Stranded on Lake Bled: A Summer Adventure Turns Perilous

In this episode, we'll navigate through a serene summer outing turned thrilling adventure as Ana and Luka face a sudden storm on Lake Bled, reminding us of the unpredictable power of nature.

Sl: Je bilo neko jasno poletno jutro.
En: It was a clear summer morning.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta se odločila obiskati čudovito Blejsko jezero.
En: Ana and Luka decided to visit the beautiful Lake Bled.

Sl: Z majhnim čolnom sta veslala proti otoku sredi jezera.
En: They rowed a small boat towards the island in the middle of the lake.

Sl: Bila sta nasmejana in vesela.
En: They were smiling and happy.

Sl: Hladi ju je lahek vetrič, sonce je sijalo in ni bilo oblakov na nebu.
En: A light breeze cooled them, the sun was shining, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Sl: Ko sta prišla na otok, sta odkrila lepe zelenice in staro cerkvico.
En: When they arrived on the island, they discovered beautiful meadows and an old church.

Sl: Sprehodila sta se po otoku, občudovala naravo in fotografirala.
En: They walked around the island, admired nature, and took photos.

Sl: Vse je bilo popolno.
En: Everything was perfect.

Sl: Celo dan je bil videti popoln za izlet.
En: Even the whole day seemed perfect for an outing.

Sl: Kar naenkrat, ko sta se vračala k čolnu, se je nebo začelo temniti.
En: Suddenly, as they were returning to the boat, the sky began to darken.

Sl: Veliki črni oblaki so prekrivali sonce.
En: Large black clouds covered the sun.

Sl: Veter je postal močnejši, drevesa so se začela zibati v sunkih vetra.
En: The wind grew stronger, and the trees began to sway in the gusts.

Sl: Ana je pogledala proti Luki in rekla: "Nekaj ni prav.
En: Ana looked toward Luka and said, "Something's not right.

Sl: Moramo nazaj domov.
En: We need to go back home."

Sl: "Luka je pokimal in oba sta hitela do čolna.
En: Luka nodded, and they both hurried to the boat.

Sl: Toda, ko sta začela veslati nazaj proti obali, je začelo močno deževati.
En: However, as they started rowing back to the shore, it began to rain heavily.

Sl: Valovi so bili vse večji in močneje sta veslala, da bi ostala na pravi poti.
En: The waves grew bigger, and they rowed harder to stay on course.

Sl: Vendar je bilo morje premočno za njun majhen čoln.
En: But the lake was too strong for their small boat.

Sl: Nenadoma je vihar postal še hujši.
En: Suddenly, the storm became even fiercer.

Sl: Luka ni mogel več nadzorovati čolna.
En: Luka could no longer control the boat.

Sl: Valovi so ju premetavali in naplavili nazaj na otok.
En: The waves tossed them around and pushed them back to the island.

Sl: Bila sta premočena in prestrašena.
En: They were soaked and frightened.

Sl: Ko sta ponovno stopila na otok, sta vedela, da sta zdaj ujeti.
En: When they stepped back on the island, they knew they were now stranded.

Sl: "Moramo najti zavetje," je dejal Luka.
En: "We need to find shelter," Luka said.

Sl: Ana je pokimala in skupaj sta iskala varno mesto.
En: Ana nodded, and together they looked for a safe place.

Sl: Našla sta staro zapuščeno hiško blizu cerkve.
En: They found an old abandoned hut near the church.

Sl: Vstopila sta noter in se stisnila, da bi se ogrela.
En: They went inside and huddled together to warm up.

Sl: Čakala sta in poslušala zvoke nevihte.
En: They waited and listened to the sounds of the storm.

Sl: Trk dežnih kapljic na streho, bučanje vetra in grmenje.
En: The patter of raindrops on the roof, the roar of the wind, and the thunder.

Sl: Zdelo se je, da ne bo nikoli prenehalo.
En: It seemed it would never end.

Sl: A čas je tekel in počasi se je vihar umirjal.
En: But time passed, and slowly the storm calmed.

Sl: Ko se je nevihta končno končala, sta stopila iz hutice.
En: When the storm finally ended, they stepped out of the hut.

Sl: Sonce je znova sijalo in Blejsko jezero je bilo mirno.
En: The sun was shining again, and Lake Bled was calm.

Sl: Luka je pogledal Ano in se nasmehnil: "Imava srečo.
En: Luka looked at Ana and smiled, "We're lucky.

Sl: Preživela sva.
En: We survived."

Sl: "Ana se je nasmehnila nazaj in rekla: "Ja, res imava.
En: Ana smiled back and said, "Yes, we are.

Sl: Zdaj pa nazaj domov.
En: Now let's head back home."

Sl: " Sta ponovno vkrcala na čoln in tokrat v mirnem vremenu veslala proti obali.
En: They got back into the boat and this time rowed towards the shore in calm weather.

Sl: Ko sta prispela nazaj, sta se čutila srečna in hvaležna.
En: When they arrived back, they felt happy and thankful.

Sl: Blejsko jezero je ostalo mirno in lepo, kot vedno.
En: Lake Bled remained peaceful and beautiful as always.

Sl: Ana in Luka pa sta se zavedela, kako hitro se lahko vse spremeni.
En: Ana and Luka realized how quickly everything can change.

Sl: Bila sta hvaležna za varen povratek in za novo zgodbo, ki jo bosta lahko povedala prijateljem.
En: They were grateful for their safe return and for the new story they could share with their friends.