content and happy.

Af: "Ons sal terugkom en meer verken," sê Annelise.
En: "We'll come back and explore more," says Annelise.

Af: "Maar vir nou is dit ons geheim.
En: "But for now, it’s our secret."

Af: "Hulle klim in die kar en ry terug huis toe.
En: They get in the car and drive back home.

Af: Albei glimlag wete dat hulle iets besonders beleef het.
En: Both smile knowing they have experienced something special.

Af: Die dag was onverwagte avontuur vol geheime en ontdekkings, en hulle sal dit altyd onthou.
En: The day was an unexpected adventure full of secrets and discoveries, and they will always remember it.