explore an amusing mix-up at Belgrade's Kalemegdan Fortress, where history and hilarity intertwine for two friends.
Sr: U zlatokosom Beogradu, gde se Sava sušta u Dunav, stoji čuvena Kalemegdanska tvrđava.
En: In Belgrade with its golden-haired beauty, where the Sava merges with the Danube, stands the famous Kalemegdan Fortress.
Sr: Na samom vrhu, tamo gde prošlost šapuće priče, jednog valovitog popodneva, desio se neobičan događaj.
En: At the very top, where the past whispers stories, on a breezy afternoon, an unusual event occurred.
Sr: Milica i Stefan, dvoje mladih zaljubljenika u istoriju, rešili su da prošetaju zidinama Kalemegdana.
En: Milica and Stefan, two young history enthusiasts, decided to take a stroll along the walls of Kalemegdan.
Sr: Sunce je obasjavalo kule i zidine, tvrđava je bila kao živa slika iz bajke.
En: The sun illuminated the towers and walls, making the fortress look like a living picture from a fairy tale.
Sr: "Ajmo do Pobednika!
En: "Let's go to the Victor Monument!
Sr: Hoću da vidim pogled na grad," uzviknula je Milica i povukla Stefana za ruku.
En: I want to see the view of the city," exclaimed Milica, pulling Stefan by the hand.
Sr: Ali Stefan, zagledan u stari zid, polako je otpružio korak.
En: But Stefan, absorbed in an old wall, took a slow step back.
Sr: "Idem samo do ovog dela zida, vratiću se brzo," reče on.
En: "I'll just go to this part of the wall, I'll be back soon," he said.
Sr: Milica je kimnula glavom i krenula sama.
En: Milica nodded and went on alone.
Sr: Ne znajući, ona se uskoro našla među turistima, detetom koji je vrtelo zmaja u vazduhu i starcem koji je hranio golubove.
En: Unknowingly, she soon found herself among tourists, a child flying a kite in the air, and an old man feeding pigeons.
Sr: Preplićući se između ljudi, ona stiže do bronzanog kipa mladog vojnika.
En: Winding through the crowd, she reached the bronze statue of a young soldier.
Sr: "Stefane, kako si se brzo popeo!
En: "Stefan, how did you climb up so quickly!"
Sr: " Milica poče da priča sa kipom, misleći da je to njen prijatelj.
En: Milica began speaking to the statue, thinking it was her friend.
Sr: "Ovu tvrđavu stvarno čuva prošlost, zar ne misliš?
En: "This fortress really guards the past, don't you think?"
Sr: "Ljudi oko nje počeše da se smeju, skrivajući osmehe iza fotoaparata.
En: People around her began to laugh, hiding their smiles behind cameras.
Sr: Milica nije odmah shvatila šalu, govorila je o istoriji, zalascima sunca i o tome kako bi trebalo pročitati još knjiga o Kalemegdanu.
En: Milica didn't immediately understand the joke; she spoke about history, sunsets, and the need to read more books about Kalemegdan.
Sr: Tada se približio jedan dečak i povukao je za rukav.
En: Then a boy approached and tugged at her sleeve.
Sr: "Gospođice, pričate sa kipom," rekao je uz osmeh.
En: "Miss, you're talking to a statue," he said with a smile.
Sr: Milica je preplašeno pogledala i tada shvatila svoju zabunu.
En: Milica looked frightened and then realized her mistake.
Sr: Obraz joj se zarumenjen od stida, ali ona se nasmejala.
En: Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she laughed it off.
Sr: U tom trenu, Stefan se pojavio, nosio je staru knjigu o Kalemegdanu.
En: At that moment, Stefan appeared, carrying an old book about Kalemegdan.
Sr: Pronašao je Milicu kako stoji pored kipa, a oko nje su ljudi i dalje šaputali i smejali se.
En: He found Milica standing by the statue, while people around her continued to whisper and laugh.
Sr: "Čini se da sam propustio zanimljivu priču," reče on sa smeškom.
En: "It seems I missed an interesting story," he said with a smile.
Sr: Milica se nasmijala.
En: Milica laughed.
Sr: "Jedna priča za pamćenje, samo mi obećaj da ovo nećeš zaboraviti.
En: "A story to remember, just promise me you won't forget this."
Sr: "Zajedno su nastavili šetnju po tvrđavi, sada rame uz rame.
En: Together they continued to walk through the fortress, now side by side.
Sr: Prošlost Kalemegdana i njihova nezaboravna anegdota pomešali su se u jednu priču, priču koju će pamtiti zauvek.
En: The history of Kalemegdan and their unforgettable anecdote merged into one story, a story they would remember forever.
Sr: Priču o danu kada je Milica razgovarala sa bronanim vojnikom, a Stefan, uz knjigu pod rukom, nije želeo ništa drugo nego da deli taj trenutak sa njom.
En: A story about the day when Milica talked to a bronze soldier, and Stefan, with a book in hand, wanted nothing more than to share that moment with her.