Secrets: Family Treasure Hidden in Belgrade’s Fortress

In this episode, we'll journey with Miloš and Jelena as they uncover an ancient family treasure hidden within the storied walls of Belgrade's Kalemegdan fortress, revealing secrets that connect them to their rich ancestral past.

Sr: U starom Beogradu, Kalemegdan tvrđava čuva svoje tajne.
En: In old Belgrade, the Kalemegdan fortress guards its secrets.

Sr: Miloš i Jelena su šetali kroz tvrđavu.
En: Miloš and Jelena were walking through the fortress.

Sr: Vetar je prolazio kroz stari kamen.
En: The wind passed through the old stone.

Sr: "Pogledaj ovde," rekao je Miloš.
En: "Look here," Miloš said.

Sr: Ugledali su nešto u zidu, malu pukotinu.
En: They spotted something in the wall, a small crack.

Sr: "Šta je to?" Jelena je pitala.
En: "What is that?" Jelena asked.

Sr: Miloš je rukama pažljivo počeo da skida kamenje.
En: Miloš carefully started removing the stones with his hands.

Sr: Otkrio je staru kutiju.
En: He uncovered an old box.

Sr: Obe su bile uzbuđene.
En: They were both excited.

Sr: "Ovo izgleda veoma staro," rekao je Miloš.
En: "This looks very old," Miloš said.

Sr: Otvorili su kutiju.
En: They opened the box.

Sr: Unutra je bila stara mapa.
En: Inside was an old map.

Sr: "Ovo je mapa naše porodice!" rekla je Jelena.
En: "This is the map of our family!" Jelena exclaimed.

Sr: Tu je bio i stari nakit.
En: There was also some old jewelry.

Sr: "Ovo je blago naše porodice, izgubljeno pre mnogo godina," dodaje Miloš.
En: "This is our family's treasure, lost many years ago," Miloš added.

Sr: "Privatnik nam nije ispričao ovu povest."
En: "The guide didn't tell us this story."

Sr: Njihovi preci su, očigledno, imali skrivenu istoriju.
En: Their ancestors, evidently, had a hidden history.

Sr: "Pogledaj datum na mapi," Jelena je uzviknula.
En: "Look at the date on the map," Jelena exclaimed.

Sr: Datum je bio iz 15. veka.
En: The date was from the 15th century.

Sr: "Naši preci su živeli ovde," dodala je sa suzama u očima.
En: "Our ancestors lived here," she added with tears in her eyes.

Sr: "Moramo saznati više o njima."
En: "We must find out more about them."

Sr: Danas su otkrili deo prošlosti.
En: Today they discovered a piece of the past.

Sr: Njihove duše su se ispunile ponosom.
En: Their souls were filled with pride.

Sr: Oboje su znali da će se vratiti istraživati.
En: They both knew they would return to investigate.

Sr: Tvrđava Kalemegdan dala im je veliku tajnu.
En: The Kalemegdan fortress had given them a great secret.

Sr: Zbog toga, Miloš i Jelena su se zakleli.
En: Because of this, Miloš and Jelena made a vow.

Sr: Čuvaće i istraživaće blago svoje porodice sa ponosom i pažnjom.
En: They would guard and explore their family's treasure with pride and care.

Sr: Miloš i Jelena su otišli kući.
En: Miloš and Jelena went home.

Sr: Njihovo srce bilo je srećno i puno novih pitanja.
En: Their hearts were happy and full of new questions.

Sr: But Kalemegdan tvrđava uvek će biti mesto gde su otkrili važan deo svoje prošlosti.
En: But the Kalemegdan fortress would always be the place where they discovered an important piece of their past.

Sr: Tajne su otkrivene i ostale su sa osobama koje ih najviše cene.
En: Secrets were unveiled and remained with those who cherished them the most.

Sr: Kraj.
En: The end.