Tomaž’s Journey: Recreating Grandma’s Gibanica

In this episode, we'll follow Tomaž as he navigates a bustling market to gather the perfect ingredients, bridging past and present through the cherished tradition of baking his grandmother's heartfelt gibanica.

Sl: V zgodnjem poletnem jutru se je Tomaž prebijal skozi množico na Ljubljanski centralni tržnici.
En: On an early summer morning, Tomaž navigated through the crowd at Ljubljana's central market.

Sl: Bil je topel dan.
En: It was a warm day.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo na pisane stojnice, ki so bile polne svežega sadja, zelenjave in cvetja.
En: The sun shone on the colorful stalls, which were filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Sl: Tomaž je bil odločen.
En: Tomaž was determined.

Sl: Danes bo pripravil svojo najljubšo jed iz otroštva - gibanico njegove babice.
En: Today, he would make his favorite childhood dish – his grandmother's gibanica.

Sl: Tomaž, star 35 let, je bil programer.
En: Tomaž, aged 35, was a programmer.

Sl: Pogosto se je spominjal svojih poletij pri babici na podeželju.
En: He often reminisced about his summers spent with his grandmother in the countryside.

Sl: Njegova babica je bila prava mojstrica pri peki.
En: His grandmother was a true baking master.

Sl: Njena gibanica je bila slastna.
En: Her gibanica was delicious.

Sl: Danes je želel poustvariti ta okus iz preteklosti.
En: Today, he wanted to recreate that taste from the past.

Sl: Tržnica je bila nabita z ljudmi.
En: The market was teeming with people.

Sl: Tomaž je vedel, da bo moral najti najboljše sestavine.
En: Tomaž knew he needed to find the best ingredients.

Sl: Pri vsakem stojalu se je ustavil, pogledal in povohal.
En: At each stall, he stopped, looked, and smelled.

Sl: Problem je bil, da je bilo toliko ljudi.
En: The problem was there were so many people.

Sl: Bal se je, da ne bo našel enakih sestavin, ki jih je uporabljala babica.
En: He feared he wouldn’t find the same ingredients his grandmother used.

Sl: Najprej je moral najti svežo skuto.
En: First, he needed to find fresh cottage cheese.

Sl: Skuta je bila ključna sestavina za gibanico.
En: Cottage cheese was a key ingredient for gibanica.

Sl: Po nekaj minutah iskanja je zagledal stojalo z napisom "Domača skuta".
En: After a few minutes of searching, he saw a stall with a sign that read "Homemade Cottage Cheese."

Sl: Prijazna prodajalka mu je ponudila, da skuto poskusi.
En: The friendly seller offered him a taste.

Sl: Bila je točno takšna, kot jo je imel v spominu.
En: It was exactly as he remembered.

Sl: Nato je poiskal najbolj zrele breskve.
En: Next, he searched for the ripest peaches.

Sl: Breskve morajo biti sočne.
En: The peaches needed to be juicy.

Sl: Po nekaj neuspešnih iskanjih je našel stojalo, kjer je starejši gospod prodajal sadje.
En: After several unsuccessful attempts, he found a stall where an older man was selling fruit.

Sl: "Ali imate breskve?
En: "Do you have peaches?"

Sl: " je vprašal Tomaž.
En: Tomaž asked.

Sl: Gospod mu je prijazno pokazal zaboj svežih, dišečih breskev.
En: The man kindly showed him a crate of fresh, fragrant peaches.

Sl: Tomaž je izbral najlepše.
En: Tomaž picked out the finest ones.

Sl: Sedaj je imel skuto in breskve, manjkal mu je še med.
En: Now that he had cottage cheese and peaches, he still needed honey.

Sl: Med je bil pomemben, da je gibanica imela pravo sladkost.
En: Honey was important to give the gibanica the right sweetness.

Sl: Po nekaj minutah iskanja je končno naletel na stojalo s čebelami in kozarci medu.
En: After a few minutes of searching, he finally came across a stall with bees and jars of honey.

Sl: Prodajalka mu je z nasmehom ponudila kozarec najboljšega cvetličnega medu.
En: The seller offered him a jar of the best floral honey with a smile.

Sl: Tomaž je bil zadovoljen.
En: Tomaž was pleased.

Sl: Imel je vse sestavine.
En: He had all the ingredients.

Sl: Prebil se je skozi množico do konca tržnice.
En: He made his way through the crowd to the end of the market.

Sl: V srcu je čutil toplino.
En: He felt warmth in his heart.

Sl: Bil je povezan s svojo dediščino.
En: He was connected to his heritage.

Sl: Babico ni bilo več, a njen recept je ostal.
En: His grandmother was no longer around, but her recipe remained.

Sl: Doma je Tomaž začel pripravo.
En: At home, Tomaž began the preparation.

Sl: Vsaka plast gibanice je imela svoj čar.
En: Each layer of the gibanica had its charm.

Sl: Spomini so oživeli.
En: Memories came alive.

Sl: Ko je gibanico pekel, je vonj napolnil stanovanje.
En: As the gibanica baked, the smell filled the apartment.

Sl: Končno je bil sladki užitek pred njim.
En: Finally, the sweet delight was in front of him.

Sl: Z nasmehom na obrazu je vzel prvi grižljaj in vedel je, da je ujel okus preteklosti.
En: With a smile on his face, he took the first bite and knew he had captured the taste of the past.

Sl: Tomaž je začutil, kako pomembno je ohranjati družinske tradicije.
En: Tomaž felt how important it was to preserve family traditions.

Sl: Sedaj se je počutil bolj povezanega s svojimi koreninami.
En: Now he felt more connected to his roots.

Sl: Njegova babica bi bila ponosna.
En: His grandmother would have been proud.

Sl: In tako se je zaključil Tomažev dan na tržnici.
En: And so, Tomaž's day at the market came to a close.

Sl: Z zadovljstvom se je zazrl v prihodnost, z obljubo, da bo vedno negoval spomine skozi vonje in okuse.
En: With satisfaction, he looked toward the future, promising to always cherish memories through scents and flavors.