Secrets Beneath Kalemegdan: Belgrade’s Ancient Fortress

In this episode, we'll explore the hidden secrets of Kalemegdan Park, following three friends on a historical adventure that strengthens their bond and uncovers the mystique of Belgrade's ancient fortress.

Sr: U srcu Beograda, među drevnim zidinama i senkama proteklih vekova, troje učenika koračalo je stazama Kalemegdanskog parka.
En: In the heart of Belgrade, among the ancient walls and shadows of past centuries, three students walked the paths of Kalemegdan Park.

Sr: Miloš, Jelena i Nikola su sa svojim razredom krenuli na jednodnevni izlet.
En: Miloš, Jelena, and Nikola, along with their class, embarked on a day trip.

Sr: Vreme je bilo prohladno, ali sunčano.
En: The weather was chilly but sunny.

Sr: Početak proleća je cvetao.
En: Early spring was in bloom.

Sr: Dok su hodali prema staroj tvrđavi, vodič im je pričao priče o bitkama i kraljevima.
En: As they walked towards the old fortress, the guide told them stories of battles and kings.

Sr: “Miloše, pogodi gde su vojnici čuvali stražu?
En: "Miloš, guess where the soldiers stood guard?"

Sr: ” Nikola je pitao svog prijatelja, smeškajući se.
En: Nikola asked his friend, smiling.

Sr: Miloš je zamišljeno gledao visoke zidove.
En: Miloš thoughtfully looked at the high walls.

Sr: “Tamo gore, na najvišoj kuli,” odgovorio je sigurno.
En: "Up there, on the tallest tower," he answered confidently.

Sr: Jelena je tiho posmatrala pogled na reku Savu, skrivena u svojim mislima.
En: Jelena quietly observed the view of the Sava River, lost in her thoughts.

Sr: Došli su do mesta gde je vodič pokazao stepenice koje vode ispod zemlje.
En: They reached a spot where the guide pointed to stairs leading underground.

Sr: “Ovo je tajni prolaz,” rekao je ozbiljno.
En: "This is a secret passage," he said seriously.

Sr: Deca su bila fascinirana.
En: The children were fascinated.

Sr: Miloš je odmah predložio da idu dole.
En: Miloš immediately suggested they go down.

Sr: Jelena je bila malo uplašena, ali nije želela da pokaže.
En: Jelena was a bit scared but didn't want to show it.

Sr: Silazeći niz stepenice, Jelena je osećala hladnoću kamenih zidova.
En: Descending the stairs, Jelena felt the coldness of the stone walls.

Sr: Mesto je bilo mistično, sa slabim svetlom koje je titralo krajolikom.
En: The place was mystical, with dim light flickering in the surroundings.

Sr: “Šta ako se izgubimo?
En: "What if we get lost?"

Sr: ” pitala je tiho.
En: she asked quietly.

Sr: Nikola ju je ohrabrio: “Ne brini, mi smo zajedno.
En: Nikola encouraged her, "Don't worry, we are together."

Sr: ”Vodič im je govorio o tajnim prolazima i ratnicima koji su tu nekada živeli.
En: The guide told them about the secret passages and warriors who once lived there.

Sr: Miloš, Jelena i Nikola su pažljivo slušali, zapanjeni istorijom oko sebe.
En: Miloš, Jelena, and Nikola listened carefully, amazed by the history around them.

Sr: Mesta koja su videli bila su kao stranice stare knjige.
En: The places they saw were like pages from an old book.

Sr: Kada su izašli iz tajnog prolaza, sunce je već bilo nisko na nebu.
En: When they emerged from the secret passage, the sun was already low in the sky.

Sr: Vreme je prolazilo brzo dok su učili o prošlosti.
En: Time had passed quickly as they learned about the past.

Sr: Vraćajući se ka glavnom delu parka, deca su razgovarala o avanturama iz starine.
En: Heading back to the main part of the park, the children talked about adventures from ancient times.

Sr: Dok su se približavali grupi, Miloš je povukao Jelenu i Nikolu u stranu.
En: As they approached the group, Miloš pulled Jelena and Nikola aside.

Sr: “Hajde da obiđemo još malo sami,” rekao je.
En: "Let's explore a bit more on our own," he said.

Sr: Jelena je bila oprezna, ali Nikola je bio za.
En: Jelena was cautious, but Nikola was in favor.

Sr: Troje prijatelja su se udaljili od ostatka grupe i otišli prema klupu pored reke.
En: The three friends distanced themselves from the rest of the group and went towards a bench by the river.

Sr: Sedeli su na klupi, gledajući kako reke teče mirno.
En: They sat on the bench, watching the river flow calmly.

Sr: “Kalemegdan je pun tajni,” rekao je Miloš.
En: "Kalemegdan is full of secrets," said Miloš.

Sr: Jelena i Nikola su se složili.
En: Jelena and Nikola agreed.

Sr: Kada su se vratili svojim drugarima, vodič ih je pohvalio za hrabrost i radoznalost.
En: When they rejoined their classmates, the guide praised them for their bravery and curiosity.

Sr: “Istorija nije samo u knjigama, već i u onome što otkrivamo sami.
En: "History isn't just in books, but in what we discover ourselves.

Sr: Vi ste danas to pokazali,” rekao je sa osmehom.
En: You showed that today," he said with a smile.

Sr: Na kraju dana, dok su se vozili nazad kući, osećali su se zadovoljno.
En: At the end of the day, as they drove back home, they felt content.

Sr: Ne samo da su naučili mnogo o istoriji, već su i ojačali svoje prijateljstvo.
En: Not only had they learned a lot about history, but they also strengthened their friendship.

Sr: Kalemegdan nije bio samo park za njih.
En: For them, Kalemegdan was not just a park.

Sr: Postao je deo njihove zajedničke priče.
En: It became a part of their shared story.

Sr: I svi su otišli kući bogatiji za jedno nezaboravno iskustvo.
En: And they all went home richer with an unforgettable experience.