In this episode, we'll explore the unexpected turns of an evening stroll and the enduring power of friendship at the historic Kalemegdan fortress.
Sr: Sunce je polako zalazilo iza zidina Kalemegdana, a vetar je nežno šumio kroz drveće.
En: The sun was slowly setting behind the walls of Kalemegdan, and the wind gently rustled through the trees.
Sr: Milica i Aleksandar su hodali po kamenitim stazama stare tvrđave.
En: Milica and Aleksandar were walking along the cobblestone paths of the old fortress.
Sr: Ispred njih su bile moćne zidine koje su vekovima čuvale Beograd.
En: In front of them were the mighty walls that had guarded Belgrade for centuries.
Sr: "Izvanredno je ovde," rekla je Milica sa osmehom.
En: "It's amazing here," said Milica with a smile.
Sr: "Da, Kalemegdan je prelep," odgovori Aleksandar, dok su šetali prema jednoj od kula.
En: "Yes, Kalemegdan is beautiful," replied Aleksandar as they walked towards one of the towers.
Sr: Aleksandar je uživao u razgledanju starih zidina.
En: Aleksandar was enjoying the sight of the old walls.
Sr: Sagnuo se da bolje pogleda neki kamen sa čudnim natpisima.
En: He bent down to take a closer look at a stone with strange inscriptions.
Sr: Dok se vraćao u uspravan položaj, stao je na kamen.
En: As he straightened up, he stepped on a stone.
Sr: Iznenada, osetio je jak bol u nozi.
En: Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his leg.
Sr: "Ah!
En: "Ah!"
Sr: " kriknuo je Aleksandar, dok je padao na koleno.
En: cried Aleksandar, falling to his knee.
Sr: Milica je potrčala prema njemu.
En: Milica ran towards him.
Sr: "Šta se desilo?
En: "What happened?"
Sr: " upitala je zabrinuto, gledajući njegovo iskrivljeno lice.
En: she asked worriedly, looking at his contorted face.
Sr: "Mislim da sam izvrnuo zglob," rekao je Aleksandar, grčeći se od bola.
En: "I think I twisted my ankle," said Aleksandar, grimacing in pain.
Sr: "Moramo te odvesti do klupe," rekla je Milica i pažljivo mu pomogla da se osovi na jednu nogu.
En: "We need to get you to a bench," Milica said and carefully helped him to stand on one leg.
Sr: Polako su se uputili prema najbližoj klupi.
En: Slowly, they made their way to the nearest bench.
Sr: Milica je rukom pozvala jednog prolaznika.
En: Milica waved her hand to get the attention of a passerby.
Sr: "Izvinite, možete li nam pomoći?
En: "Excuse me, can you help us?"
Sr: " pitala je.
En: she asked.
Sr: Prolaznik, jedan stariji čovek sa šejrom i osmehom, odmah je prišao.
En: The passerby, an elderly man with a cane and a smile, immediately approached.
Sr: Zajedno su pomogli Aleksandru da sedne.
En: Together, they helped Aleksandar to sit down.
Sr: "Treba ti led i zavoj," rekao je starac.
En: "You need ice and a bandage," said the old man.
Sr: "Znam, ali ovde nemamo ništa," odgovorila je Milica.
En: "I know, but we don't have anything here," replied Milica.
Sr: "Srećom, ja živim blizu.
En: "Fortunately, I live nearby.
Sr: Mogu doneti," rekao je starac i nestao brzo iza jednog ugla.
En: I can bring some," said the old man and quickly disappeared around a corner.
Sr: Milica je pokušavala da uteši Aleksandra dok su čekali.
En: Milica tried to comfort Aleksandar while they waited.
Sr: Starac se brzo vratio sa ledom i zavojem.
En: The old man soon returned with ice and a bandage.
Sr: Upotrebljavajući led da smiri otok, zajedno su zavili Aleksandrov zglob.
En: Using the ice to reduce the swelling, they bandaged Aleksandar's ankle together.
Sr: "Hvala vam puno," rekla je Milica starcu sa olakšanjem.
En: "Thank you very much," said Milica to the old man with relief.
Sr: "Nema na čemu.
En: "You're welcome.
Sr: Pomoć je uvek dobrodošla," odgovorio je starac i otišao.
En: Help is always appreciated," responded the old man and left.
Sr: Aleksandar i Milica su ostali na klupi još neko vreme, gledajući sunce kako potpuno zalazi iza brda.
En: Aleksandar and Milica stayed on the bench for a while longer, watching the sun completely set behind the hills.
Sr: "Hvala ti što si ostala kraj mene," rekao je Aleksandar tiho.
En: "Thank you for staying with me," said Aleksandar quietly.
Sr: "Znaš da uvek možeš računati na mene," odgovorila je Milica sa blagim osmehom.
En: "You know you can always count on me," Milica replied with a gentle smile.
Sr: "Kako ćemo sad kući?
En: "How will we get home now?"
Sr: " pitao je Aleksandar.
En: asked Aleksandar.
Sr: "Pozvaćemo taksi," rekla je Milica i izvadila telefon.
En: "We'll call a taxi," Milica said, taking out her phone.
Sr: Taksi je brzo stigao i odvezao ih do Aleksandrove kuće.
En: The taxi arrived quickly and drove them to Aleksandar's house.
Sr: Milica je pomogla Aleksandru da se udobno smesti na krevet.
En: Milica helped Aleksandar get comfortably settled in bed.
Sr: "Ćutaj, pustiće te zglob uskoro," rekla je Milica.
En: "Don't worry, your ankle will heal soon," said Milica.
Sr: Aleksandar se nasmejao, iako malo bolno.
En: Aleksandar smiled, though a bit painfully.
Sr: "Zahvalan sam što te imam kao prijatelja.
En: "I'm grateful to have you as a friend."
Sr: "Milica mu je vratila osmeh.
En: Milica returned the smile.
Sr: "I ja sam srećna što te imam.
En: "I'm happy to have you too."
Sr: "Tako se završilo njihovo nezaboravno veče na Kalemegdanu, uz puno osmeha i brige jedno za drugo.
En: Thus, their unforgettable evening at Kalemegdan ended, filled with smiles and care for one another.