The Great Wedding Rip-Off: A Love Stitched

In this episode, we'll witness the unforgettable 'I Do's' that turn into 'I Dares,' as laughter stitches together more than just a pair of pants.

Sr: Bio jednom jedan mladoženja po imenu Stefan, koji je sanjao o savršenom venčanju u srcu Beograda, u prelepom ambijentu Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: Once upon a time, there was a groom named Stefan who dreamed of a perfect wedding in the heart of Belgrade, in the beautiful setting of the Kalemegdan Fortress.

Sr: Jednog toplog prolećnog dana, njegov san se ostvario.
En: One warm spring day, his dream came true.

Sr: Ana, lepa mlada sa predivnim osmehom, stajala je pored njega, dok su se njihovi prijatelji i rodbina okupili da proslave njihovu ljubav.
En: Ana, a beautiful bride with a wonderful smile, stood beside him as their friends and family gathered to celebrate their love.

Sr: Dok su se zvuci tradicionalne srpske muzike širili prostorom, Jovan, Stefanov najbolji prijatelj i kum, pozvao je sve goste na igru.
En: As the sounds of traditional Serbian music filled the air, Jovan, Stefan's best friend and best man, invited all the guests to dance.

Sr: Veselje je brzo zahvatilo sve prisutne, a smeh i dobro raspoloženje ispunili su vazduh.
En: The joy quickly spread to everyone present, and laughter and high spirits filled the air.

Sr: Stefan, uvek spreman za šalu i zabavu, odlučio je da pokaže svoje veštine u kolu.
En: Stefan, always ready for a joke and fun, decided to show off his skills in the circle dance.

Sr: Dok su ga svi gledali, podigao je noge visoko uz ritmičke udarce bubnjeva i gajdi.
En: As everyone watched, he lifted his legs high to the rhythmic beats of the drums and bagpipes.

Sr: Ali, u trenutku kad je započeo najžešći deo igre, sa zvukom koji je nadjačao muziku, Stefanove pantalone su popustile i razdrljile se na najnepristojnijem mestu!
En: But just as he started the most vigorous part of the dance, with a sound that overpowered the music, Stefan's pants gave way and ripped at the most indecent place!

Sr: Gosti su prasnuli u smeh, a Stefanov lice je postalo crveno kao paprika.
En: The guests burst into laughter, and Stefan's face turned as red as a pepper.

Sr: Jovan i Ana su brzo reagovali, pokrivajući ga velikim srpskim barjakom, dok je neko od gostiju brže-bolje dotrčao sa iglom i koncem.
En: Jovan and Ana quickly reacted, covering him with a large Serbian flag, while one of the guests hurriedly ran over with a needle and thread.

Sr: I dok su se svi smejali, Ana je poljubila Stefana i šapnula mu: „Ovo će biti priča koju ćemo pričati našim unucima.
En: Amidst the laughter, Ana kissed Stefan and whispered to him, "This will be a story we'll tell our grandchildren."

Sr: “Ubrzo je situacija popravljena, a igra i veselje nastavili su se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
En: Soon the situation was fixed, and the dancing and merriment continued as if nothing had happened.

Sr: Stefan je, ponovo u celom komadu, uhvatio Anu za ruku, i zajedno su igrali dok sunce nije zašlo iza zidina Kalemegdana.
En: Stefan, once again in one piece, took Ana's hand, and they danced together until the sun set behind the walls of Kalemegdan.

Sr: Na kraju, gosti su otišli, noseći sa sobom priče o venčanju koje će pamtiti zauvek, a Stefan i Ana su znali da njihova ljubav, baš kao i Stefanove pantalone, može izdržati sve izazove koji dolaze pred njih.
En: In the end, the guests left, carrying with them stories of a wedding they would remember forever, and Stefan and Ana knew that their love, just like Stefan's pants, could withstand any challenges that lay before them.