The Great Ice Cream Rescue

In this episode, we'll dive into the hilarious escapade of three friends and a doomed ice cream at Belgrade's historic fortress.

Sr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, u srcu Beograda, troje prijatelja - Miloš, Milica i Jovan - prošetali su do Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: One sunny afternoon in the heart of Belgrade, three friends - Miloš, Milica, and Jovan - strolled to the Kalemegdan Fortress.

Sr: Bili su puni radosti i željni avanture dok su se smejali i pričali.
En: They were full of joy and eager for adventure as they laughed and talked.

Sr: Zidovi tvrđave pokrivali su stotine godina istorije, a svaki kamen je bio svedok prošlosti grada.
En: The fortress walls were covered in hundreds of years of history, and every stone bore witness to the city's past.

Sr: Deca su trčala okolo, ptice su pevale, a vetar je nosio mirise proleća.
En: Children ran around, birds sang, and the wind carried the scents of spring.

Sr: Miloš je odlučio da kupi sladoled.
En: Miloš decided to buy ice cream.

Sr: Izabrao je veliki sladoled od čokolade, koji se caklio i topio na prolećnom suncu.
En: He chose a large chocolate ice cream, glistening and melting in the spring sun.

Sr: Ponosno je koračao držeći sladoled kao trofej, sve dok nije pogodio kamen svojim patikom.
En: Proudly, he walked, holding the ice cream like a trophy, until he hit a stone with his sneaker.

Sr: Iznenada, sladoled se odvojio od korneta, otkotrljao se niz padinu i završio pravo u starom topu koji su krasili tvrđavu.
En: Suddenly, the ice cream separated from the cone, rolled down the slope, and ended up right in an old cannon adorning the fortress.

Sr: Milica i Jovan su prasnuli u smeh kada su videli sladoledovu katastrofu.
En: Milica and Jovan burst into laughter when they saw the ice cream catastrophe.

Sr: Miloš se u početku ljutio, ali nije mogao da se odbrani od zaraznog smeha svojih prijatelja.
En: Miloš was initially upset, but he couldn't help but join in his friends' contagious laughter.

Sr: "Moramo ga spasiti!
En: "We have to save it!"

Sr: " uzviknuo je Miloš.
En: Miloš exclaimed.

Sr: Prijatelji su pritrčali ka topu, međutim, izbavljanje sladoleda nije bilo nimalo lako.
En: The friends ran to the cannon, but rescuing the ice cream was not easy at all.

Sr: Top je bio visok i glomazan, a sladoled se zalepio za unutrašnjost hladnog metala.
En: The cannon was tall and bulky, and the ice cream had stuck to the inside of the cold metal.

Sr: Jovan je bio najviši, pa je pokušao da dohvati sladoled, ali bezuspešno.
En: Jovan was the tallest, so he tried to reach for the ice cream, but to no avail.

Sr: Milica je onda predložila da naprave plan.
En: Milica then suggested they make a plan.

Sr: Pronašli su dugačku granu i pažljivo su gurnuli sladoled prema spolja.
En: They found a long branch and carefully pushed the ice cream outward.

Sr: Na kraju su uspeli da izvade sladoled.
En: Eventually, they managed to retrieve the ice cream.

Sr: Kao po nagradi, u tom trenutku je došao čovek koji je prodavao sladoled.
En: As if on cue, at that moment, the ice cream vendor arrived.

Sr: "Ne brinite," rekao je sa širokim osmehom, "dobićete novi sladoled, ovog puta na račun kuće!
En: "Don't worry," he said with a wide smile, "you'll get a new ice cream, this time on the house!"

Sr: "I tako, sa novim sladoledima u rukama, Miloš, Milica i Jovan su nastavili svoju šetnju po Kalemegdanu, pričajući o svojoj sladolednoj avanturi i smehu koji im je donela.
En: And so, with new ice creams in hand, Miloš, Milica, and Jovan continued their walk through Kalemegdan, talking about their ice cream adventure and the laughter it brought them.

Sr: Kava njihova smeha odzvanjala je kroz tvrđavu, a priča o sladoledu koji je završio u topu postala je jedna od njihovih omiljenih anegdota.
En: The sound of their laughter echoed through the fortress, and the story of the ice cream ending up in the cannon became one of their favorite anecdotes.

Sr: Iako je Milošov sladoled na tren bio izgubljen, njihovo prijateljstvo je postalo još jače, sve to u srpskom središtu istorije i kulture.
En: Although Miloš's ice cream was briefly lost, their friendship grew even stronger, all in the Serbian center of history and culture.