Scribe’s Trial: Gareth’s Journey to Samhain Success

In this episode, we'll journey through Gareth's nocturnal quest as he strives to master his craft in the shadowy halls of the castle scriptorium, facing the ultimate test on Samhain night.

Cy: Ym mhrif scriptorium y castell caniatawyd golau canhwyllau i ddawnsio ar draws y llawr caled, gan oleuo'r papurau a'r inciau a adawyd gan yr apprentices brud.
En: In the main scriptorium of the castle, candlelight was allowed to dance across the hard floor, illuminating the papers and inks left by the apprentices brud.

Cy: Roedd yr awyrgylch yn llawn arogl llaith dail yn cwympo a llyfrau hen.
En: The atmosphere was full of the damp scent of falling leaves and old books.

Cy: Yn y pellter, gallai sŵn dathliadau Samhain yn y cwrt gael ei glywed wrth i bobl fynd ati i oleuo pwmpenni ac ymlacio ar benodiad traddodiadol.
En: In the distance, the sound of Samhain celebrations in the courtyard could be heard as people went about lighting pumpkins and relaxing at the traditional appointment.

Cy: Eisteddai Gareth wrth ei fwrdd gwaith, ei ben wedi'i blygu'n isel dros bapur perl.
En: Gareth sat at his work desk, his head bent low over a pearl paper.

Cy: Roedd ei ddyfalu am ddisgyniad rhydd yn talu'r fath sylw, gan guddio straen o dan waith celf ysgafn.
En: His contemplation of freefall deserved such attention, hiding strain beneath delicate artwork.

Cy: Llewyrchodd llawysgrifau beth mor sgleiniog dan ei bysedd.
En: The manuscripts shone somewhat glossy under his fingers.

Cy: "Mewn amser," meddai Gareth i'w argraff o faenau.
En: "In time," said Gareth to his impression of stones.

Cy: Roedd angen iddo ddweud rywbeth i leddfu'r gwirionedd repaid o brinder amser.
En: He needed to say something to ease the harsh truth of a lack of time.

Cy: Samhain oedd y dyddiad cau, yn brofion sylweddol ar gyfer cyrraedd y cyfnod caled o ddod prawf eich galluoedd gerbron y scrybiau di-lol.
En: Samhain was the deadline, a significant trial for reaching the difficult period of proving your abilities before the no-nonsense scribes.

Cy: Arweiniodd Meirion, y prif scrybiwr, gadwyniad o leoliadau bach wrth iddo cviaid ag estyniadau.
En: Meirion, the chief scribe, led a chain of small locations as he moved with extensions.

Cy: "Gareth," roedd yn dal wrth ei gynhwys, "mae'r yn siarad o'r llef gan ddisgwyl mae gweithio'n dda.
En: "Gareth," he maintained in his content, "I'm anticipating as the voice expects you to renew it well.

Cy: Pa bryd yr adnewyddi, fel y byddai'n amlygu'n llewyrchog?
En: When will you renew it, so it would reveal brilliant?"

Cy: "Yn ystod yr egwyl fach, cytunodd Catrin, un o'r apprentices.
En: During the small break, Catrin, one of the apprentices, agreed.

Cy: "Erchyll teithio," meddai'n chwerthinog, wedi'i llanw â nod tŵf.
En: "Tremendous traveling," she said laughing, filled with a note of growth.

Cy: "Gwybu Gareth am fod wythnos unig ddau ddiwrnod cyn Samhain.
En: Gareth knew it was only two days until Samhain.

Cy: Oherwydd teimlad difrifol llithroai yn canol y nos, wrth iddo ddarllen cymedrol.
En: A serious feeling slipped in the middle of the night, while he read moderately.

Cy: Roedd y hwyr yn beidio siarad o'r oreuka, yn magu halog fyw, ac yn chwalu'n draed gan n atgofion am samhain.
En: The late evening ceased to speak of the golden hour, nurturing live contamination, and shattered in the feet with memories of Samhain.

Cy: Wrth aros drwy'r nos yn y scriptorium, penderfynodd Gareth roi ei amser i greu popeth welodd yn ysblennydd.
En: While staying through the night in the scriptorium, Gareth decided to put his time into creating everything he saw as splendid.

Cy: Ventured i'w glywed Roryng-swn penêl y radd ddaenai i gyd, gadawodd pob gobaith diodde.
En: Venturing to hear the roar from the main grade spread everything out, left all hope enduring.

Cy: Tripiodd lymygaeth ar ei gawr, tyreidiodd fe wnaeth y rhif ansad.
En: He tripped over a hook on his heel, adjusted but made the number unstable.

Cy: Ond chwilroedd ei bennaeth y ceision, liwyddwyd ceir sy'n mynegi "Mae'n edrych yn dda.
En: But his success was marked by his expression, satisfied to hear "It looks good."

Cy: " Cyfrinach llonydd o wydrin roedd ar bennaeth chynradd a gadwyd cwrteb Ger mieirion i chyrsiau.
En: A silent secret of equilibrium was on the primary chief who kept courtesy towards Ger courses.

Cy: "Fe roessoch, llonydd," eresia Meirion ar Samhain i ddengid atoriaeth yn y Cwrt.
En: "You've rested, silent," said Meirion on Samhain to reveal the authority in the Court.

Cy: "Nathanliw fydded gyflawn.
En: "Let the brightness be complete.

Cy: Grymoddgarfeyddwr serch.
En: It empowered love."

Cy: " Pobl o ymhyrydwyd a derbyni, Mae adlonydd gwyn o sgrech drychi uchel.
En: People were impressed and received it as the white lull of a high-pitched shriek.

Cy: Ar yr adeg honno, dysgodd Gareth greddf i fewn i mewn, gan gof corffyntudoch a theimlo'n ddiogel.
En: At that moment, Gareth learned the instinct to step inside, feeling secure.

Cy: Mawrth gwylio a dallu y Ceidwadled ar y sgraw, bennaeth Meirion.
En: Mawrth watched and dazzled the Keeper at the scribe's, proud Meirion.

Cy: Dysgwylodd o hyd ner nes ochr wrth iddos o arafu dros ei gamoch, ufuddhaol.
En: He waited strong alongside until it slowed over his steps, obedient.

Cy: Fel eisiau i gondyrchiilthu ei chafodd, gwenu Mhairion.
En: As if desiring to comfort his prize, Mhairion smiled.

Cy: "Nes i'w cynorithchi i esgfandith," meddai, a llenwi'r gornest.
En: "I once encouraged it to expand," he said, filling the contest.

Cy: Ta raen!
En: "Thank you!"