Uncovering Secrets: The Hidden Treasures of Prince Mihailo Street

In this episode, we'll follow a trio's spontaneous journey into Belgrade's hidden past, sparked by a mysterious envelope that leads them to an underground treasure chest filled with the city's forgotten history.

Sr: Knez Mihailova ulica u Beogradu je uvek bila puna života, ali ovog leta bila je posebno živa zbog festival.
En: Prince Mihailo Street in Belgrade was always teeming with life, but this summer it was especially lively due to the festival.

Sr: Na svakom koraku su se čule pesme, bubnjevi i smeh.
En: At every step, one could hear songs, drums, and laughter.

Sr: Stefan, Ana i Miloš su šetali i gledali šarene štandove i ulične izvođače.
En: Stefan, Ana, and Miloš were walking around, admiring the colorful stalls and street performers.

Sr: Ana se zaustavila da pogleda jednu umetničku sliku.
En: Ana stopped to look at an artistic painting.

Sr: Tada se to desilo.
En: Then it happened.

Sr: Ispred njenih nogu se stvorila misteriozna koverta.
En: A mysterious envelope appeared at her feet.

Sr: Podigla ju je i čula kako je Stefan pita: "Šta je to, Ana?"
En: She picked it up, and Stefan asked, "What is that, Ana?"

Sr: "Ne znam," rekla je Ana, "Ali moramo da je otvorimo."
En: "I don't know," Ana replied. "But we have to open it."

Sr: "Krenimo!" Miloš je bio nestrpljiv.
En: "Let's go!" Miloš was impatient.

Sr: Ana je otvorila koverat.
En: Ana opened the envelope.

Sr: Unutra je bila mapa.
En: Inside was a map.

Sr: "Pogledajte," rekla je, "ovo izgleda kao mapa starog Beograda."
En: "Look," she said, "this looks like a map of old Belgrade."

Sr: "Tu su Knez Mihailova, Kalemegdan i Narodni muzej," reče Stefan.
En: "There's Prince Mihailo Street, Kalemegdan, and the National Museum," Stefan noted.

Sr: "Šta piše ovde?" pita Miloš i pokaže na dnu mape.
En: "What does it say here?" Miloš asked, pointing to the bottom of the map.

Sr: Ana je čitala na glas: "Pronađite ključ koji otvara tajna vrata. Prva stanica je Kalemegdan."
En: Ana read out loud: "Find the key that opens the secret door. The first stop is Kalemegdan."

Sr: Svi su se uzbuđeno pogledali i krenuli ka Kalemegdanu.
En: They all excitedly looked at each other and headed to Kalemegdan.

Sr: Kroz ulice, među turistima, brzo su stigli do parka kod tvrđave.
En: Through the streets, among the tourists, they quickly arrived at the park by the fortress.

Sr: "Šta sada?" drhtao je Miloš od uzbuđenja.
En: "What now?" Miloš trembled with excitement.

Sr: "Pogledajmo mapu ponovo," rekao je Stefan.
En: "Let's look at the map again," Stefan said.

Sr: Ana je pažljivo pregledala mapu.
En: Ana carefully examined the map.

Sr: "Ovde," pokazala je mesto nedaleko od fontane, "čini se da je znak za nešto ispod zemlje."
En: "Here," she pointed to a spot near the fountain, "it looks like a sign for something underground."

Sr: Došli su do fontane i pogledali oko sebe.
En: They reached the fountain and looked around.

Sr: Videli su staru bronzanu ploču na zemlji, malo zaprljanu blatom.
En: They saw an old bronze plaque on the ground, slightly covered with dirt.

Sr: Stefan je sklonio blato i otkrio malu ključanicu.
En: Stefan brushed away the dirt and revealed a small keyhole.

Sr: "Jel' imate ključ?" pitao je Miloš nervozno.
En: "Do you have the key?" Miloš asked nervously.

Sr: Ana je posegla u džep i izvukla ključić iz koverte.
En: Ana reached into her pocket and pulled out a small key from the envelope.

Sr: Otvorila je bravicu i ploča se pomerila, otkrivajući stepenice koje vode dole.
En: She unlocked the lock, and the plaque moved, revealing stairs leading down.

Sr: "Svetiljke?" Stefan je izvukao baterijsku lampu iz torbe.
En: "Flashlights?" Stefan pulled a flashlight from his bag.

Sr: Polako su se spustili niz stepenice u mračan prolaz.
En: Slowly, they descended the stairs into a dark passage.

Sr: Zidovi su bili ukrašeni starim crtežima i tekstovima.
En: The walls were decorated with old drawings and texts.

Sr: Na kraju tunela našli su stara drvena vrata s velikim katancem.
En: At the end of the tunnel, they found an old wooden door with a large padlock.

Sr: Miloš je primetio još jedan ključ na zidu.
En: Miloš noticed another key on the wall.

Sr: "Pogledajte ovo!" rekao je i uzeo ključ.
En: "Look at this!" he said, taking the key.

Sr: Otvorili su vrata i ušli u malu sobu punu starih knjiga i kovčega.
En: They opened the door and entered a small room full of old books and chests.

Sr: U centru je bio sto, a na njemu još jedan papir.
En: In the center was a table with another piece of paper.

Sr: "Čitaj," rekao je Stefan Anu.
En: "Read it," Stefan told Ana.

Sr: Pisalo je: "Čestitam, došli ste do kraja puta. Ova tajna soba je dar onima koji su dovoljno hrabri da je pronađu. Neka vam budućnost bude osvetljena."
En: It read: "Congratulations, you have reached the end of the journey. This secret room is a gift to those brave enough to find it. May your future be bright."

Sr: "Ima još nešto," dodao je Miloš, "pogledajte ovaj kovčeg."
En: "There's more," Miloš added, "look at this chest."

Sr: Otvorili su kovčeg i unutra su našli stare zlatarne, dokumente i slike Beograda iz prošlosti.
En: They opened the chest and found old jewelry, documents, and pictures of Belgrade from the past.

Sr: "Ovo je neverovatno," rekla je Ana sa osmehom.
En: "This is incredible," Ana said with a smile.

Sr: "Savetujem da ovo odnesemo muzeju," rekao je Stefan.
En: "I suggest we take this to the museum," Stefan said.

Sr: "Podelimo istoriju sa svima."
En: "Let's share this history with everyone."

Sr: I tako je njihova avantura na festivalu u Knezu Mihailovoj dobila srećan kraj.
En: And so, their adventure at the festival on Prince Mihailo Street had a happy ending.

Sr: Postali su heroji dana, podelili su skriveno blago sa svetom, i povratili deo istorije svog voljenog grada.
En: They became the heroes of the day, sharing the hidden treasure with the world, and restored a part of their beloved city's history.