In this episode, we'll follow Milan and Jelena as they transform from students to historians, unearthing the secrets of Kalemegdan Fortress and discovering the true meaning of friendship.
Sr: Na kraju lekcija, uz zvuk školskog zvona, učiteljica je rekla: „Deco, sledeća nedelja ćete imati poseban zadatak. Verujem u vas.“
En: At the end of the lesson, with the sound of the school bell, the teacher said, "Kids, next week you will have a special assignment. I believe in you."
Sr: Milan i Jelena pogledali su jedno drugo. Priprema za istorijski projekat! Njihov zadatak bio je istražiti Kalemegdan.
En: Milan and Jelena looked at each other. Preparation for the history project! Their task was to research Kalemegdan.
Sr: Sunce je sijalo sledećeg dana dok su Milan i Jelena šetali ka Kalemegdanu. Tvrđava se uzdizala nad Beogradom. Bila je stara i tajanstvena.
En: The sun was shining the next day as Milan and Jelena walked towards Kalemegdan. The fortress rose above Belgrade, old and mysterious.
Sr: „Počnimo od glavne kapije,“ predložila je Jelena. Uzela je notes i penkalo. Milan je imao kameru.
En: "Let's start from the main gate," Jelena suggested. She took out a notebook and pen. Milan had a camera.
Sr: Hodali su stazom ka Donjem gradu. Jelena je beležila svaki detalj: stare zidine, topove, fontane. Milan je slikao sve te prizore.
En: They walked the path to the Lower Town. Jelena noted every detail: old walls, cannons, fountains. Milan photographed all those scenes.
Sr: „Znaš li da je Kalemegdan bio središte borbi?“ rekao je Milan.
En: "Do you know that Kalemegdan was a center of battles?" Milan said.
Sr: „Da! Zato se zove ‘Bojno polje’ na turskom,“ odgovorila je Jelena.
En: "Yes! That's why it's called ‘Battlefield’ in Turkish," Jelena replied.
Sr: Nastavili su ka Rimskoj bunji. Bilo je mračno i hladno. Zvuci su se čuli kao eho. Jelena se pribila uz Milana.
En: They continued towards the Roman well. It was dark and cold. Sounds echoed. Jelena clung to Milan.
Sr: „Ne brini, ovo je zanimljiv deo istorije,“ Milan ju je ohrabrio.
En: "Don't worry, this is an interesting part of history," Milan reassured her.
Sr: Zatim su stigli do Beogradske tvrđave. Videli su Savu i Dunav kako se spajaju. Sunce je polako zalazilo.
En: Then they reached the Belgrade Fortress. They saw the Sava and Danube rivers merging. The sun was slowly setting.
Sr: „Kakav predivan pogled!“ rekla je Jelena. “Ovde želim da završimo naš projekat.“
En: "What a beautiful view!" Jelena said. “I want us to finish our project here.”
Sr: Vratili su se u školsku klupu. Jelena je počela pisati izveštaj. Milan je pravio prezentaciju sa fotografijama. Radili su vredno svaki dan.
En: They returned to their school desks. Jelena began writing the report. Milan was creating a presentation with the photos. They worked hard every day.
Sr: Nedeljom su predali projekat. Učiteljica je bila oduševljena.
En: On Sunday, they submitted the project. The teacher was thrilled.
Sr: „Sijalice, poslušajte! Jelena i Milan su uradili fantastičan posao!“ rekla je učiteljica.
En: "Class, listen! Jelena and Milan did a fantastic job!" said the teacher.
Sr: Svi su pljeskali. Milan i Jelena su se osmehnuli. Kalemegdan je sada bio i njihov prijatelj.
En: Everyone clapped. Milan and Jelena smiled. Kalemegdan was now their friend too.
Sr: Njihov trud se isplatio. Zadovoljeni su se vratili u škole svakodnevnicu. Projekat je bio uspešno završen.
En: Their effort paid off. Satisfied, they returned to the routine of school life. The project was successfully completed.
Sr: Iako su krenuli kao samo učenici, završili su kao istinski istraživači. Tvrđava je oživela kroz njihove reči i slike.
En: Although they started just as students, they ended up as true researchers. The fortress came to life through their words and pictures.
Sr: Tog dana naučili su i nešto drugo. Drug prijatelj je kao dragoceni kamen u istoriji života.
En: That day, they also learned something else. A friend is like a precious stone in the history of life.
Sr: I upravo zato, Kalemegdan više nije bio samo stara tvrđava. Bio je simbol prijateljstva i zajedničkog rada.
En: And that is why Kalemegdan was no longer just an old fortress. It became a symbol of friendship and teamwork.