Statues & Smiles: A Bratislava Misadventure

In this episode, we'll uncover how a humorous case of mistaken identity beneath Bratislava's sunny skies leads to an afternoon of laughter and an unexpected lesson among three friends.

Sk: Na úplnom začiatku bola tma.
En: At the very beginning, there was darkness.

Sk: No potom sa nad Bratislavou rozjasnilo a traja priatelia - Jozef, Marta a Eva - sa rozhodli, že si užijú slnečné popoludnie na kávičke v Starom Meste.
En: But then, above Bratislava, the sky cleared, and three friends - Jozef, Marta, and Eva - decided to enjoy a sunny afternoon with a coffee in the Old Town.

Sk: Stretli sa na Hlavnom námestí, kde historické budovy rozprávali príbehy dlhých storočí.
En: They met at the Main Square, where historic buildings told stories of long centuries.

Sk: "Ahoj Jozef!
En: "Hello Jozef!

Sk: Ahoj Eva!
En: Hello Eva!"

Sk: " zvolala Marta s úsmevom.
En: Marta called out with a smile.

Sk: "Ahoj Marto!
En: "Hello Marta!"

Sk: " odpovedali Jozef a Eva takmer zhodne.
En: Jozef and Eva replied almost simultaneously.

Sk: Presúvali sa pozdĺž kaviarní, obchodíkov s upomienkovými predmetmi a štýlových butikov.
En: They strolled past cafes, souvenir shops, and stylish boutiques.

Sk: Všimli si, ako turisti obdivujú sochy, ako sú Čumil alebo Napoleonov vojak.
En: They noticed how tourists admired sculptures such as Čumil or Napoleon's soldier.

Sk: Jozef mal veľkú fantáziu a ľúbil si robiť žarty.
En: Jozef had a great imagination and loved to make jokes.

Sk: Keď prešli okolo sochy Maxmiliána, ktorý vyzeral ako elegán so svojim cylindrom, Jozef neodolal.
En: As they passed by the statue of Maxmilián, who looked like a gentleman with his top hat, Jozef couldn't resist.

Sk: "Dobrý deň, páni," povedal sochám s uklonom.
En: "Good day, gentlemen," he said, bowing to the statues.

Sk: Eva sa zasmiala, ale Marta len nehlučne krútila hlavou, ponorená do mobilu.
En: Eva laughed, but Marta just shook her head quietly, engrossed in her phone.

Sk: Vtom Jozef spozoroval ďalšiu sochu, starého pána so stoickým výrazom, obklopeného holubmi.
En: Suddenly, Jozef noticed another statue, an old man with a stoic expression, surrounded by pigeons.

Sk: "Pozor," povedal Jozef, "poďme sa pozdraviť s týmto pánom.
En: "Look," said Jozef, "let's go greet this gentleman."

Sk: " S úsmevom sa postavil pred sochu a začal: "Dobrý deň, pane.
En: With a smile, he stood in front of the statue and began, "Good day, sir."

Sk: " Socha samozrejme neodpovedala.
En: Of course, the statue didn't respond.

Sk: Marta a Eva sledovali zo zálohy.
En: Marta and Eva watched from a distance.

Sk: Marta chytala Jozefa za slovo: "Jozef, robíš si srandu, či čo?
En: Marta caught Jozef by his words: "Jozef, are you kidding or what?"

Sk: " Eva sa pridala: "Veď to je socha!
En: Eva joined in, "But that's a statue!"

Sk: "Ale Jozef, ešte stále si mysliac, že socha je skutočná osoba, ponúkol soche ruku a pokračoval v "rozhovore": "Ako sa máte dnes, dobrotivý pane?
En: But Jozef, still thinking the statue was a real person, offered his hand to the statue and continued the "conversation": "How are you today, kind sir?

Sk: Nechcete sa pridať k nám na kávu?
En: Would you like to join us for coffee?"

Sk: " Eva sa už neudržala a začala sa smiať nahlas.
En: Eva couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

Sk: V ten moment Jozef konečne pochopil vtip.
En: At that moment, Jozef finally understood the joke.

Sk: Tvár mu zčervenala od zahanbenia, ale usmial sa a prevrátil očami.
En: His face turned red with embarrassment, but he smiled and rolled his eyes.

Sk: "Dobre, dobre, podaril sa vám na mňa fígeľ," priznal s úsmevom.
En: "Okay, okay, you got me good," he admitted with a smile.

Sk: Marta sa konečne rozosmiala a povedala: "Jozef, ty si ale komik.
En: Marta finally laughed and said, "Jozef, you're such a comedian.

Sk: Poďme radšej na tú kávu.
En: Let's go for that coffee instead."

Sk: " A tak si všetci traja užili krásne popoludnie, debatujúc a pozorujúc, ako sa pomaly mení svetlo nad Starým Mestom.
En: And so, all three of them enjoyed a beautiful afternoon, chatting and observing as the light slowly changed above the Old Town.

Sk: Jozef si z tohto dňa odniesol jedno poučenie: že nie všetko, čo vyzerá ako skutočnosť, ňou musí byť.
En: From this day, Jozef took away one lesson: that not everything that looks real actually is.

Sk: A kamaráti si s radosťou pripomínali jeho malé faux pas s neživým poslucháčom, čo im vždy pripomenulo, aké dôležité je vidieť humor vo všetkom okolo seba.
En: And the friends joyfully recalled his little faux pas with an inanimate listener, which always reminded them of the importance of finding humor in everything around them.