The Herbalist’s Quest: Unveiling Secrets at Qixi Festival Market

In this episode, we'll follow Xinyi's heartfelt journey through the vibrant Qixi Festival market as she seeks rare herbs to save her grandmother and discovers the power of sincerity and determination.

Zh: 在古老的庙会市场,华灯初上,夏日的晚风中飘着节日的香气。
En: In the ancient temple fair market, as the lanterns were first lit, the scent of the festival drifted on the summer evening breeze.

Zh: 市场热闹非凡,四处是各色摊贩和挑选商品的顾客。
En: The market was bustling, filled with a variety of vendors and customers selecting goods.

Zh: 今天是七夕节,市场上挂满了五彩缤纷的灯笼,洋溢着欢乐的气氛。
En: Today was the Qixi Festival, and the market was adorned with multicolored lanterns, radiating a joyful atmosphere.

Zh: 心仪,一个勤奋的草药师,正在市场中寻找稀有的草药。
En: Xinyi, a diligent herbalist, was searching for rare herbs in the market.

Zh: 她走过一个又一个摊位,寻找她需要的珍贵药材。
En: She walked past stall after stall in search of the precious ingredients she needed.

Zh: 她要为自己的新药配方找到最后几种特别的草药。
En: She was seeking the last few special herbs required to complete her new medicinal formula.

Zh: 心仪听说一个神秘的摊贩藏有她需要的草药。她决定去找他。
En: Xinyi had heard of a mysterious vendor who possessed the herbs she needed, so she decided to find him.

Zh: 她在市场的角落找到了这个摊位。
En: In a corner of the market, she found the stall.

Zh: 摊位后面坐着一个穿着奇异衣服的男人,他叫梁。
En: Behind it sat a man dressed in peculiar clothing; his name was Liang.

Zh: 他是个古怪的摊主,眼神中透着一丝怀疑。
En: He was an eccentric vendor, with a hint of skepticism in his eyes.

Zh: “你好,我是心仪,”她礼貌地说,“我听说你有一些稀有的草药。
En: “Hello, I am Xinyi,” she said politely, “I heard you have some rare herbs.

Zh: 我需要它们来完成我的新药配方。”
En: I need them to complete my new medicinal formula.

Zh: 梁抬起头来看了她一眼,轻声说:“你为什么需要这些稀有的草药?
En: Liang looked up at her, speaking softly, “Why do you need these rare herbs?

Zh: 我怎么知道你不会滥用它们?”
En: How can I be sure you won’t misuse them?”

Zh: 他的目光中充满了警惕。
En: His gaze was full of wariness.

Zh: 心仪知道她必须证明自己是真心的,否则就会失去这个机会。
En: Xinyi knew she had to prove her sincerity, or she would lose this chance.

Zh: 她深吸一口气,决定敞开心扉。
En: She took a deep breath and decided to open her heart.

Zh: “我的奶奶病了,”她开始说,声音有些颤抖,“她患了一种很少见的病,普通的药没有效果。
En: “My grandmother is ill,” she began, her voice trembling slightly, “She has a rare disease, and ordinary medicine doesn’t work.

Zh: 我研究了很多书籍,发现用这些稀有的草药可以帮她。”
En: I have studied many books and discovered that these rare herbs can help her.”

Zh: 梁听了心仪的话,眉头稍微松开了一些,但仍然显得很谨慎。
En: Hearing her words, Liang’s furrowed brows relaxed a little, though he still seemed cautious.

Zh: “你能证明你所说的一切吗?”他问。
En: “Can you prove everything you said?” he asked.

Zh: 心仪从包里拿出一本厚厚的笔记本,上面密密麻麻地记录着她的研究和发现。
En: Xinyi took a thick notebook from her bag, filled with dense notes of her research and discoveries.

Zh: 她递给梁,让他看。
En: She handed it to Liang, letting him see.

Zh: “这是我的研究笔记,”她说,“我花了很多时间研究这些草药的效果,
En: “These are my research notes,” she said, “I’ve spent a lot of time studying the effects of these herbs.

Zh: 我只想救我的奶奶。”
En: I just want to save my grandmother.”

Zh: 梁翻了几页,看到心仪的笔记写得很详细,
En: Liang flipped through a few pages and saw the meticulous details in Xinyi’s notes.

Zh: 终于点了点头。
En: Finally, he nodded.

Zh: “好吧,我相信你,”他语气变得温和许多,“这些稀有的草药我可以卖给你,但你要答应我,用它们来帮助那些需要帮助的人。”
En: “Alright, I believe you,” his tone became much gentler, “I can sell you these rare herbs, but you have to promise to use them to help those in need.”

Zh: 心仪眼中闪烁着感激的泪光,她重重地点了点头。
En: Tears of gratitude sparkled in Xinyi’s eyes as she nodded vigorously.

Zh: “谢谢你,梁先生。我会的。”
En: “Thank you, Mr. Liang. I will.”

Zh: 心仪小心地把这些宝贵的草药收入包中,心中充满了感激和决心。
En: Carefully, Xinyi placed the valuable herbs into her bag, her heart filled with gratitude and determination.

Zh: 这次经历教会了她,情感的诚实也是一种力量,她更加珍惜这种力量。
En: This experience taught her that the honesty of emotions is also a kind of strength, and she cherished this strength even more.

Zh: 七夕节的灯光照耀在她的脸上,她对未来充满了希望。
En: The light of the Qixi Festival shone on her face, and she was full of hope for the future.

Zh: 她一定会用这些草药救治奶奶,并帮助更多需要帮助的人。
En: She was determined to use these herbs to cure her grandmother and help many more people in need.