Uncovering Kalemegdan: Hidden History in a Stormy Adventure

In this episode, we'll uncover a hidden tunnel in Kalemegdan Fortress, revealing remnants of the past and sparking an unforgettable adventure amidst a sudden storm.

Sr: Nevreme je počelo iznenada.
En: The storm started suddenly.

Sr: Vetar je duvao, kiša je padala.
En: The wind was blowing, the rain was falling.

Sr: Miloš, Jelena i Stefan su trčali kroz Kalemegdan.
En: Miloš, Jelena, and Stefan were running through Kalemegdan.

Sr: Tražili su sklonište.
En: They were looking for shelter.

Sr: "Sklonićemo se ovde," rekao je Miloš.
En: "We'll take shelter here," said Miloš.

Sr: Pokazao je na stari zid.
En: He pointed at an old wall.

Sr: Jelena i Stefan su klimnuli glavama.
En: Jelena and Stefan nodded.

Sr: Prišli su zidu.
En: They approached the wall.

Sr: Objasnili su se i videli kamen.
En: They pressed against it and saw a stone.

Sr: Kamen je izgledao čudno.
En: The stone looked strange.

Sr: "Šta je ovo?
En: "What is this?"

Sr: " upitala je Jelena.
En: asked Jelena.

Sr: Stefan je pokušao da pomeri kamen.
En: Stefan tried to move the stone.

Sr: Kamen je skliznuo.
En: The stone slid aside.

Sr: Iza kamena je bio tunel.
En: Behind the stone, there was a tunnel.

Sr: "Wow!
En: "Wow!"

Sr: " uzviknuo je Miloš.
En: exclaimed Miloš.

Sr: "Moramo da istražimo ovo.
En: "We have to explore this."

Sr: "Jelena je imala lampu.
En: Jelena had a flashlight.

Sr: Upalila je lampu.
En: She turned it on.

Sr: Tunel je bio mračan i vlažan.
En: The tunnel was dark and damp.

Sr: Krenuli su polako.
En: They proceeded slowly.

Sr: Koraci su odjekivali.
En: Their footsteps echoed.

Sr: "Tunel je veliki," rekao je Stefan.
En: "The tunnel is big," said Stefan.

Sr: "Kuda vodi?
En: "Where does it lead?"

Sr: ""Možda do skrivenog dela tvrđave," odgovorila je Jelena.
En: "Maybe to a hidden part of the fortress," replied Jelena.

Sr: Tunel je postajao uži.
En: The tunnel was becoming narrower.

Sr: Morali su da se saginju.
En: They had to crouch.

Sr: Čuli su kapljice vode.
En: They heard droplets of water.

Sr: Svetlost je bila iz daleka.
En: The light was far off.

Sr: "Blizu smo nečega," rekao je Miloš.
En: "We're close to something," said Miloš.

Sr: Osećali su uzbuđenje.
En: They felt excited.

Sr: Nastavili su dalje.
En: They continued further.

Sr: Videli su mali prolaz.
En: They saw a small passage.

Sr: Stefan je prošao prvi.
En: Stefan went through first.

Sr: Onda Jelena.
En: Then Jelena.

Sr: Na kraju Miloš.
En: Lastly Miloš.

Sr: Našli su se u velikoj prostoriji.
En: They found themselves in a large room.

Sr: Prostorija je bila ispunjena starim predmetima.
En: The room was filled with old items.

Sr: "Ovo je neverovatno!
En: "This is incredible!"

Sr: " uzviknula je Jelena.
En: exclaimed Jelena.

Sr: "Pronašli smo skriveni deo tvrđave!
En: "We've found a hidden part of the fortress!"

Sr: " rekao je Miloš.
En: said Miloš.

Sr: "Bili smo hrabri," dodao je Stefan.
En: "We were brave," added Stefan.

Sr: Pregledali su sve predmete.
En: They examined all the items.

Sr: Našli su stare knjige, alatke i oružje.
En: They found old books, tools, and weapons.

Sr: "Ima toliko istorije ovde," rekla je Jelena.
En: "There is so much history here," said Jelena.

Sr: Vetar je prestao.
En: The wind stopped.

Sr: Kiša je stala.
En: The rain ceased.

Sr: Vratili su se kroz tunel.
En: They returned through the tunnel.

Sr: Našli su svoje prvobitno mesto.
En: They found their original spot.

Sr: Osmehnuli su se.
En: They smiled.

Sr: "Sada znamo tajnu Kalemegdana," zaključio je Miloš.
En: "Now we know Kalemegdan's secret," concluded Miloš.

Sr: Otišli su uzbuđeni i srećni.
En: They left excited and happy.

Sr: Znali su da su doživeli avanturu.
En: They knew they had experienced an adventure.

Sr: Bili su ponosni na svoju hrabrost.
En: They were proud of their bravery.

Sr: Kraj.
En: The end.