The Rakija Mishap: A Night of Laughs

In this episode, we'll dive into a hilarious adventure in a timeless tavern where a spilled drink leads to uproarious laughter and an unforgettable legend.

Sr: U staroj, dobro poznatoj kafani "Pod lipom", smeh je odzvanjao zidovima u ritmu starogradskih pesama.
En: In the old, well-known tavern "Under the Linden Tree," laughter reverberated off the walls to the rhythm of old town songs.

Sr: Konobarica Milica, sa svojim širokim osmehom i brzim koracima, nosila je punu tacnu rakije.
En: The waitress Milica, with her broad smile and quick steps, carried a full tray of rakija.

Sr: Bila je to večer kada su svi zaboravljali na brige i prepustili se veselju.
En: It was an evening when everyone forgot their worries and surrendered to joy.

Sr: Kroz gužvu, kroz maglu dima i zvukove gitare, Milica je stigla do stola gde su sedeli Nikola i Dragan, dva dobričina koja su se grlila kao braća i pevali iz sveg glasa.
En: Through the crowd, through the haze of smoke and sounds of the guitar, Milica reached the table where Nikola and Dragan were sitting, two good friends embracing like brothers and singing at the top of their lungs.

Sr: Ali, baš u trenutku kada je Milica htela da spusti tacnu, neko je odjednom prošao i slučajno je gurnuo.
En: But just as Milica was about to place the tray down, someone suddenly passed by and accidentally nudged her.

Sr: Čašice rakije su se zanjihale i sve do jedne su okončale pravo u Nikolino krilo!
En: The rakija glasses swayed, and every single one ended up right in Nikola's lap!

Sr: Dragan je skočio na noge, zanemeo od iznenađenja, i počeo da viče: "Milice, zar da potopiš Nikolu pre nego što je uspeo da zaplovi?
En: Dragan jumped to his feet, speechless with surprise, and started shouting, "Milica, are you trying to drown Nikola before he even sets sail?"

Sr: " Svi su prasnuli u smeh, ali Dragan nije video lokvu rakije na podu.
En: Everyone burst into laughter, but Dragan didn't see the puddle of rakija on the floor.

Sr: Izgubivši ravnotežu, počeo je da maše rukama kako bi se spasao, ali sve je bilo uzalud – s treskom je završio na podu, u lokvi koja je nekako postala sve veća.
En: Losing his balance, he began to flail his arms in an attempt to save himself, but it was all in vain – with a crash, he ended up on the floor, in a puddle which somehow kept getting larger.

Sr: Začas su se oko njega skupili gosti, neki da pomognu, a neki da pridodaju šali.
En: In no time, guests gathered around him, some to help and others to add to the amusement.

Sr: Milica, rumena u licu, izvinjavala se u ime kafane, dok je Nikola, i dalje natopljen, pokušavao da umiri situaciju dobacujući kroz smeh: "Nema veze, Milice, rakija je ionako za bacanje!
En: Milica, blushing, apologized on behalf of the tavern, while Nikola, still drenched, tried to calm the situation by joking through his laughter, "It's okay, Milica, rakija is meant to be thrown away anyway!"

Sr: "Ubrzo je stigao i vlasnik kafane, starina Jovan, koji je bio poznat po svom širokom srcu i brzom rešavanju svakog problema.
En: Soon, the tavern owner, the old man Jovan, known for his big heart and quick problem-solving, arrived.

Sr: Videvši šta se dogodilo, nije mogao, a da i on ne prsne u smeh, a onda je brzo naredio da se donese nova tura rakije, na njegov račun, i peškir za Nikolu.
En: Seeing what had happened, he couldn't help but burst into laughter as well, and then quickly ordered a fresh round of rakija on the house, and a towel for Nikola.

Sr: Veče je nastavljeno uz još više pesme i smeha, a Dragan, Milica i Nikola, sada već poznati kao "troje iz lokve", postali su glavni junaci svake priče koja se tada prepričavala u "Pod lipom".
En: The evening continued with even more songs and laughter, and Dragan, Milica, and Nikola, now known as "the three from the puddle," became the main heroes of every story retold at "Under the Linden Tree."

Sr: Na kraju, svi su se složili da čak i najneobičniji događaji jednostavno dodaju boju životu kafane i priče koje će se pamtiti godinama.
En: In the end, everyone agreed that even the most unusual events simply add color to the tavern's life and create stories that will be remembered for years to come.

Sr: I tako, između šala i natopljenih pantalona, u kafani "Pod lipom" rođena je legenda o noći kada su rakija, osmeh i pesma stvorili prijateljstvo koje će trajati večno.
En: And so, amid jokes and soaked pants, in the tavern "Under the Linden Tree," a legend was born of the night when rakija, smiles, and song created a friendship that would last forever.