Restoring Roots: A Sibling Journey in Dubrovnik

In this episode, we'll uncover the heartfelt journey of siblings Marina and Luka as they navigate the delicate balance between duty and heritage, restoring their ancestral home along the breathtaking coast of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Sunce je visoko na nebu, obasjavajući plave vode Jadranskog mora.
En: The sun is high in the sky, illuminating the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea.

Hr: Marina i Luka hodaju uz obalu Dubrovnika.
En: Marina and Luka walk along the coast of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Vjetar im nosi miris soli i divljih cvjetova.
En: The wind carries the scent of salt and wildflowers.

Hr: Duboko dišu.
En: They take deep breaths.

Hr: "Marina, pogledaj ove kamene zidove.
En: "Marina, look at these stone walls.

Hr: Sjećaš li se kad smo bili mali?
En: Do you remember when we were little?"

Hr: ", pita Luka, zastajući ispred stare obiteljske kuće.
En: Luka asks, stopping in front of the old family house.

Hr: "Da, Luka, sjećam se", odgovara Marina, ali njezin glas je ozbiljan.
En: "Yes, Luka, I remember," Marina replies, but her voice is serious.

Hr: "Ali sada moramo biti praktični.
En: "But now we have to be practical.

Hr: Imamo puno posla.
En: We have a lot of work."

Hr: "Marina je uvijek bila odgovorna sestra.
En: Marina has always been the responsible sister.

Hr: Uvijek je sve držala pod kontrolom.
En: She always kept everything under control.

Hr: Luka, s druge strane, žudi za avanturom.
En: Luka, on the other hand, yearns for adventure.

Hr: Voli istraživanje i uspomene.
En: He loves exploration and memories.

Hr: "Ne možemo samo prodati ovu kuću.
En: "We can't just sell this house.

Hr: Ovo je dom", kaže Luka, očima punim strasti.
En: This is home," says Luka, his eyes full of passion.

Hr: "Naša baka je ovdje živjela cijeli svoj život.
En: "Our grandmother lived here her entire life."

Hr: ""Razumijem, Luka, ali moramo misliti na budućnost.
En: "I understand, Luka, but we have to think about the future.

Hr: Imam obaveze kod kuće.
En: I have obligations at home.

Hr: Moram brzo riješiti ovo.
En: We need to resolve this quickly."

Hr: "Dubrovnik blista pod ljetnim suncem.
En: Dubrovnik glistens under the summer sun.

Hr: Kamene uličice i povijesna arhitektura pričaju priče stare stoljećima.
En: The stone streets and historical architecture tell stories centuries old.

Hr: Kuća kojoj prilaze stoji na litici, gledajući na mirno more.
En: The house they approach stands on a cliff, overlooking the calm sea.

Hr: Zidovi kuće prekriveni su bougainvilleama koje cvjetaju u jarkoj ružičastoj boji.
En: The walls of the house are covered in bougainvillea blooming in vibrant pink.

Hr: Kad uđu u kuću, nalaze prašnjave sobe i stare namještaje.
En: When they enter the house, they find dusty rooms and old furniture.

Hr: U kutu je stara škrinja.
En: In the corner, there's an old chest.

Hr: Luka ju otvara i pronađe bakin stari dnevnik.
En: Luka opens it and finds their grandmother's old diary.

Hr: "Marina, pogledaj ovo", kaže Luka, listajući stranice.
En: "Marina, look at this," Luka says, flipping through the pages.

Hr: "Tu su njezine priče, njezina sjećanja.
En: "Here are her stories, her memories."

Hr: "Marina uzima dnevnik i počinje čitati.
En: Marina takes the diary and begins to read.

Hr: Baka piše o ljetima provedenim na ovoj obali, o djeci koja su se igrala u vrtu, o ljubavi prema ovom mjestu.
En: The grandmother writes about summers spent on this coast, children playing in the garden, and her love for this place.

Hr: Hemijske strane su ispisane nježnim rukopisom, pune emocija i nostalgije.
En: The pages are filled with delicate handwriting, full of emotions and nostalgia.

Hr: "Ova kuća je više od cigli i kamena", kaže Luka tiho.
En: "This house is more than bricks and stones," Luka says quietly.

Hr: "Ovo je naša povijest.
En: "This is our history.

Hr: Naša obitelj.
En: Our family."

Hr: "Marina osjeća težinu tih riječi.
En: Marina feels the weight of those words.

Hr: Odjednom, njezina hladna odlučnost počinje da se topi.
En: Suddenly, her cold determination begins to melt.

Hr: Shvaća koliko znači ova kuća Luki, i koliko znači njoj, iako to dosad nije priznavala.
En: She realizes how much this house means to Luka, and how much it means to her, though she hasn't admitted it until now.

Hr: "Možda imaš pravo", kaže Marina.
En: "Maybe you're right," Marina says.

Hr: "Možda bismo trebali zadržati kuću.
En: "Maybe we should keep the house.

Hr: Obnoviti je.
En: Restore it.

Hr: Napraviti od nje utočište.
En: Make it a refuge."

Hr: "Luka se osmjehne široko, prelazeći rukom preko starih drvenih greda na stropu.
En: Luka smiles widely, running his hand over the old wooden beams on the ceiling.

Hr: "Zajedno možemo to učiniti.
En: "Together, we can do it."

Hr: "Dok ljeto prolazi, Marina i Luka provode vrijeme u obnovi kuće.
En: As the summer passes, Marina and Luka spend time restoring the house.

Hr: Nauče zajedno raditi, pronaći balans između odgovornosti i slobode.
En: They learn to work together, finding a balance between responsibility and freedom.

Hr: Veze koje su ih vezale onda, sada su još jače.
En: The bonds that tied them together then, are now even stronger.

Hr: Kad dođe dan odlaska, kuća je spremna za nove uspomene.
En: When the day of departure comes, the house is ready for new memories.

Hr: Odlaze sa planovima da se vrate svaki put kad mogu.
En: They leave with plans to return whenever they can.

Hr: Kuća postaje simbol njihove povezanosti, njihovih korijena.
En: The house becomes a symbol of their connection, their roots.

Hr: Marina se vraća svojim obavezama, ali njezino srce je sada ispunjeno toplinom.
En: Marina returns to her obligations, but her heart is now filled with warmth.

Hr: Luka nastavlja sanjati i istraživati, ali sada ima mjesto koje naziva pravim domom.
En: Luka continues to dream and explore, but now he has a place to call a true home.

Hr: I tako, na obali Jadranskog mora, među cvjetovima bougainvillee i mirisom soli, kuća stoji.
En: And so, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, among the bougainvillea flowers and the scent of salt, the house stands.

Hr: Čeka sljedeću generaciju, spremna ispričati im svoje priče.
En: Waiting for the next generation, ready to tell them its stories.