Nikola’s Winter: Kindness in the Snow-Covered Mountains

In this episode, we'll accompany Nikola in his snowy village shop, where an act of kindness on a bustling winter day brings warmth to everyone's hearts.

Sr: Zima je stigla, i planine Kopaonika su prekrivene belim snegom.
En: Winter has arrived, and the mountains of Kopaonik are covered in white snow.

Sr: U malom selu pod planinom, Nikola je imao porodičnu radnju za iznajmljivanje ski opreme.
En: In a small village beneath the mountain, Nikola owned a family shop for renting ski equipment.

Sr: Radnja je bila smeštena u staroj, drvenoj kući koja je mirisala na borovinu.
En: The shop was located in an old wooden house that smelled of pine.

Sr: Jednog hladnog jutra, Nikola je otvorio kapke i pogledao planinu.
En: One cold morning, Nikola opened the shutters and looked at the mountain.

Sr: Sunce je polako izlazilo, obasjavajući sneg kristalnim sjajem.
En: The sun was slowly rising, illuminating the snow with a crystal shine.

Sr: Jesen je bila dobra, ali sada je vreme za zimu i više posetilaca.
En: Fall was good, but now it was time for winter and more visitors.

Sr: Nikola je zauzet poslom.
En: Nikola was busy with work.

Sr: On iznajmljuje skije, štapove i kacige turistima.
En: He rented skis, poles, and helmets to tourists.

Sr: Ponekad, posetioci traže i savet o stazama.
En: Sometimes visitors asked for advice about the trails.

Sr: Nikola ih uvek rado posluži.
En: Nikola was always happy to help them.

Sr: Bio je srećan jer je voleo taj posao.
En: He was happy because he loved his job.

Sr: Jednog dana, došlo je mnogo turista.
En: One day, many tourists came.

Sr: Radnja je bila puna.
En: The shop was full.

Sr: Nikola: "Dobrodošli!
En: Nikola said, "Welcome!

Sr: Koja skijaška oprema vam treba?
En: What ski equipment do you need?"

Sr: "Turista: "Dva para skija i tri kacige, molim vas.
En: Tourist: "Two pairs of skis and three helmets, please."

Sr: "Nikola brzo pripremi opremu.
En: Nikola quickly prepared the equipment.

Sr: Radnja vrvi od posla.
En: The shop was bustling with activity.

Sr: No, negde posle podneva, u radnju dođe žena sa detetom.
En: However, around noon, a woman with a child entered the shop.

Sr: Dečak je imao oko osam godina, ali je bio tužan.
En: The boy was about eight years old, but he looked sad.

Sr: Nikola: "Kako mogu da vam pomognem?
En: Nikola: "How can I help you?"

Sr: "Žena: "Moj sin želi da skija, ali mi nemamo mnogo novca.
En: Woman: "My son wants to ski, but we don’t have much money."

Sr: "Nikola se zagonetno nasmeje.
En: Nikola smiled mysteriously.

Sr: On ode do zadnjeg dela radnje i vrati se sa starim parom skija.
En: He went to the back of the shop and returned with an old pair of skis.

Sr: Nikola: "Ove skije su stare, ali su dobre.
En: Nikola: "These skis are old, but they are good.

Sr: Možete ih koristiti besplatno.
En: You can use them for free."

Sr: "Dečakovo lice zasvetli od radosti.
En: The boy's face lit up with joy.

Sr: Žena, zahvalna, zahvali se Nikoli sa suzama u očima.
En: The woman, grateful, thanked Nikola with tears in her eyes.

Sr: Nikola ih isprati do izlaza i mahnu im.
En: Nikola walked them to the door and waved goodbye.

Sr: Posle toga, Nikola se vrati poslu.
En: After that, Nikola returned to work.

Sr: Do kraja dana, posetilaca je bilo sve manje.
En: By the end of the day, there were fewer visitors.

Sr: Dan je bio naporan, ali zadovoljan je.
En: The day had been busy, but he was content.

Sr: Uveče, kada je zatvorio radnju, Nikola je seo pored kamina.
En: In the evening, when he closed the shop, Nikola sat by the fireplace.

Sr: Plamen je nežno pucketao.
En: The flames crackled gently.

Sr: On se nasmeši, znajući da je uradio pravu stvar.
En: He smiled, knowing he had done the right thing.

Sr: Pomaganje drugima donosi toplinu srcu, baš kao plamen kamina.
En: Helping others brings warmth to the heart, just like the fire in the fireplace.

Sr: Sneg je spolja padao tiho, a planine Kopaonika su sijale u svetlosti meseca.
En: The snow outside fell quietly, and the mountains of Kopaonik shone in the moonlight.

Sr: Nikola je znao da će sutra biti još jedan lep, ali i radan dan.
En: Nikola knew that tomorrow would be another beautiful, but also busy day.

Sr: Kraj.
En: The end.