Uncharted Paths: Summer Road Trip Adventures in Snowdonia

In this episode, we'll discover how a spontaneous road trip to Snowdonia transforms three friends, pushing them to balance between careful planning and the thrill of the unknown.

Cy: Ar fore braf o haf yng Nghaerdydd, roedd Rhys, Eleri a Carys yn edrych ymlaen at antur newydd.
En: On a fine summer day in Cardiff, Rhys, Eleri, and Carys were looking forward to a new adventure.

Cy: "Hefyd, pam nawn ni fynd i Eryri?
En: "Hey, why don't we go to Snowdonia?!"

Cy: " meddai Rhys gyda llygaid disglair gan gyffro.
En: said Rhys with eyes gleaming with excitement.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn awyddus i fynd ar daith ffordd heb gynllun, tra bod Eleri yn poeni am ddiogelwch a manylion.
En: Rhys was eager to take an unplanned road trip, while Eleri worried about safety and details.

Cy: "Rwy'n meddwl y dylem ni gynllunio'n drylwyr," meddai Eleri yn dynn, "Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn barod am bopeth.
En: "I think we should plan carefully," said Eleri firmly, "We need to be prepared for everything."

Cy: "Carys, gyda gwên gynnil, ceisiodd dawelu'r tensiwn.
En: Carys, with a subtle smile, tried to ease the tension.

Cy: Roedd hi eisiau gweld golygfeydd anghyffredin hefyd, ond fel arfer, roedd hi'n cadw hynny iddi hi'i hun.
En: She wanted to see unusual sights too, but usually kept that to herself.

Cy: Wedi paratoi'r bagiau, crwydront allan o'r dre yn eu car bychan, gan adael y tai rhedyn gwyrdd sy'n ymgoddi'r strydoedd a'r gerddi prydferth tu ôl.
En: After packing their bags, they departed the town in their small car, leaving behind the green fern-covered houses that nestled the streets and the beautiful gardens.

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n ddisglair wrth iddyn nhw gychwyn ar eu taith, gyda Rhys yn dreifio'n gyffrous ar hyd llwybrau meindio.
En: The sun shone brightly as they set off on their journey, with Rhys driving excitedly along winding paths.

Cy: "Na, ar y lôn hon," galwodd Rhys wrth anwybyddu map Eleri a throi i mewn i lwybr anghyfarwydd.
En: "No, this way," Rhys called out as he ignored Eleri's map and turned onto an unfamiliar path.

Cy: "Rhys, dyna'n gwallgof!
En: "Rhys, that's crazy!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd Eleri.
En: shouted Eleri.

Cy: "Dyw e ddim ar y map!
En: "It's not on the map!"

Cy: ""Mae'n iawn, bydd yn hwyl," atebodd Rhys yn dawelogi'r sefyllfa.
En: "It's alright, it'll be fun," replied Rhys, trying to calm the situation.

Cy: Carys eisteddodd yn y cefn, yn edrych allan y ffenestr gyda deiamwntau bach o edrych am anturiony newydd.
En: Carys sat in the back, looking out the window with little diamonds of excitement for new adventures.

Cy: Tua chanol y dydd, syrthiodd y car mewn i silence.
En: Around midday, the car fell into silence.

Cy: Roedd y peiriant wedi stopio.
En: The engine had stopped.

Cy: "Beth sy'n digwydd nawr?
En: "What is happening now?"

Cy: " cododd Eleri gyda theimlad o anobaith.
En: Eleri asked with a feeling of despair.

Cy: Rhys yn edrych ar y peiriant gan geisio dod o hyd i'r broblem tra roedd Carys yn dod yn fwyfwy pryderus.
En: Rhys looked at the engine, trying to find the problem while Carys became increasingly anxious.

Cy: "Efallai dylem ni alw am help?
En: "Maybe we should call for help?"

Cy: " rosiodd Carys.
En: suggested Carys.

Cy: "Rhaid i ni ei drwsio ein hunain," siaradodd Rhys yn hyderus.
En: "We have to fix it ourselves," said Rhys confidently.

Cy: Dechreuodd Eleri edrych arnynt fel petaent wedi methu, ond yna cofiodd am ei sgiliau mewn tynnu ceir: "Rhys, bydda'i'n fy helpu di i fesur.
En: Eleri started to see them as having failed but then remembered her skills in car mechanics: "Rhys, help me measure."

Cy: "Tra roedd Rhys ac Eleri'n gweithio gyda'i gilydd i drwsio'r car, dechreuodd Carys weld gwelliant go iawn yn eu cydweithio.
En: As Rhys and Eleri worked together to fix the car, Carys began to see a real improvement in their teamwork.

Cy: Roedd y tensiwn rhwng Rhys ac Eleri wedi disgyn wrth iddynt rannu'u sgiliau a syniadau.
En: The tension between Rhys and Eleri had subsided as they shared their skills and ideas.

Cy: Cymerodd ychydig oriau ond o'r diwedd lleihaodd y peiriannwr a'r mecanydd ei gyrch syml ond effiethlon.
En: It took a few hours, but in the end, the engineer and the mechanic completed their simple yet effective repair.

Cy: "Gweld?
En: "See?

Cy: Gallu o bopeth i ni wneud e," wên Rhys wrth gymryd ei sedd eto.
En: We can do it," smiled Rhys as he took his seat again.

Cy: Ond cyn eu gadael, tynnodd Carys eu sylw: "Rhys, Eleri, roeddwn yn ofni siarad cyn hyn ond mae hyn wedi dangos i mi bod isio arnaf i'r antur hefyd.
En: But before continuing, Carys caught their attention: "Rhys, Eleri, I was afraid to speak before, but this has shown me that I want the adventure too.

Cy: Gall rhaid cytuno ar ganol ffordd y tro nesaf.
En: We should meet halfway next time."

Cy: "Cytunodd y tri ohonynt, ac wrth iddyn nhw gyrru'n araf tuag at Eryri, roeddent yn fwy nerthol ond brwdfrydedd yn cymysgu go iawn.
En: The three of them agreed, and as they drove slowly towards Snowdonia, they felt more nervous but genuinely excited.

Cy: Gan deithio ar lwybr canol rhwng cynllun a sbontaneithrwydd, roeddent yn barod i fwynhau'r antur gyfan.
En: Traveling a middle path between planning and spontaneity, they were ready to enjoy the entire adventure.

Cy: Trwy'r daith, dysgodd Rhys i werthfawrogi peth o gynllunio, deallodd Eleri hunlleidiau yn dod â rhai cyffro aparti posib a comed, ac i Carys, roedd hi'n foddhad mawr i gyfaddef ei heisiau a siarad yn fwy agored.
En: Through the journey, Rhys learned to appreciate some planning, Eleri realized that nightmares brought a touch of possible excitement and comedy, and for Carys, it was fulfilling to admit her desires and speak more openly.

Cy: Roedd y tair wedi derbyn eu hunain a'u gilydd.
En: They had accepted themselves and each other.

Cy: Gyda cwtsh gynnil wrth y golau haul, cerddedodd y tri tuag at yr O'r eiraog funud yn gwneud y golygfeydd i gyd yn brydferth.
En: With a subtle hug in the sunlight, the three walked towards the snowy peak, making all the sights beautiful.

Cy: Roedd cael balans rhwng cynllun a spontaniaeth wedi dod â phawb agosach at ei gilydd.
En: Finding a balance between planning and spontaneity had brought everyone closer together.

Cy: Roedd yr haf hwn yn Eryri wir yn un bythgofiadwy.
En: This summer in Snowdonia was truly unforgettable.