Snowdonia Adventures: Kids’ Thrilling Biologist Dream

In this episode, we'll follow three adventurous kids as they discover the unexpected wonders of Snowdonia, embarking on a journey that combines education, bravery, and a newfound passion for biology.

Cy: Cefndir oedd yn syfrdan.
En: The background was stunning.

Cy: Bannau'r Eryri, yn llawn symbolau o natur.
En: The peaks of Snowdonia, full of symbols of nature.

Cy: Cawsom ni fynd mewn bws gyda Ysgol Glan Clwyd.
En: We got to go on a bus with Ysgol Glan Clwyd.

Cy: Wrth ddisgyn o'r bws, roedd yr awyr mor glir.
En: Upon getting off the bus, the sky was so clear.

Cy: “Dewch ymlaen, plant!” galwodd y tiwtor.
En: “Come on, children!” called the tutor.

Cy: "Mae gennym waith i'w wneud."
En: "We have work to do."

Cy: Eleri, Gethin a Carys oedd yn gyffrous.
En: Eleri, Gethin, and Carys were excited.

Cy: Roeddent bob amser yn gwrando’n astud yn yr ysgol, ac yn awyddus yma hefyd.
En: They always listened attentively at school and were eager here too.

Cy: Cerddon nhw at lyn oedd wedi'i guddio mewn cwm.
En: They walked to a lake hidden in a valley.

Cy: Roedd y tiwtor yn dechrau esbonio am bysgod y llyn a phlanhigion y dŵr.
En: The tutor began explaining about the fish in the lake and the water plants.

Cy: Gethin gwelodd eog mawr.
En: Gethin saw a large salmon.

Cy: Carys oedd yn canolbwyntio ar y planhigion, a siaradodd am eirlysau a rhedyn.
En: Carys was focusing on the plants and talked about snowdrops and ferns.

Cy: "Maen nhw’n hynod ddiddorol," meddai hi.
En: "They are incredibly interesting," she said.

Cy: Yna, bu Eleri'n galw’n uchel.
En: Then, Eleri called out loudly.

Cy: “Edrychwch ar y castell yna!”
En: “Look at that castle!”

Cy: Roedd castell hen yn sefyll yn uchel ar ben bryn.
En: An old castle stood tall on top of a hill.

Cy: Gethin a Carys oedd yn anhydffro drostyn nhw.
En: Gethin and Carys were thrilled by it.

Cy: "Arhoswch," meddyliodd Eleri.
En: "Wait," thought Eleri.

Cy: "Gawn ni fynd yno?"
En: "Can we go there?"

Cy: Disgynnodd y tiwtor eu hysbryd, "Nid ydi hynny'n rhan o'r daith."
En: The tutor dampened their spirits, "That is not part of the trip."

Cy: Ond penderfynodd y tri fynd yn unigol.
En: But the three decided to go on their own.

Cy: Aethon nhw i'r castell gyda'i gilydd.
En: They went to the castle together.

Cy: Roedd anifeiliaid yn y coed, roedd adar yn canu.
En: There were animals in the woods, and the birds were singing.

Cy: Pan gyrhaeddasant y castell, roedd popeth yn hen ac yn dawel.
En: When they reached the castle, everything was old and quiet.

Cy: Teimlodd Eleri drafferth.
En: Eleri felt uneasy.

Cy: “Dwi’n gwbod, mae rhywbeth wedi digwydd yma,” meddai.
En: “I know, something has happened here,” she said.

Cy: Yn sydyn, roedd llawer o chwyrnu.
En: Suddenly, there was a lot of snorting.

Cy: Roedd moch daear yno.
En: There were badgers there.

Cy: Roedd un ohonyn nhw wedi cael ei faglu gan hen weiren.
En: One of them had been trapped by an old wire.

Cy: Gethin oedd y cyntaf i’w weld a gwelodd fod y moch daear wedi cael anaf.
En: Gethin was the first to see it and noticed that the badger was injured.

Cy: Y gweithred cyntaf oedd translate the situation.
En: The first step was to address the situation.

Cy: Roedd rhaid iddynt helpu’r mochyn.
En: They had to help the badger.

Cy: "Does dim angen poeni, wna i wneud hyn," meddyliodd Eleri, a defnyddio ei gwybodaeth.
En: "No need to worry, I’ll do this," thought Eleri, using her knowledge.

Cy: Gethwyd y weiren yn ofalus, a'r mochyn daear oedd yn ddiolchgar, yn dianc yn ôl i'r coedwig.
En: The wire was carefully removed, and the grateful badger escaped back into the forest.

Cy: Wrth ddychwelyd i'r llwyn, dywedodd Carys, “Roedd hynny'n anhygoel. Dwi am fod yn fiolegydd!”
En: As they returned to the woods, Carys said, “That was incredible. I want to be a biologist!”

Cy: Cawsant lwyddiant yn eu hantur.
En: They had succeeded in their adventure.

Cy: Edrychodd y tri'n hapus. "Roedd y wers hon yn fwy na'r hyn roeddem wedi'i feddwl," meddai Gethin.
En: The three looked happy. "This lesson was more than we expected," said Gethin.

Cy: Wrth ddychwelyd i'r bws, roedd pawb yn wên.
En: As they returned to the bus, everyone was smiling.

Cy: Roeddynt wedi dysgu llawer, nid yn unig o natur, ond o'u hunain.
En: They had learned a lot, not just about nature, but about themselves.

Cy: Roedd y wers go iawn wedi digwydd y tu allan i’r llyfrau.
En: The real lesson had happened outside the books.

Cy: "Mae Eryri yn lle arbennig," dywedodd Eleri.
En: “Snowdonia is a special place,” said Eleri.

Cy: Roedd pawb yn cytuno.
En: Everyone agreed.