The Accidental Artist: A Tale of Friendship

discover how a routine stroll through Kalemegdan turns into an unexpected adventure with friends, involving a freshly painted bench, an impromptu art performance, and the sweet taste of ice cream.

Sr: Jovan je tog sunčanog popodneva odlučio da poseti Kalemegdan.
En: On that sunny afternoon, Jovan decided to visit Kalemegdan.

Sr: Beogradska tvrđava je uvek puna turista i zaljubljenih parova.
En: The Belgrade Fortress is always full of tourists and couples in love.

Sr: Ovog puta, Jovan nije bio sam.
En: This time, Jovan wasn't alone.

Sr: Sa njim su bili Ana, devojka koja mu se dopadala, i njihova zajednička prijateljica Milica.
En: With him were Ana, a girl he liked, and their mutual friend Milica.

Sr: Hodali su stazama tvrđave, razgledali stare zidine i pričali o legendama drevnog Beograda.
En: They walked along the fortress paths, admiring the old walls and talking about the legends of ancient Belgrade.

Sr: Ana je pričala o pričama koje je njen deda voleo da pripoveda, a Milica je dodavala smešne komentare.
En: Ana shared stories that her grandfather used to tell, and Milica added funny comments.

Sr: Posle dugog šetanja, odlučili su da odmore na jednoj klupi.
En: After a long walk, they decided to rest on a bench.

Sr: Sunce je već počelo polako da se spušta, bojeći nebo u tople nijanse narandžaste i roze.
En: The sun had already started to set, coloring the sky in warm shades of orange and pink.

Sr: Jovan nije ni primetio da je klupa na koju je sreo bio zapravo tek ofarban.
En: Jovan didn't even notice that the bench he sat on had actually just been painted.

Sr: Kada se podigao da predloži da idu na sladoled, njegove pantalone su imale šarene pruge.
En: When he stood up to suggest getting ice cream, his pants had colorful stripes.

Sr: Ana i Milica nisu mogle da prestanu da se smeju.
En: Ana and Milica couldn't stop laughing.

Sr: Jovan je pokušavao da shvati šta se to desilo.
En: Jovan tried to figure out what had happened.

Sr: Ljudi oko njih su gledali i šaputali, neki su čak izvadili telefone da slikaju Jovana i njegove šarene pantalone.
En: People around them were looking and whispering, some even took out their phones to take pictures of Jovan and his colorful pants.

Sr: Ana je brzo reagovala.
En: Ana quickly reacted.

Sr: Uzela je svoju jaknu i dala je Jovanu da je veže oko struka i sakrije šarene pruge.
En: She took her jacket and gave it to Jovan to tie around his waist and hide the colorful stripes.

Sr: Milica je dobila sjajnu ideju.
En: Milica had a great idea.

Sr: Predložila je da odu do reke gde ima mnogo slikara i da Jovanovo nesrećno ofarbano sedište postane deo umetničkog performansa.
En: She suggested they go to the nearby river where there are many painters and make Jovan's accidentally painted seat part of an art performance.

Sr: Smejali su se i maštali o tome kako bi to izgledalo.
En: They laughed and fantasized about how that would look.

Sr: Na kraju, zavrsili su u obližnjoj poslastičarnici.
En: In the end, they ended up at a nearby ice cream parlor.

Sr: Jovan se osećao malo neprijatno, ali njegove drugarice su ga ubeđivale da je to samo smešna priča koju će jednog dana pričati.
En: Jovan felt a little uncomfortable, but his friends convinced him that it was just a funny story they would tell one day.

Sr: Jovan je shvatio da boja na njegovim pantalonama nije važna kad je u društvu dobrih prijatelja.
En: Jovan realized that the color on his pants didn't matter when he was in the company of good friends.

Sr: Dok su uživali u sladoledu i pogledu na reku, Ana je nasmejana rekla: "Danas si ti, Jovane, bio naša najveća avantura.
En: As they enjoyed their ice cream and the view of the river, Ana said with a smile, "Today, Jovan, you were our greatest adventure."

Sr: "Jovan je znao da će mu ovaj dan ostati u sećanju, kao dan kada su boje na klupi obojile ne samo njegove pantalone već i sećanje na lepo popodne sa prijateljima.
En: Jovan knew that this day would stay in his memory, as the day when the colors on the bench colored not only his pants but also the memory of a lovely afternoon with friends.

Sr: Smejali su se do kasno u noć, praveći planove za sledeći izlet, ovaj put bez iznenađenja sa bojom.
En: They laughed into the late night, making plans for the next outing, this time without any color surprises.