Salty Surprise on the Danube!

In this episode, we'll explore how a simple mix-up at a riverside café becomes a cherished memory.

Sk: Bolo krásne ráno a Peter s Evou sedeli v malej kaviarni na nábreží Dunaja v Bratislave.
En: It was a beautiful morning, and Peter and Eva were sitting in a small café on the Danube riverfront in Bratislava.

Sk: Slnko svietilo a hladina rieky sa trblietala ako rozsypané diamanty.
En: The sun was shining, and the river's surface shimmered like scattered diamonds.

Sk: Všade okolo bolo počuť smiech a reči spokojných ľudí.
En: Laughter and conversations of contented people filled the air.

Sk: Peter si objednal svoju obľúbenú kávu a Eva si vybrala čerstvú mätovú limonádu.
En: Peter ordered his favorite coffee, and Eva chose a fresh mint lemonade.

Sk: Keď prišla obsluha s objednávkou, Peter si s radosťou pripravoval svoju kávu. Vzal si balíček, ktorý si pomýlil za cukor a vysypal jeho obsah do šálky.
En: When the waiter arrived with their order, Peter eagerly prepared his coffee, grabbing a packet he mistook for sugar and emptied its content into his cup.

Sk: Bez premýšľania, Peter zobral šálku a urobil dúšok kávy.
En: Without a second thought, Peter took a sip of the coffee.

Sk: Ale namiesto sladkej chuti sa jeho tvár skrivila.
En: But instead of a sweet taste, his face twisted.

Sk: Bol to soľ!
En: It was salt!

Sk: Peter vyplul kávu späť do šálky a jeho výraz bol plný prekvapenia a nechuti.
En: Peter spat the coffee back into the cup, his expression filled with surprise and distaste.

Sk: Eva, ktorá to všetko pozorovala, neudržala smiech.
En: Eva, who had been watching everything, couldn't hold back her laughter.

Sk: Začala sa smiať tak nahlas, že ju počuli aj susedné stoly.
En: She laughed so loudly that nearby tables could hear her.

Sk: Peter sa na chvíľu cítil trapne, ale keď videl, ako sa Eva raduje, aj on sa začal smiať.
En: For a moment, Peter felt embarrassed, but when he saw Eva's joy, he joined in the laughter.

Sk: "To musel byť najlepší dúšok kávy v tvojom živote, však?" žartovala Eva, keď sa jej smiech trochu ukludnil.
En: "That must have been the best sip of coffee in your life, right?" joked Eva when her laughter had calmed down a bit.

Sk: Peter si objednal novú kávu a tentokrát už bol opatrnejší.
En: Peter ordered a new coffee, and this time, he was more careful.

Sk: Keď dostal svoju kávu, starostlivo si vybral pravý cukor.
En: When he got his coffee, he carefully chose the real sugar.

Sk: Ochutnal a spokojne sa usmial.
En: He tasted it and smiled contentedly.

Sk: O chvíľu sa obaja smiali na celej linke, vychutnávajúc si krásu dňa.
En: Soon, they were both laughing, enjoying the beauty of the day.

Sk: Od toho dňa si Peter vždy dvojkrát preveril balíček s cukrom a ich spoločný výlet do kaviarne sa stal ich milou spomienkou.
En: From that day on, Peter always double-checked the sugar packet, and their trip to the café became a cherished memory.

Sk: A každýkrát, keď idú popri rieke Dunaj, spomenú si na tú soľnú kávu a na to, ako dokáže jedna malá chyba prinesť toľko radosti.
En: Every time they walked along the Danube, they would remember the salty coffee and how one small mistake could bring so much joy.