In this episode, we'll follow Miloš as he uncovers the hidden tunnels of Kalemegdan and stumbles upon Belgrade's legendary treasure, revealing secrets and histories long forgotten.
Sr: Kalemegdan se budio pod prvim zracima sunca.
En: Kalemegdan awoke under the first rays of the sun.
Sr: Miloš je stajao na vrhu brda, gledao je reku Savu i razmišljao o starim legendama Beograda.
En: Miloš stood atop the hill, gazing at the Sava River and pondering the old legends of Belgrade.
Sr: Neki su govorili o zaboravljenim ulicama, drugi o skrivenim sobama.
En: Some spoke of forgotten streets, others of hidden rooms.
Sr: Ali niko nije pričao o tunelima ispod tvrđave.
En: But no one spoke of the tunnels beneath the fortress.
Sr: Jednog dana, Miloš je odlučio da istraži tajne Kalemegdana.
En: One day, Miloš decided to explore the secrets of Kalemegdan.
Sr: Dok je šetao starim zidovima, primetio je mali otvor ispod kamena.
En: As he walked along the old walls, he noticed a small opening beneath a stone.
Sr: Srce mu je lupalo.
En: His heart pounded.
Sr: Šta je ovo?
En: What is this?
Sr: Znao je da mora istražiti.
En: He knew he had to investigate.
Sr: Polako je zamaknuvši u mračni tunel, s baterijom u ruci, osećao je hladnoću starih zidova.
En: Slowly stepping into the dark tunnel with a flashlight in hand, he felt the chill of the ancient walls.
Sr: Tunel je bio dugačak i vijugav.
En: The tunnel was long and winding.
Sr: Čuo je eho svojih koraka.
En: He heard the echo of his footsteps.
Sr: Nakon nekog vremena, stigao je do velike metalne vrata.
En: After some time, he arrived at a large metal door.
Sr: Vratio je suzdržani dah i povukao kvaku.
En: He held his breath and pulled the handle.
Sr: Vrata su se uz škripu otvorila.
En: The door creaked open.
Sr: Unutra, blještavilo zlata i dragulja osvetlilo je prostoriju.
En: Inside, the gleam of gold and jewels illuminated the room.
Sr: Miloš nije mogao verovati svojim očima.
En: Miloš couldn't believe his eyes.
Sr: Blago iz legendi!
En: The treasure of legends!
Sr: Svi oni stari miti su bili istiniti.
En: All those old myths were true.
Sr: Međutim, Miloš je znao da nije samo zlato dragoceno.
En: However, Miloš knew that it wasn’t just the gold that was precious.
Sr: Unutar jedne kutije, pronašao je stare knjige, mape i dnevnik.
En: Inside one box, he found old books, maps, and a diary.
Sr: Iz ovih papira učio je o životima ljudi koji su vekovima čuvali tajne Beograda.
En: From these papers, he learned about the lives of people who had guarded Belgrade's secrets for centuries.
Sr: Uz nova saznanja i blago, Miloš je polako izašao iz tunela.
En: With new knowledge and treasure in hand, Miloš slowly emerged from the tunnel.
Sr: Svestan velikog otkrića, znao je da mora podeliti ovu priču sa svetom, ali i sačuvati deo tajne za buduće generacije.
En: Aware of his great discovery, he knew he had to share this story with the world while preserving part of the secret for future generations.
Sr: Kalemegdan više nije bio samo tvrđava.
En: Kalemegdan was no longer just a fortress.
Sr: Sada je bio dom priča koje čekaju da ih neko ispriča.
En: It was now a home to stories waiting to be told.
Sr: A Miloš je postao čuvar tih priča.
En: And Miloš had become the guardian of those stories.