Time Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab

In this episode, we'll dive into an astonishing adventure as three friends uncover a secret laboratory under Bratislava Castle and find themselves thrust into a thrilling time-traveling journey.

Sk: Začalo to jedného slnečného rána.
En: It started on a sunny morning.

Sk: Jana, Peter a Miroslav sa stretli pred hradom Bratislava.
En: Jana, Peter, and Miroslav met in front of Bratislava Castle.

Sk: Boli to najlepší priatelia a milovali dobrodružstvá.
En: They were best friends and loved adventures.

Sk: Tento deň nevedeli, že ich čaká veľké prekvapenie.
En: On this day, they didn't know that a big surprise awaited them.

Sk: "Počuli ste tu legendu?
En: "Have you heard the legend?"

Sk: " spýtal sa Peter.
En: asked Peter.

Sk: "Akú?
En: "Which one?"

Sk: " odpovedala Jana.
En: replied Jana.

Sk: "O tajnom laboratóriu pod hradom," vysvetlil Peter.
En: "About the secret laboratory under the castle," Peter explained.

Sk: Miroslav sa usmial.
En: Miroslav smiled.

Sk: "To znie skvele.
En: "That sounds great.

Sk: Poďme to preskúmať!
En: Let's explore it!"

Sk: "Vstúpili do hradu.
En: They entered the castle.

Sk: Chodili po chodbách, až kým nenašli starožitnú knihu.
En: They wandered through the corridors until they found an ancient book.

Sk: Jana ju otvorila.
En: Jana opened it.

Sk: Boli tam staré mapy a symboly.
En: There were old maps and symbols inside.

Sk: "Pozrite, tá mapa ukazuje tajný vchod," hovorila Jana so vzrušením.
En: "Look, this map shows a secret entrance," Jana said excitedly.

Sk: Čoskoro našli tajné dvere za knihovníkom.
En: Soon they found a hidden door behind the librarian.

Sk: Vstúpili dnu a kráčali tmavým tunelom.
En: They went in and walked through a dark tunnel.

Sk: Tunel bol dlhý a úzky.
En: The tunnel was long and narrow.

Sk: Svetlo z baterky osvetľovalo ich cestu.
En: The flashlight illuminated their path.

Sk: Po niekoľkých minútach prišli k veľkým železným dverám.
En: After a few minutes, they reached large iron doors.

Sk: Peter ich otvoril s veľkým úsilím a odhalil úžasné miesto.
En: Peter opened them with great effort and revealed an astonishing place.

Sk: Vnútri bolo moderné laboratórium plné vyspelej technológie.
En: Inside, there was a modern laboratory full of advanced technology.

Sk: Miroslav obdivoval stroje a obrazovky.
En: Miroslav admired the machines and screens.

Sk: "Tu sa tu musí experimentovať s časom," povedal Miroslav.
En: "They must be experimenting with time here," said Miroslav.

Sk: Jana náhle zbadala podivnú fľaštičku.
En: Jana suddenly noticed a strange vial.

Sk: Bolo na nej napísané: "Do budúcnosti.
En: It was labeled: "To the future."

Sk: ""Čo to znamená?
En: "What does that mean?"

Sk: " spýtala sa.
En: she asked.

Sk: "To znamená, že toto laboratórium je z budúcnosti!
En: "It means this laboratory is from the future!"

Sk: " oznámil Peter.
En: Peter announced.

Sk: Zrazu sa ozvalo bzučanie.
En: Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound.

Sk: V blízkosti sa spustila mašina, a dostali sa do víru svetla.
En: A machine nearby activated, and they got caught in a swirl of light.

Sk: Zrazu boli inam.
En: Abruptly, they were elsewhere.

Sk: Objavili sa v Bratislave budúcnosti.
En: They appeared in a future Bratislava.

Sk: Všetko vyzeralo inak, modernejšie.
En: Everything looked different, more modern.

Sk: "Wow," povedala Jana, "ako sa vrátime?
En: "Wow," said Jana, "how do we get back?"

Sk: "Museli nájsť spôsob, ako použiť technológiu z laboratória.
En: They had to find a way to use the technology from the laboratory.

Sk: Hľadali odpovede a nakoniec našli manuál.
En: They searched for answers and eventually found a manual.

Sk: Pomocou neho našli spôsob, ako aktivovať spätný transport.
En: With it, they discovered how to activate a reverse transport.

Sk: Nasledovali pokyny a aktivovali zariadenie.
En: They followed the instructions and activated the device.

Sk: Znovu sa ocitli v tuneli pod Bratislavským hradom.
En: They found themselves back in the tunnel under Bratislava Castle.

Sk: Vzdychli si s úľavou.
En: They sighed with relief.

Sk: "Bolo to úžasné!
En: "That was amazing!"

Sk: " vykríkol Miroslav.
En: exclaimed Miroslav.

Sk: "Áno, ale asi by sme to mali nechať tajomstvom," usmiala sa Jana.
En: "Yes, but maybe we should keep it a secret," Jana smiled.

Sk: Vrátili sa späť na povrch.
En: They returned to the surface.

Sk: Bratislavský hrad teraz vyzeral normálne.
En: Bratislava Castle now looked normal.

Sk: Mali veľké dobrodružstvo a zostali navždy priatelia, spojený tajomstvom pod hradom.
En: They had a great adventure and remained friends forever, bound by the secret under the castle.

Sk: Koniec.
En: The End.