The Enchanted Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled

In this episode, we'll embark on a magical treasure hunt with Nina, Matej, and Anja, unraveling Lake Bled's ancient mysteries and forging timeless friendships.

Sl: Vsako leto poleti, ko so bile noči tople in jezero mirno, so se Nina, Matej in Anja zbrali pri jezeru Bled.
En: Each year in the summer, when the nights were warm and the lake was calm, Nina, Matej, and Anja would gather at Lake Bled.

Sl: Ta kraj je bil čudežen.
En: This place was magical.

Sl: Jezero je imelo otoček s cerkvico in obdajali so ga mogočni hribi.
En: The lake had a little island with a church, surrounded by mighty hills.

Sl: Nekega poletnega jutra so se odpravili v staro gostišče ob jezeru.
En: One summer morning, they went to the old inn by the lake.

Sl: Tam so ponujali najokusnejše štruklje in domačo limonado.
En: There, they offered the most delicious štruklji and homemade lemonade.

Sl: Gostišče je bilo polno starih slik in starin.
En: The inn was full of old pictures and antiques.

Sl: Lastnik gostišča, gospod Ivan, je bil prijazen in rad je pripovedoval zgodbe.
En: The owner of the inn, Mr. Ivan, was kind and loved to tell stories.

Sl: Medtem ko so čakali na kosilo, je Nina opazila staro sliko.
En: While they were waiting for lunch, Nina noticed an old picture.

Sl: To je bila slika jezera Bled, stara več stoletij.
En: It was a picture of Lake Bled, centuries old.

Sl: Nenadoma je nekaj padlo.
En: Suddenly, something fell.

Sl: Bil je kos papirja.
En: It was a piece of paper.

Sl: Nina je pobrala papir in ga začela brati.
En: Nina picked up the paper and started reading it.

Sl: "To je zemljevid!
En: "It's a map!"

Sl: " je vzkliknila.
En: she exclaimed.

Sl: Matej in Anja sta hitro pritekla k Nini.
En: Matej and Anja quickly ran to Nina.

Sl: Opazili so, da je zemljevid star in narisan ročno.
En: They noticed that the map was old and hand-drawn.

Sl: Na njem so bile oznake in simboli.
En: It had markings and symbols.

Sl: "To je zakladni zemljevid!
En: "It's a treasure map!"

Sl: " je dejal Matej.
En: Matej said.

Sl: Odločili so se, da bodo poiskali zaklad.
En: They decided to search for the treasure.

Sl: Prosili so gospoda Ivana za pomoč.
En: They asked Mr. Ivan for help.

Sl: Gospod Ivan je bil navdušen.
En: Mr. Ivan was excited.

Sl: "Tole je morda zemljevid za našo legendo o skrivnem zakladu," je rekel.
En: "This might be the map for our legend of the hidden treasure," he said.

Sl: Odpravili so se na pot.
En: They set off on their journey.

Sl: Zemljevid jih je vodil čez čudovite poti okoli jezera Bled.
En: The map led them along beautiful paths around Lake Bled.

Sl: Hodili so skozi gost gozd, kjer sončni žarki komaj prebijali skozi krošnje.
En: They walked through a dense forest where sun rays barely penetrated through the canopy.

Sl: Nekaj časa so hodili ob obali jezera, kjer so se videli majhni valčki.
En: For a while, they walked along the lake shore, where they saw tiny waves.

Sl: Po dolgi hoji so prišli do stare cerkve na otoku.
En: After a long walk, they reached the old church on the island.

Sl: Tam so našli še eno sled – skrinjico z napisom.
En: There, they found another clue – a box with an inscription.

Sl: Napis jim je sporočil, da je zaklad blizu.
En: The inscription informed them that the treasure was near.

Sl: Ko so prišli do zadnje točke zemljevida, so kopali.
En: When they reached the final point on the map, they started digging.

Sl: Kopali so globoko in kmalu so našli staro skrinjo.
En: They dug deeply and soon found an old chest.

Sl: Odprli so jo in v njej je bilo polno zlatnikov, draguljev in starinskih predmetov.
En: They opened it, and inside it was full of gold coins, jewels, and ancient items.

Sl: "Uspelo nam je!
En: "We did it!"

Sl: " je vzkliknila Anja.
En: Anja exclaimed.

Sl: "Našli smo zaklad!
En: "We found the treasure!"

Sl: "Vsi trije so bili zelo veseli.
En: All three were very happy.

Sl: Gospod Ivan jim je čestital.
En: Mr. Ivan congratulated them.

Sl: Zaklad so delili med seboj in tudi nekaj pustili v gostišču kot spomin.
En: They shared the treasure among themselves and also left some in the inn as a souvenir.

Sl: Nina, Matej in Anja so tistega dne našli več kot le zaklad.
En: That day, Nina, Matej, and Anja found more than just the treasure.

Sl: Našli so pustolovščino in prijateljstvo, ki ju bodo ohranili za vedno.
En: They found an adventure and a friendship that they would keep forever.

Sl: In tako so se ob jezeru Bled pisale nove zgodbe, polne čarovnije in spominov.
En: And so, at Lake Bled, new stories were written, full of magic and memories.