New Beginnings: Ladislav’s Journey to Friendship and Courage

In this episode, we'll follow Ladislav's heartwarming journey as he overcomes fear, finds friendship, and discovers the beauty and mystery of the marshlands.

Sk: Ladislav stál pred veľkým, starým múrom.
En: Ladislav stood in front of a large, old wall.

Sk: Bol nový žiak na škole.
En: He was a new student at the school.

Sk: Dnes bol jeho prvý deň.
En: Today was his first day.

Sk: Slnečné lúče bojovali s hustou hmlou nad močarinami.
En: Sun rays were battling with dense fog over the marshlands.

Sk: Toto miesto bolo tajomné.
En: This place was mysterious.

Sk: Petra, ktorá žila v tejto oblasti už dlho, si všimla Ladislava.
En: Petra, who had lived in this area for a long time, noticed Ladislav.

Sk: Bola zvedavá a chcela ho spoznať.
En: She was curious and wanted to get to know him.

Sk: „Ahoj, volám sa Petra!
En: "Hi, my name is Petra!"

Sk: “ veselo zavolala.
En: she called cheerfully.

Sk: Ladislav sa len placho usmial.
En: Ladislav just gave a shy smile.

Sk: „Ahoj,“ šepol.
En: "Hi," he whispered.

Sk: Petra videla, že je nervózny.
En: Petra saw that he was nervous.

Sk: Rozhodla sa byť jemná.
En: She decided to be gentle.

Sk: „Poď pozrieť, kde je naša trieda,“ povedala.
En: "Come and see where our classroom is," she said.

Sk: Cestou do školy kráčali okolo mokradí.
En: On the way to school, they walked past the wetlands.

Sk: Hmla sa vznášala nad vodou.
En: The fog hovered over the water.

Sk: Bolo to trochu strašidelné, ale aj nádherné.
En: It was a bit eerie, but also beautiful.

Sk: Petra začala rozprávať príbehy o močarinách.
En: Petra started telling stories about the marshlands.

Sk: Ladislav počúval.
En: Ladislav listened.

Sk: Pomaly sa cítil lepšie.
En: Slowly, he began to feel better.

Sk: „Prečo si sem prišiel?
En: "Why did you come here?"

Sk: “ spýtala sa Petra.
En: Petra asked.

Sk: Ladislav váhal.
En: Ladislav hesitated.

Sk: Potom ticho povedal, „Sťahovali sme sa.
En: Then he quietly said, "We moved.

Sk: Bojím sa, že tu nikoho nepoznám.
En: I'm afraid I won't know anyone here.

Sk: Chcem si nájsť priateľov.
En: I want to make friends."

Sk: “ Petra ho chápala.
En: Petra understood him.

Sk: „Neboj sa, ja ti pomôžem,“ uistila ho.
En: "Don't worry, I'll help you," she assured him.

Sk: V triede boli všetci hluční a hraví.
En: In the classroom, everyone was noisy and playful.

Sk: Ladislav sa cítil stratený.
En: Ladislav felt lost.

Sk: Petra ho predstavila deťom.
En: Petra introduced him to the children.

Sk: „Toto je Ladislav.
En: "This is Ladislav.

Sk: Je nový,“ oznámila.
En: He's new," she announced.

Sk: Niektoré deti sa začali s ním rozprávať.
En: Some children started talking to him.

Sk: Bol stále trochu nervózny, ale snažil sa.
En: He was still a bit nervous, but he tried.

Sk: Po škole sa rozhodli ísť znova k močarinám.
En: After school, they decided to go to the marshlands again.

Sk: Petra ukázala Ladislavovi svoje obľúbené miesta.
En: Petra showed Ladislav her favorite places.

Sk: „Toto je naše tajné miesto,“ povedala a ukázala na malý ostrovček uprostred vody.
En: "This is our secret spot," she said, pointing to a small island in the middle of the water.

Sk: Ladislav sa usmial.
En: Ladislav smiled.

Sk: „Je to krásne,“ povedal.
En: "It's beautiful," he said.

Sk: Sedeli spolu a rozprávali sa.
En: They sat together and talked.

Sk: Petra bola všetečná a pýtala sa na Ladislavov starý domov, jeho záľuby a sny.
En: Petra was inquisitive and asked about Ladislav's old home, his hobbies, and dreams.

Sk: Ladislav sa postupne otváral.
En: Gradually, Ladislav opened up.

Sk: Rozprával jej o všetkom, čo ho trápilo.
En: He told her about everything that troubled him.

Sk: Petra počúvala a povzbudzovala ho.
En: Petra listened and encouraged him.

Sk: „Máš pravdu,“ povedal Ladislav, „Bál som sa, že ma nikto nebude mať rád.
En: "You're right," said Ladislav, "I was afraid that no one would like me."

Sk: “ Petra sa na neho usmiala.
En: Petra smiled at him.

Sk: „Ja ťa mám rada.
En: "I like you.

Sk: A to je začiatok,“ povedala.
En: And that's a start," she said.

Sk: Vďaka Petre Ladislav našiel v sebe odvahu.
En: Thanks to Petra, Ladislav found courage in himself.

Sk: Postupne sa spriatelil s viacerými deťmi v škole.
En: Gradually, he made friends with more children at school.

Sk: Už sa necítil sám.
En: He no longer felt alone.

Sk: Vedel, že má priateľku, na ktorú sa môže spoľahnúť.
En: He knew he had a friend he could rely on.

Sk: Na konci leta, pri poslednom dni školy, Ladislav stál na okraji močarín.
En: At the end of summer, on the last day of school, Ladislav stood at the edge of the marshlands.

Sk: Hmla sa pomaly rozplynula a slnko jasne svietilo.
En: The fog slowly dissipated, and the sun shone brightly.

Sk: Už sa nebál.
En: He was no longer afraid.

Sk: Petra stála vedľa neho.
En: Petra stood next to him.

Sk: „Som rád, že sme sa spoznali,“ povedal.
En: "I'm glad we met," he said.

Sk: Petra sa usmiala.
En: Petra smiled.

Sk: „Aj ja,“ odpovedala.
En: "Me too," she replied.

Sk: Ladislav vedel, že našiel skutočných priateľov, a s týmto pocitom sa začínal tešiť na novú kapitolu svojho života.
En: Ladislav knew he had found true friends, and with this feeling, he began to look forward to a new chapter in his life.

Sk: Hmla nad močarinami bola teraz pre neho symbolom tajomstva, nie strachu.
En: The fog over the marshlands was now a symbol of mystery, not fear.

Sk: A vedel, že s Petrou po boku zvládne všetko.
En: And he knew that with Petra by his side, he could handle anything.