Spilled Soup Sparks Unity at Welsh Cook-Off!

In this episode, we'll explore how a spilled soup disaster turned into an inspiring story of community, friendship, and culinary triumph in a quaint Welsh village.

Cy: Roedd hi'n fore hyfryd ym Metws-y-Coed.
En: It was a lovely morning in Betws-y-Coed.

Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn las a'r coed yn wyrdd, ac roedd pawb yn y pentref yn paratoi ar gyfer y digwyddiad mawr o'r flwyddyn - y gystadleuaeth coginio traddodiadol Gymreig.
En: The sky was blue and the trees were green, and everyone in the village was getting ready for the biggest event of the year - the traditional Welsh cooking competition.

Cy: Yn eu plith roedd Rhys, Evan, a Megan, tri ffrind sy'n byw yn y pentref ac sydd bob amser wedi cael hwyl yn coginio gyda'i gilydd.
En: Among them were Rhys, Evan, and Megan, three friends who live in the village and always have fun cooking together.

Cy: Roedd Rhys wedi penderfynu paratoi cawl cennin, dysgl hynod Gymreig, a phan roedd yn ymarfer, roedd pawb yn cytuno bod ei gawl cennin yn flasus iawn.
En: Rhys had decided to prepare leek soup, a very traditional Welsh dish, and when he was practicing, everyone agreed that his leek soup was very tasty.

Cy: Ar y diwrnod mawr, roedd Rhys yn teimlo'n gyffrous wrth iddo arllwys ei gawl cennin i mewn i'r badell fawr yng nghanol y stondin.
En: On the big day, Rhys was feeling excited as he poured his leek soup into the big bowl in the middle of the stand.

Cy: Ond dyna pryd y digwyddodd y ddamwain.
En: But that's when the accident happened.

Cy: Tra roedd Rhys yn symud y badell, llithrodd ei droed ar rhywbeth ar y llawr.
En: While Rhys was moving the bowl, he slipped on something on the floor.

Cy: Collodd ei afael ar y badell ferm, ac yn sydyn, roedd cawl cennin poeth yn treiglo dros ei freichiau a'i siwmper.
En: He lost his grip on the large bowl, and suddenly, hot leek soup was splashing over his arms and sweater.

Cy: Roedd pawb yn edrych yn syn.
En: Everyone was looking stunned.

Cy: Evan a Megan aeth ato'n gyflym i'w helpu.
En: Evan and Megan quickly rushed to help him.

Cy: Rhys roedd yn teimlo embaras a poen, a'r cawl oedd yn arogleuo'n gryf ar ei ddillad.
En: Rhys felt embarrassed and in pain, and the soup was strongly smelling in his clothes.

Cy: Roedd y gystadleuaeth i fod i ddechrau mewn dim ond ugain munud!
En: The competition was supposed to start in just twenty minutes!

Cy: "Rydyn ni'n dy helpu," meddai Evan, wrth iddo dynnu siaced i'w rhoi dros fferau Rhys.
En: "We're here to help you," said Evan as he took off his jacket to put it over Rhys's shoulders.

Cy: Mae Megan yn rhedeg i nôl rhagor o ddillad iddo o'i gartref sydd gerllaw.
En: Megan ran to get more clothes for him from her nearby home.

Cy: Wrth i Rhys newid ei ddillad, roedd y pentrefwyr eraill yn dechrau'u gwaith ar eu prydau.
En: As Rhys changed his clothes, the other villagers started working on their dishes.

Cy: Roedd o'r farn ei fod e wedi colli ei gyfle, ond Megan a Evan oedd yn meddwl rhywfaint yn wahanol.
En: He thought he had missed his chance, but Megan and Evan were thinking somewhat differently.

Cy: "Nid yw hi dros eto," meddrodd Megan yn benderfynol.
En: "It's not over yet," Megan said decisively.

Cy: "Byddwn ni'n gwneud cawl cennin arall - gyda'n gilydd.
En: "We'll make another leek soup - together.

Cy: Mae gan bawb ohonom ni rywbeth i'w gynnig.
En: Each of us has something to offer."

Cy: " Evan oedd yn gallu torri'r cennin yn gyflym, tra oedd Megan yn enwog am ei broth.
En: Evan could quickly chop the leeks, while Megan was famous for her broth.

Cy: Wrth i'r cloc droi, roedd trio yn gweithio'n angerddol.
En: As the clock ticked, the trio worked passionately.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn dechrau rhoi blasau yn y cawl newydd, a phawb oedd yn bartneriaid, yn rhannu'r gwaith.
En: Rhys began to taste the new soup, and everyone was in partnership, sharing the work.

Cy: Pan daeth yr amser i'w beirniadu, roedd cawl Rhys, Evan, a Megan yn sefyll allan.
En: When the time came for judgment, the leek soup by Rhys, Evan, and Megan stood out.

Cy: Roedd y beirniaid wrth eu boddau gyda chyfuniad unigryw o flasau.
En: The judges were pleased with the unique combination of flavors.

Cy: Ac er gwaethaf yr hyn a ddechreuodd fel trychineb, terfynodd y gystadleuaeth gyda Rhys, Evan, a Megan yn derbyn y wobr gyntaf am eu cawl cennin cyfunol.
En: And despite what started as a disaster, the competition ended with Rhys, Evan, and Megan accepting the first prize for their combined leek soup.

Cy: Roedd y pentref i gyd yn dathlu gyda'i gilydd.
En: The whole village celebrated together.

Cy: Roedd hi'n fuddugoliaeth ar gyfer cymuned, nid dim ond ar gyfer un person.
En: It was a victory for the community, not just for one person.

Cy: Ac o hynny ymlaen, pob blwyddyn ym Metws-y-Coed, gwneid cawl cennin hefyd i gofio am y diwrnod pan ddaeth carthu llong cennin yn arwydd o undod a chyfeillgarwch.
En: And from then on, every year in Betws-y-Coed, leek soup was also made to remember the day when a spilled ship of leeks became a sign of unity and friendship.