The Selfie Mishap: Lessons from a Bike Ride in Copenhagen

In this episode, we'll join Lars as he embarks on a bike ride through Copenhagen, only to learn a valuable lesson about living in the moment when his selfie plans take an unexpected turn.

Da: Lars er en glad mand fra København.
En: Lars is a happy man from Copenhagen.

Da: Han er sjov, han elsker at cykle, og han elsker selfies.
En: He is funny, he loves to cycle, and he loves selfies.

Da: På en solrig dag, tog Lars sin cykel og kamera med sig.
En: On a sunny day, Lars took his bike and camera with him.

Da: Han besluttede at cykle til den ikoniske Lille Havfrue-statue.
En: He decided to cycle to the iconic Little Mermaid statue.

Da: Han ville tage en selfie foran den og vise sine venner.
En: He wanted to take a selfie in front of it and show his friends.

Da: Lars cyklede hurtigt gennem byen.
En: Lars cycled quickly through the city.

Da: Ved Strøget snød han fornemt gennem turisterne.
En: At Strøget, he skillfully maneuvered through the tourists.

Da: Ved Nyhavn, stoppede han for at suge atmosfæren ind.
En: At Nyhavn, he stopped to soak in the atmosphere.

Da: Mennesker lo og snakkede.
En: People laughed and chatted.

Da: Duften af stegt fisk hang i luften.
En: The smell of fried fish hung in the air.

Da: Bagefter, begyndte Lars at cykle igen.
En: Afterwards, Lars started cycling again.

Da: Til sidst nåede Lars Lille Havfrue-statuen.
En: Finally, Lars reached the Little Mermaid statue.

Da: Turister flokkedes omkring det.
En: Tourists crowded around it.

Da: Men Lars havde en plan.
En: But Lars had a plan.

Da: Han placerede sig på cyklen, holdt sin kamera klar, og begyndte at cykle.
En: He positioned himself on the bike, held his camera ready, and started cycling.

Da: Han ville tage en selfie, mens han kørte forbi statuen.
En: He wanted to take a selfie while riding past the statue.

Da: Desværre gik det ikke som planlagt.
En: Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned.

Da: Mens han var fokuseret på kameraet, så han ikke hvor han kørte hen.
En: While focused on the camera, he didn’t see where he was going.

Da: Pludselig, følte han et stort ryk.
En: Suddenly, he felt a big jolt.

Da: Hans cykel havde ramt kanten af kanalen.
En: His bike had hit the edge of the canal.

Da: I næste øjeblik følte han det kolde vand omkring ham.
En: In the next moment, he felt the cold water around him.

Da: Folket omkring Søndervold Øen blev overraskede.
En: The people around Søndervold Island were surprised.

Da: De hørte et stort splash, og så Lars i vandet.
En: They heard a big splash and saw Lars in the water.

Da: De løb til kanten og råbte, "Er du okay?
En: They ran to the edge and shouted, "Are you okay?"

Da: " Lars svømmede op til overfladen.
En: Lars swam up to the surface.

Da: Han hostede og spjættede.
En: He coughed and spluttered.

Da: Men han var okay.
En: But he was okay.

Da: Han svømmede til kanten og tog fat i en udstrakt hånd.
En: He swam to the edge and grabbed an outstretched hand.

Da: Lars grinende, viftede med hånden.
En: Lars grinned and waved his hand.

Da: "Jeg er okay," sagde han.
En: "I'm okay," he said.

Da: Hans kamera var vådt, hans tøj dræbte af vand.
En: His camera was wet, his clothes were soaked with water.

Da: Men hans energi var stadig høj.
En: But his energy was still high.

Da: Folket omkring ham klappede og grinede.
En: The people around him clapped and laughed.

Da: Så Lars gik hjem.
En: Then Lars went home.

Da: Han var våd og kold.
En: He was wet and cold.

Da: Men han havde også en historie at fortælle.
En: But he also had a story to tell.

Da: For hans selfie gik galt, men han overlevede.
En: Because his selfie went wrong, but he survived.

Da: Og det var den dag, hvor Lars lærte en værdifuld lektion.
En: And that was the day when Lars learned a valuable lesson.

Da: At nogle gange, skal man bare nyde øjeblikket.
En: That sometimes, one should just enjoy the moment.

Da: Man behøver ikke altid tage et billede.
En: You don't always need to take a picture.