Secret Beneath Kalemegdan: A Journey to Family Peace

In this episode, we'll uncover hidden family secrets and embark on a thrilling journey to discover a long-lost treasure that promises to bring peace and unity to Miloš and Ana's lives.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio tih i mračan.
En: Kalemegdan was silent and dark.

Sr: Nebo se mrštilo, a vetar je hučao kroz stare zidine.
En: The sky was frowning, and the wind howled through the old walls.

Sr: Miloš je hodao užurbano, sa kapuljačom preko glave.
En: Miloš walked briskly, with his hood over his head.

Sr: Njegove misli bile su teške.
En: His thoughts were heavy.

Sr: Bio je zabrinut.
En: He was worried.

Sr: Ana je čekala kod Velikog stepeništa.
En: Ana was waiting at the Grand Staircase.

Sr: Videla je Miloša i mahnula mu.
En: She saw Miloš and waved to him.

Sr: "Ovde si?
En: "You're here?"

Sr: " pitala je tiho.
En: she asked quietly.

Sr: "Da," odgovori Miloš.
En: "Yes," Miloš replied.

Sr: "Morali smo se naći ovde.
En: "We had to meet here.

Sr: Ova noć mora biti posebna.
En: This night has to be special."

Sr: "Začuo se grom.
En: Thunder roared.

Sr: Oboje su se trgnuli, ali nastavili su hodati.
En: They both flinched but continued walking.

Sr: Hteli su stići do mesta gde su se kamene ploče ukrštale.
En: They wanted to reach the place where the stone slabs intersected.

Sr: Tu je Miloš morao otkriti tajnu.
En: That’s where Miloš had to reveal the secret.

Sr: "Šta je to tako važno?
En: "What is so important?"

Sr: " pitala je Ana.
En: Ana asked.

Sr: Progutala je suze i obrisala lice.
En: She swallowed her tears and wiped her face.

Sr: Miloš je stao i pogledao je duboko u oči.
En: Miloš stopped and looked deep into her eyes.

Sr: "Ana, naš otac nije ono što misliš.
En: "Ana, our father is not what you think.

Sr: On je skrivao nešto.
En: He was hiding something.

Sr: Ovde, na ovom mestu.
En: Here, at this place."

Sr: "Ana je izgledala izgubljeno.
En: Ana looked confused.

Sr: "Šta to znači?
En: "What does that mean?"

Sr: " Frknula je.
En: she snapped.

Sr: Miloš je izvadio staru mapu.
En: Miloš took out an old map.

Sr: "Pogledaj.
En: "Look.

Sr: Ova mapa vodi do skrivene komore.
En: This map leads to a hidden chamber.

Sr: Tu ćemo naći odgovore.
En: There, we will find answers."

Sr: "Kiša je počela padati, ali nisu odustali.
En: It started to rain, but they didn't give up.

Sr: Pratili su znakove na mapi, sve dok nisu stigli do stare kapije koja je bila poluzakopana u zemlji.
En: They followed the signs on the map until they reached an old gate, half-buried in the ground.

Sr: "Ovde?
En: "Here?"

Sr: " pitala je Ana.
En: Ana asked.

Sr: Bila je nervozna.
En: She was nervous.

Sr: Miloš je prišao.
En: Miloš approached.

Sr: "Da.
En: "Yes.

Sr: Mora biti ovde.
En: It has to be here."

Sr: "Zajedno su gurali teška vrata.
En: Together they pushed the heavy door.

Sr: Uz škripu su se otvorila.
En: With a creak, it opened.

Sr: Ispred njih je bio mračan hodnik.
En: In front of them was a dark corridor.

Sr: Uzdahnuli su i ušli.
En: They sighed and entered.

Sr: "Drži lampu," reče Miloš.
En: "Hold the lamp," Miloš said.

Sr: Ana je osvetljavala put.
En: Ana illuminated the path.

Sr: Hodnik je vodio do male sobe.
En: The corridor led to a small room.

Sr: Miloš je duboko udahnuo i otvorio mali sanduk na podu.
En: Miloš took a deep breath and opened a small chest on the floor.

Sr: Unutra je bila stara knjiga.
En: Inside was an old book.

Sr: "Ovo je dnevnik našeg dede," šapnu on.
En: "This is our grandfather's diary," he whispered.

Sr: "On je zapisao sve.
En: "He wrote everything down."

Sr: "Čitali su zajedno, ređajući red po red.
En: They read together, line by line.

Sr: U knjizi su našli priču o njihovom dedu koji je bio veliki vojskovođa.
En: In the book, they found the story of their grandfather, who was a great military leader.

Sr: Znao je mnoge tajne.
En: He knew many secrets.

Sr: Ali najvažnija tajna bila je ta da je njihova porodica čuvala veliki kovčeg blaga, skriven duboko ispod Kalemegdana.
En: But the most important secret was that their family guarded a great treasure chest, hidden deep beneath Kalemegdan.

Sr: "Kovčeg blaga?
En: "A treasure chest?"

Sr: " reče Ana, oči joj se sijale.
En: Ana said, her eyes shining.

Sr: Sada se nije samo kiša slegla, već i njihova srca.
En: Now, not only did the rain settle but so did their hearts.

Sr: Znali su da imaju misiju.
En: They knew they had a mission.

Sr: Njihov deda želeo je da oni pronađu kovčeg.
En: Their grandfather wanted them to find the chest.

Sr: "Ima još," nastavio je Miloš.
En: "There’s more," Miloš continued.

Sr: "Na kraju dnevnika piše.
En: "At the end of the diary, it says...

Sr: Ako nađeš ovo, naći ćeš i mir.
En: If you find this, you will find peace as well.

Sr: Naša porodica će biti cela.
En: Our family will be whole."

Sr: "Ana ga je pogledala sa suzama u očima.
En: Ana looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Sr: "Moramo naći kovčeg.
En: "We have to find the chest.

Sr: Ne radi blaga, već mira.
En: Not for the treasure, but for peace."

Sr: "Kiša je stala.
En: The rain stopped.

Sr: Vetar je umirio.
En: The wind calmed.

Sr: Miloš i Ana izašli su iz hodnika, znajući da je ovo tek početak njihovog putovanja.
En: Miloš and Ana emerged from the corridor, knowing this was just the beginning of their journey.

Sr: Vratili su se na Kalemegdan, ali sada sa novom nadom u srcima.
En: They returned to Kalemegdan, but now with a new hope in their hearts.

Sr: Kalemegdan je ponovo bio tih i mračan, ali za Miloša i Anu, nova zora je počinjala.
En: Kalemegdan was silent and dark again, but for Miloš and Ana, a new dawn was beginning.