Night of Missteps to Stardom

In this episode, we'll dance under the stars with Nikola, as a simple tavern visit turns into an unforgettable night of laughter, music, and a touch of rebellion.

Sr: Bila je to noć puna zvezda kada je Nikola odlučio da sa svojim prijateljima Anom i Markom poseti staru kafanu na kraju gradića.
En: It was a starry night when Nikola decided to visit the old tavern at the edge of town with his friends Ana and Marko.

Sr: "Kafana Pod zvezdanim nebom" bila je poznata po dobrom provodu, tamburašima i nezaboravnim večerima.
En: "Tavern Under the Starry Sky" was known for great entertainment, tamburitza players, and unforgettable evenings.

Sr: Kafana je bila puna razigranih ljudi.
En: The tavern was filled with lively people.

Sr: Muzika je odjekivala, a Nikola je osećao ritam u svojim nogama.
En: The music echoed, and Nikola felt the rhythm in his feet.

Sr: On nije bio najbolji plesač, ali to veče, nešto ga je pokrenulo.
En: He wasn't the best dancer, but that night, something moved him.

Sr: "Hoćemo li na ples?
En: "Shall we dance?"

Sr: " upita Ana, smešeći se.
En: asked Ana, smiling.

Sr: Nikola je klimnuo glavom, a Ana i Marko su ga pratili do mesta gde su ljudi igrali.
En: Nikola nodded, and Ana and Marko followed him to where people were dancing.

Sr: Ili barem tako je Nikola mislio.
En: Or at least that's what Nikola thought.

Sr: On je video prazan sto, i u svom plesnom zanosu, pomislio je kako je to plesni podijum.
En: He saw an empty table and, in his dance trance, thought it was the dance floor.

Sr: Nikola je zakoračio na sto, podigao ruke u vazduh i počeo da pleše.
En: Stepping onto the table, he raised his hands in the air and started dancing.

Sr: Ana i Marko su gledali u neverici, a smešak im je igrao na licima.
En: Ana and Marko watched in disbelief, a smile playing on their faces.

Sr: Nikola je bio sve više i više uhvaćen u ritam, vrteći se i skačući dok nije privukao pažnju celog lokala.
En: Nikola became more and more caught up in the rhythm, spinning and jumping until he drew the attention of the entire place.

Sr: Narod je počeo da navija, a tamburaši su zasvirali još glasnije.
En: The crowd started cheering, and the tamburitza players played even louder.

Sr: Iznenada, Nikola se osećao kao prava zvezda.
En: Suddenly, Nikola felt like a real star.

Sr: Ali, kao što to obično biva, sreća kratko traje.
En: But as it usually happens, happiness is short-lived.

Sr: U trenu, jaka ruka je povukla Nikolu za ramena.
En: In an instant, a strong hand pulled Nikola by the shoulders.

Sr: Bio je to vlasnik kafane, starina Rade sa brkovima debljim od šolje za rakiju.
En: It was the tavern owner, old Rade with mustaches thicker than a rakia glass.

Sr: "Mladiću, pa ovo nije cirkus!
En: "Young man, this is not a circus!"

Sr: " rekao je strogo, dok su svi u kafani zanemeli.
En: he said sternly, silencing the whole tavern.

Sr: Nikola je izgubio osmeh sa lica i spustio se sa stola, osećajući se kao najveći baksuz.
En: Nikola lost his smile and got off the table, feeling like the unluckiest person alive.

Sr: Ali, Ana i Marko su priskočili u odbranu svog prijatelja.
En: But Ana and Marko came to their friend's defense.

Sr: "Izvinite, nije hteo ništa loše, samo se malo zaneo s muzikom," rekla je Ana blagim glasom.
En: "I'm sorry, he meant no harm, just got carried away with the music," Ana said gently.

Sr: I Marko je dodao: "Ovo je ipak mesto veselja, zar ne?
En: Marko added, "This is still a place of joy, isn't it?

Sr: Dajte mu šansu.
En: Give him a chance."

Sr: "Nakon trenutka tišine, vlasnik Rade je pušio svoju lulu i razmišljao.
En: After a moment of silence, the owner Rade smoked his pipe and pondered.

Sr: Onda se neočekivano osmehnuo.
En: Then, unexpectedly, he smiled.

Sr: "U redu, ali samo ako častiš rundu pića za sve!
En: "Fine, but only if you buy a round of drinks for everyone!"

Sr: " uzviknuo je.
En: he exclaimed.

Sr: Nikola se odmah složio.
En: Nikola quickly agreed.

Sr: Čarolija večeri bila je spašena.
En: The magic of the evening was saved.

Sr: I tako, Nikola je postao legendarni plesač na stolu "Kafane Pod zvezdanim nebom".
En: And so, Nikola became the legendary dancer on the table of "Tavern Under the Starry Sky."

Sr: Svaki put kada bi on ušao, dobijao bi aplauz i osmeh od Rada.
En: Every time he entered, he received applause and a smile from Rade.

Sr: Nikola, Ana i Marko će pamtiti ovu noć kao noć kada je ples pobedio sve nesporazume i kada je kafana ponovo postala mesto gde su se priče smejale, a plesovi igrali sve do svitanja.
En: Nikola, Ana, and Marko would remember this night as the one where dance triumphed over misunderstanding and the tavern once again became a place where stories laughed and dances played until dawn.