Reunion in Time: Stories and Friendships at Borobudur

In this episode, we'll explore a heartfelt reunion at Borobudur where past and present converge through the magic of holograms, rekindling friendships and unearthing historical wisdom.

Id: Borobudur.
En: Borobudur.

Id: Tempat ini penuh sejarah.
En: This place is full of history.

Id: Patung Buddha berdiri megah.
En: Buddha statues stand majestically.

Id: Ada cerita yang tersembunyi di setiap sudut.
En: There is a hidden story in every corner.

Id: Hari ini lebih spesial.
En: Today is more special.

Id: Hari ini ada reuni yang unik.
En: Today, there is a unique reunion.

Id: Hologram teknologi tinggi membuat orang dari waktu yang berbeda hadir.
En: High-tech holograms make people from different times appear.

Id: Budi tiba di Borobudur dengan semangat.
En: Budi arrives at Borobudur with enthusiasm.

Id: Dia menunggu Ayu.
En: He is waiting for Ayu.

Id: "Ayu, teman lama," gumam Budi.
En: "Ayu, an old friend," Budi murmurs.

Id: Hologram menampilkan sosok tua. Seperti dari masa lalu.
En: The hologram displays an elderly figure, like from the past.

Id: Itu Leluhur Budi.
En: It is Budi's Ancestor.

Id: Budi terkejut.
En: Budi is surprised.

Id: "Saya dari masa lalu," kata Leluhur.
En: "I am from the past," says the Ancestor.

Id: Hologram terus menampilkan orang lain.
En: The hologram continues displaying other people.

Id: Ayu muncul.
En: Ayu appears.

Id: Ayu tampak muda.
En: Ayu looks young.

Id: "Hai Budi!" seru Ayu.
En: "Hi Budi!" exclaims Ayu.

Id: Mereka bertemu kembali setelah bertahun-tahun.
En: They reunite after many years.

Id: Ayu pernah pergi ke luar negeri.
En: Ayu had gone abroad.

Id: Mereka tidak bertemu lagi sejak lama.
En: They hadn't met for a long time.

Id: Mereka berjalan bersama.
En: They walk together.

Id: Matahari terbenam di Borobudur.
En: The sun sets over Borobudur.

Id: "Ingat dulu kita sering naik sepeda ke sekolah?" Ayu tertawa kecil.
En: "Remember when we used to ride our bikes to school?" Ayu chuckles.

Id: "Tentu, dan kamu selalu lebih cepat," Budi berbalik sambil tersenyum.
En: "Of course, and you always rode faster," Budi replies with a smile.

Id: Mereka sampai di puncak candi.
En: They reach the top of the temple.

Id: Hologram tiba-tiba menampilkan sosok raja.
En: Suddenly, the hologram displays a figure of a king.

Id: Raja ini dari zaman Mataram Kuno.
En: This king is from the ancient Mataram period.

Id: "Saya Raja Mataram," ujar sosok itu.
En: "I am the King of Mataram," says the figure.

Id: "Borobudur tempat sakral.
En: "Borobudur is a sacred place.

Id: Anda harus menjaga."
En: You must preserve it."

Id: Budi menyadari sesuatu.
En: Budi realizes something.

Id: Dia harus menghargai sejarah.
En: He must appreciate history.

Id: "Ayu, kita harus hargai tempat ini," kata Budi.
En: "Ayu, we must respect this place," says Budi.

Id: "Setuju," balas Ayu.
En: "Agreed," replies Ayu.

Id: Waktu berlalu cepat.
En: Time passes quickly.

Id: Reuni hampir selesai.
En: The reunion is almost over.

Id: "Ayu, aku senang bertemu kamu lagi," kata Budi.
En: "Ayu, I'm glad to see you again," says Budi.

Id: "Aku juga, Budi," jawab Ayu.
En: "Me too, Budi," answers Ayu.

Id: Hologram mulai menghilang.
En: The hologram begins to fade.

Id: Suasana berubah jadi sunyi.
En: The atmosphere turns quiet.

Id: "Budi, sampai jumpa lagi," kata Ayu.
En: "Budi, see you again," says Ayu.

Id: "Sampai jumpa, Ayu," jawab Budi.
En: "See you, Ayu," replies Budi.

Id: Mereka berjanji untuk reuni lagi, kali ini tanpa bantuan teknologi.
En: They promise to reunite again, this time without the help of technology.

Id: Hanya mereka dan kenangan indah mereka.
En: Just them and their beautiful memories.

Id: Matahari tenggelam.
En: The sun sets.

Id: Borobudur kembali tenang.
En: Borobudur returns to its tranquility.

Id: Sejarah dan masa kini menyatu dalam harmoni.
En: History and the present blend in harmony.

Id: Teknologi hanya membantu.
En: Technology only assists.

Id: Yang penting adalah pertemanan yang abadi.
En: What matters is the everlasting friendship.