The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss

In this episode, we'll explore a moving tale of love, loss, and finding hope on a tranquil shoreline, where memories of the past guide the steps toward a brighter future.

Cy: Ar draethlin tawel, o dan leuad lwyd llydan, sefai Cerys.
En: On a quiet shoreline, under a wide gray moon, stood Cerys.

Cy: Roedd y noson yn dawel, a’r tonnau yn rholio’n gerddorol ar y traeth.
En: The night was calm, and the waves rolled musically onto the beach.

Cy: Roedd yma atgofion.
En: There were memories here.

Cy: Atgofion o cariad, chwerthin, a hapusrwydd.
En: Memories of love, laughter, and happiness.

Cy: Cerys a’i phriod, Dafydd, treuliodd bob haf yma.
En: Cerys and her husband, Dafydd, had spent every summer here.

Cy: Nawr, roedd hi yma ar ei phen ei hun.
En: Now, she was here alone.

Cy: Y golau lleuad yn castio cysgodion hir ar y tywod.
En: The moonlight cast long shadows on the sand.

Cy: Roedd y cwsg mor bell.
En: Sleep was so far away.

Cy: Roedd y dyddiau gyda Dafydd fel breuddwyd.
En: The days with Dafydd seemed like a dream.

Cy: Tynodd anadl ddofn a cherdded tuag at y don.
En: She took a deep breath and walked towards the wave.

Cy: “Wyt ti’n cofio?” dywedodd hi'n feddal, fel pe bai Dafydd yn dal i wrando.
En: “Do you remember?” she said softly, as if Dafydd were still listening.

Cy: Eisteddodd ar y tywod, y tu allan i hen le cudd.
En: She sat on the sand, outside their old hiding spot.

Cy: Roedd y llanw ar ei ffordd i mewn, gan adael cragen haul newydd sbon ger ei throed.
En: The tide was coming in, leaving a brand-new seashell near her foot.

Cy: Cymerodd hi’r gragen a dal at ei chalon.
En: She picked up the shell and held it to her heart.

Cy: Nofiodd cofion melys trwy ei meddwl.
En: Sweet memories floated through her mind.

Cy: “Rydw i’n dy golli,” whispered hi'n dawel, gan wylio’r tonnau’n rholio.
En: “I miss you,” she whispered quietly, watching the waves roll.

Cy: Roedd y tonnau yn ffrwydro ar y lan, megis ei theimladau ei hun yn ffrwydro yn ei chalon.
En: The waves crashed onto the shore, mirroring her feelings crashing in her heart.

Cy: Roedd aros yn mynd yn anodd.
En: Staying was becoming difficult.

Cy: Tynnodd ei hun i fyny, a cherdded i’w hoff le gyda Dafydd.
En: She pulled herself up and walked to her favorite spot with Dafydd.

Cy: Roedd hi’n ei wybod ymlaen llaw.
En: She knew it by heart.

Cy: Bob tro roedd Dafydd yn codi pabell fach, a gwylio’r ser gyda’i gilydd.
En: Every time, Dafydd would pitch a small tent, and they would watch the stars together.

Cy: Yn y fan honno, symudodd y tywod a darganfod hen bapur, wedi hir amser ei gladdu.
En: In that very spot, she moved the sand and found an old paper, long buried.

Cy: Roedd y galon yn curo wrth weld ei ysgrifen.
En: Her heart raced upon seeing his handwriting.

Cy: "Cerys, cariad fy mywyd, pan fyddi di’n darllen hwn, byddaf efallai wedi mynd. Ond cofia byw bywyd llawn a hapus. Cariad, Dafydd.”
En: “Cerys, love of my life, when you read this, I may be gone. But remember to live a full and happy life. Love, Dafydd.”

Cy: Y llanw yn dod yn nes, a’r dagrau’n llifo.
En: The tide was coming closer, and the tears were flowing.

Cy: Teimlai llaw Dafydd fel pe bai’n dal ei dwylo eto, megis gynt.
En: She felt Dafydd’s hand as if he were holding hers again, like before.

Cy: Llwyddodd i wenu trwy'r dagrau.
En: She managed to smile through the tears.

Cy: Efallai roedd hi’n amser symud ymlaen.
En: Maybe it was time to move on.

Cy: Roedd ei gariad wedi gadael canllaw.
En: Her love had left a guide.

Cy: Nawr roedd angen i’w urddo.
En: Now she needed to honor it.

Cy: Penderfynodd dŵad i’r mor fel yr arferent wneud.
En: She decided to head to the sea as they used to.

Cy: Roedd hi’n nofio i’r dŵr a theimlai llonyddwch yn pen draw.
En: She swam into the water and felt peace at last.

Cy: Cofiwyd ei hoiad.
En: She remembered his embrace.

Cy: A newid weddill o’i straeon cynt.
En: And shifted the remaining pages of their old stories.

Cy: Roedd y tonnau’n synfyfyrio.
En: The waves were reflective.

Cy: Roedd ei chalon lled-friwio, ond roedd hi’n barod i feiddio’r dyfodol.
En: Her heart, half-broken, but she was ready to dare the future.

Cy: Roedd angof Dafydd mor amlwg.
En: Dafydd’s absence was so clear.

Cy: Roedd ei choedan yn llonnau seren wedi gloywi.
En: His tree lit up like a freshly polished star.

Cy: Y bore wedyn, sefai Cerys ar gragen haul newydd yn cynnig cofleidiau newydd.
En: The next morning, Cerys stood on a new seashell offering fresh hugs.

Cy: Roedd y diwrnod cyntaf o’i bywyd newydd wedi cychwyn.
En: The first day of her new life had begun.

Cy: Roedd Dafydd yn rwystro hen holiadau.
En: Dafydd prevented old questions.

Cy: Ac felly, roedd Cerys yn canfod ei llwybr.
En: And so, Cerys found her path.

Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod na fyddai byth ar ei phen ei hun; roedd atgofion ei serch tragwyddol yn byw gyda hi bob cam.
En: She knew she would never be truly alone; the memories of their eternal love lived with her every step.

Cy: Ac y tameidiau’n datblygu, dyna Cerys ar fore gweladwy, gyda chalon wedi’i lenwi a gobaith calonog.
En: And as the pieces fell into place, there stood Cerys on a clear morning, with a heart filled with hopeful joy.

Cy: Roedd hi’n barod i wynebu dyfodol llawn heb ei gwr, ond yn sionc yn cofio sêr tra’n nofio yn y môr eto.
En: She was ready to face a future full without her husband, yet jubilant in remembering the stars while swimming in the sea once more.