The Unexpected Sheep Court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest

In this episode, we'll unravel the curious tale of Gareth and Eira's adventure in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest, where an unexpected encounter with a flock of sheep led to an impromptu trial in the wilderness.

Cy: Ymhell, ar fore glasurol yn y parc cenedlaethol rhywle, roedd yr heulwen yn torri drwy'r cymylau.
En: Far away, on a crisp morning in some national park, the sunlight was breaking through the clouds.

Cy: Gareth ac Eira oedd yn dringo'r llwybr trwm yng Nghoedwig Dyffryn Mymbyr.
En: Gareth and Eira were climbing the strenuous path in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest.

Cy: Cawsant lawer hwyl wrth drafod eu ffrindiau a'u cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol.
En: They had a lot of fun discussing their friends and their plans for the future.

Cy: Tra roedd Gareth yn edrych ar y golygfeydd, camodd ar garreg ddwyochrog a syrthiodd yn ddirybudd.
En: While Gareth was admiring the scenery, he stepped on a double-edged stone and fell unexpectedly.

Cy: Zzszsh!
En: Zzszsh!

Cy: Off, ffwff!
En: Off, ffwff!

Cy: Daeth grŵp o ddefaid yn rhuthro allan o'r llwyni, brawychus a chwyrligwganol.
En: A flock of sheep came rushing out of the bushes, startled and spinning.

Cy: Defaid yn rhedeg ym mhob cyfeiriad!
En: Sheep running in every direction!

Cy: "Beth wnes i?
En: "What did I do?"

Cy: " meddai Gareth gyda llawer o fraw.
En: said Gareth with much fear.

Cy: Eirynodd ei wyneb.
En: His face paled.

Cy: "Ydyn ni mewn trafferth?
En: "Are we in trouble?"

Cy: ""Aros fan'na, Gareth," atebodd Eira yn gyflym.
En: "Stay there, Gareth," Eira responded quickly.

Cy: "Fe allwn ni ddatrys hyn!
En: "We can solve this!"

Cy: "Gobygnodd ei ffordd at defaid, gyda llawer o hyder yn ei llygaid.
En: She approached the sheep with a lot of confidence in her eyes.

Cy: Galwodd at y defaid gyda llais tawel, "Dewch i fy nghymro!
En: She called to the sheep in a soft voice, "Come to me!"

Cy: "Defaid yn edrych yn siomedig a phryderus.
En: The sheep looked disappointed and anxious.

Cy: "Beth yw hyn?
En: "What is this?"

Cy: " meddai'r ddafad bennaf, môr ddig.
En: said the leading sheep, very angrily.

Cy: "Rydym ni ddim yn bygythiad," esboniodd eira'n ddoeth.
En: "We're not a threat," Eira explained wisely.

Cy: "Ydych yn cytuno i glywed ein hachos mewn llys defaid?
En: "Do you agree to hear our case in a sheep court?"

Cy: "Gyda hynny, ymgasglodd y defaid i ffurfio llysoedd.
En: With that, the sheep gathered to form a court.

Cy: Roeddent yn edrych yn ofalus ar Eira a Gareth wrth iddynt sefyll ar y ffordd graeanog.
En: They looked carefully at Eira and Gareth as they stood on the gravel path.

Cy: "Pa dystiolaeth sydd gyda chi?
En: "What evidence do you have?"

Cy: " gofynnodd y ddafad bennaf.
En: asked the chief sheep.

Cy: Gareth camodd ymlaen.
En: Gareth stepped forward.

Cy: "Rwy'n Gefnogwr Pobl a Natur," meddai.
En: "I am a Supporter of People and Nature," he said.

Cy: "Cymerais ran mewn prosiectau amgylcheddol.
En: "I’ve taken part in environmental projects.

Cy: Ni fyddwn byth yn brifo chi'n bwrpasol.
En: I would never intentionally harm you."

Cy: "Eira ychwanegodd, "A Gareth yw'r dyn mwyaf gofalgar a charedig.
En: Eira added, "And Gareth is the most caring and kind man.

Cy: Roedd yr anffawd yn gamgymeriad lwyr.
En: The mishap was a complete accident."

Cy: "Ymchwil wow!
En: Wow!

Cy: Ymddangosodd defaid yn llai amheus, gan ddechrau pori'n dawel.
En: The sheep appeared less suspicious, starting to graze calmly.

Cy: "Rydym yn parchu eich gorfodi," dywedodd y ddafad bennaf â phenderfyniad.
En: "We respect your enforcement," said the chief sheep decisively.

Cy: "Ond cadwch bwysig o'n teryn.
En: "But continue to keep out of our territory."

Cy: "Roedd Gareth ac Eira'n gwenu.
En: Gareth and Eira smiled.

Cy: Wedi hynny, y defaid wahanol i'w swydd o'r llys, tra roedd ein ffrindiau'n parhau i fyny'r llethrau trwm.
En: After that, the sheep returned to their duties from the court, while our friends continued up the arduous slopes.

Cy: Rhoddodd Gareth ac Eira archif arbennig i stori, achos, wedi'r cyfan, pwy fyddai'n credu y trial llys defaid yng Nghoedwig Dyffryn Mymbyr?
En: Gareth and Eira gave a special archive to the story because, after all, who would believe the trial of a sheep court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest?

Cy: Wedi cerdded ymlaen pellach i barafeddwl cyfoethog Snowdonia, roedd Gareth ac Eira hapus ac yn ddiogel.
En: After walking further into the rich surroundings of Snowdonia, Gareth and Eira were happy and safe.

Cy: Roeddynt yn gwybod y byddent yn adrodd y stori yma am flynyddoedd i ddod.
En: They knew they would recount this story for years to come.

Cy: Diwedd.
En: The End.