Sheep Saves the Day in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

In this episode, we'll explore how a village lawn crisis turns into an unexpected sheep shearing spectacle, igniting community camaraderie.

Cy: Ar un diwrnod braf o wanwyn, ym mhentref hiraf enwog Cymru, sef Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, roedd Gareth yn sefyll yn edrych ar ei ardd gyda phryder dwys.
En: On a beautiful spring day in the renowned Welsh village of Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Gareth stood looking at his garden with deep concern.

Cy: Roedd y glaswellt wedi tyfu'n wyllt ac roedd yn edrych yn flêr iawn.
En: The grass had grown wild and was looking very untidy.

Cy: Penderfynodd Gareth ei fod angen ei dorri.
En: Gareth decided it needed cutting.

Cy: Y broblem oedd nad oedd ganddo lawnmower.
En: The problem was he didn't have a lawnmower.

Cy: Eira a Ceri, ei ffrindiau gorau, oedd yn sefyll wrth ei ymyl.
En: His best friends Eira and Ceri were standing by his side.

Cy: "Beth fyddi di'n ei wneud?" gofynnodd Ceri yn chwilfrydig.
En: "What will you do?" asked Ceri curiously.

Cy: Ac yma dechreuodd antur fwyaf annisgwyl Gareth.
En: And thus began Gareth's most unexpected adventure.

Cy: Gyda chwerthin bach, cymerodd Gareth ddefaid o’r cae cyfagos.
En: With a little laughter, Gareth took some sheep from the nearby field.

Cy: "Wel," meddai Gareth gyda gwên ogoneddus, "os na all peiriant dorri'r glaswellt, efallai y gall dafad ei bori."
En: "Well," Gareth said with a proud smile, "if a machine can't cut the grass, maybe a sheep can munch it."

Cy: Roedd Eira yn ysgwyd ei phen gyda rhwystredigaeth wrth i Gareth arwain y dafad at y glaswellt hir.
En: Eira shook her head in frustration as Gareth led the sheep towards the long grass.

Cy: Yn sydyn, dechreuodd y dafad fwyta.
En: Suddenly, the sheep started eating.

Cy: Roedd yn ymddangos fel syniad gwych ar y dechrau, ond yn fuan iawn, sylweddolodd Gareth na fyddai un dafad yn ddigon.
En: It seemed like a great idea at first, but soon Gareth realized that one sheep wouldn't be enough.

Cy: Y dafad, yn awyddus i bori, bron â bwrw Gareth i'r llawr wrth geisio cyrraedd llawer mwy o laswellt.
En: The eager sheep, determined to munch, nearly knocked Gareth over trying to reach much more of the grass.

Cy: Cyn pen dim, daeth pobl o'r pentref i weld beth oedd y sŵn.
En: Before long, people from the village came to see what the noise was.

Cy: Roedd pob un ohonynt yn syllu mewn syndod ar y gweladwyd annhebygol hwn.
En: Each of them stared in disbelief at this unlikely sight.

Cy: Roedd plant yn chwerthin, pobl hŷn yn ysgwyd eu pennau, ond i gyd yn cael eu diddanu gan yr olygfa ryfedd o flaen eu llygaid.
En: Children laughed, older people shook their heads, but all were entertained by the strange sight before their eyes.

Cy: Eira, a oedd bob amser yn llawn syniadau, awgrymodd, "Beth am i ni gael mwy o ddefaid i helpu?"
En: Eira, always full of ideas, suggested, "What about getting more sheep to help?"

Cy: Felly, gyda phedair neu bum dafad arall a ddaethant o'r cae, dechreuodd y glaswellt gael ei fwyta'n gynt.
En: So, with four or five more sheep brought from the field, the grass started getting eaten sooner.

Cy: Erbyn iddi nosi, roedd y cyfan wedi newid.
En: By nightfall, everything had changed.

Cy: Roedd y glaswellt bellach wedi'i dorri'n daclus, diolch i'w ffrindiau newydd, y defaid.
En: The grass was now neatly trimmed, thanks to their new friends, the sheep.

Cy: Roedd y pentrefwr syrpreis wedi troi'n ŵyl frysur, gyda phobl yn dathlu ingenuity Gareth a'i ffrindiau.
En: The surprised village had turned into a bustling festival, with people celebrating Gareth and his friends' ingenuity.

Cy: Gareth, gydag wyneb coch o embaras ond hefyd o falchder, diolchodd i Eira a Ceri am eu help ac am iddyn nhw fod yn ffrindiau mor wych.
En: Gareth, with a face flushed with embarrassment but also pride, thanked Eira and Ceri for their help and for being such great friends.

Cy: Ac er iddo ddatrys y sefyllfa lawnmower mewn ffordd annhebygol, roedd pawb yn y pentref yn siarad am anturiaethau'r dydd hwnnw am flynyddoedd i ddod.
En: Even though he solved the lawnmower situation in an unexpected way, everyone in the village would talk about the adventures of that day for years to come.

Cy: A dyna sut daeth Gareth, Eira, a Ceri yn arwyr y diwrnod yng nghalon Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.
En: And that's how Gareth, Eira, and Ceri became the heroes of the day in the heart of Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.

Cy: A'r tro nesaf roedd angen torri'r glaswellt, roedd gan Gareth lawnmower go iawn i wneud y gwaith.
En: The next time the grass needed cutting, Gareth had a real lawnmower to do the job.

Cy: Ond roedd y stori am y dydd defaid byth yn anghofio, a byth yn peidio â phlesio'r rhai a glywodd hi.
En: But the story of the sheep day was never forgotten and never failed to entertain those who heard it.