The Joyful Journeys: A Wedding to Remember

In this episode, we'll relive the heartwarming moments of a joyous wedding celebration, filled with laughter and love.

Nb: Nede ved Oslofjorden var det bryllup.
En: Down by the Oslofjord, there was a wedding.

Nb: Sola skinte.
En: The sun was shining.

Nb: Fuglene sang.
En: The birds were singing.

Nb: Folk var glade.
En: People were happy.

Nb: Ingrid skulle gifte seg med Magnus.
En: Ingrid was getting married to Magnus.

Nb: Sofia var brudepike.
En: Sofia was the bridesmaid.

Nb: Hun hjalp Ingrid med kjolen og frisyren.
En: She helped Ingrid with her dress and hairstyle.

Nb: Ingrid var veldig spent.
En: Ingrid was very nervous.

Nb: Hun var redd for å gjøre feil.
En: She was afraid of making mistakes.

Nb: Sofia beroliget henne.
En: Sofia reassured her.

Nb: Kirkeklokkene ringte.
En: The church bells rang.

Nb: Bryllupet begynte.
En: The wedding began.

Nb: Ingrid og Magnus sto foran presten.
En: Ingrid and Magnus stood in front of the priest.

Nb: De sa ja til hverandre.
En: They said yes to each other.

Nb: Alle klappet.
En: Everyone clapped.

Nb: De var mann og kone nå.
En: They were now husband and wife.

Nb: Så gikk de ut av kirken.
En: Then they walked out of the church.

Nb: De sat på hest og vogn.
En: They sat on a horse and carriage.

Nb: De skulle til bryllupssalen.
En: They were going to the wedding venue.

Nb: På Festningen Restaurant begynte festen.
En: The celebration began at the Festningen Restaurant.

Nb: Det var mat og drikke.
En: There was food and drinks.

Nb: Det var kake og brus.
En: There was cake and soda.

Nb: Alle skravlet og lo.
En: Everyone chatted and laughed.

Nb: Sofia holdt en tale.
En: Sofia gave a speech.

Nb: Hun sa fine ting om Ingrid og Magnus.
En: She said nice things about Ingrid and Magnus.

Nb: Sofia var glad på deres vegne.
En: Sofia was happy for them.

Nb: Alle klappet for Sofia.
En: Everyone clapped for Sofia.

Nb: Så var det tid for dans.
En: Then it was time to dance.

Nb: Ingrid og Magnus gikk ut på dansegulvet.
En: Ingrid and Magnus went onto the dance floor.

Nb: Musikken begynte å spille.
En: The music started playing.

Nb: De holdt hverandre i hendene.
En: They held hands.

Nb: Magnus løftet Ingrid og snurret henne rundt.
En: Magnus lifted Ingrid and spun her around.

Nb: Men han tråkket på foten hennes.
En: But he stepped on her foot.

Nb: Ingrid sa "au".
En: Ingrid said "ouch".

Nb: Magnus ble flau.
En: Magnus was embarrassed.

Nb: Han ba om unnskyldning.
En: He apologized.

Nb: Men Ingrid bare lo.
En: But Ingrid just laughed.

Nb: Hun sa det gjorde ikke vondt.
En: She said it didn't hurt.

Nb: Alle andre lo også.
En: Everyone else laughed too.

Nb: Festen fortsatte.
En: The party continued.

Nb: Det ble sent.
En: It got late.

Nb: Folk begynte å dra hjem.
En: People started going home.

Nb: Ingrid og Magnus sa hade.
En: Ingrid and Magnus said goodbye.

Nb: De takket alle for en fin dag.
En: They thanked everyone for a lovely day.

Nb: Sofia klemte dem begge.
En: Sofia hugged them both.

Nb: Hun sa "gratulerer".
En: She said "congratulations".

Nb: Ingrid og Magnus smilte.
En: Ingrid and Magnus smiled.

Nb: De var veldig glade.
En: They were very happy.

Nb: De gikk til hotellet.
En: They went to the hotel.

Nb: Sofia gikk også hjem.
En: Sofia went home too.

Nb: Hun var trett.
En: She was tired.

Nb: Men hun var også fornøyd.
En: But she was also content.

Nb: Det hadde vært en fin dag.
En: It had been a nice day.

Nb: Det var et fint bryllup.
En: It was a beautiful wedding.

Nb: Sofia la seg i senga.
En: Sofia got into bed.

Nb: Hun tenkte på Ingrid og Magnus.
En: She thought about Ingrid and Magnus.

Nb: Hun håpet de var glade.
En: She hoped they were happy.

Nb: Sofia smilte.
En: Sofia smiled.

Nb: Hun lukket øynene.
En: She closed her eyes.

Nb: Hun drømte om bryllupet.
En: She dreamt about the wedding.

Nb: Så det var dagen da Ingrid og Magnus giftet seg.
En: So that was the day when Ingrid and Magnus got married.

Nb: De var glade.
En: They were happy.

Nb: Sofia var også glad.
En: Sofia was happy too.

Nb: Hun sovnet med et smil om munnen.
En: She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Nb: Hun gledet seg til å se Ingrid og Magnus igjen.
En: She looked forward to seeing Ingrid and Magnus again.

Nb: Og slik ender denne historien.
En: And that's how this story ends.

Nb: Den handlet om et bryllup.
En: It was about a wedding.

Nb: Det var et fint bryllup.
En: It was a beautiful wedding.

Nb: Det var masse latter.
En: There was lots of laughter.

Nb: Det var litt pinlig da Magnus tråkket på Ingrids tå.
En: It was a little embarrassing when Magnus stepped on Ingrid's toe.

Nb: Men det gikk bra.
En: But it turned out fine.

Nb: Det ble en dag å huske.
En: It became a day to remember.

Nb: Jeg håper du likte historien.
En: I hope you enjoyed the story.

Nb: God natt.
En: Goodnight.