Mystery Solved: The Case of Tallinn’s Missing Masterpiece

In this episode, we'll unravel the mystery of Tallinn's Old Town, where an art conservator turns detective to recover a centuries-old painting and restore peace to the cobblestone streets.

Et: Kirikukellad helisesid Tallinna vanalinnas.
En: The church bells rang in Tallinn's Old Town.

Et: Katrin kõndis mööda kitsast munakividega kaetud tänavat.
En: Katrin walked along a narrow, cobblestone street.

Et: Oli sügis, ja lehed langesid kuldselt maha.
En: It was autumn, and the leaves were falling golden to the ground.

Et: Katrin armastas vanalinna võlu.
En: Katrin loved the charm of the Old Town.

Et: Katrin töötas Raekojas.
En: Katrin worked at the Town Hall.

Et: Ta oli Raekojas kunstihooldaja.
En: She was an art conservator there.

Et: Ühel jahedal oktoobrikuu hommikul saabus Katrin tööle ja avastas, et sajanditevanune maal oli kadunud.
En: One chilly October morning, Katrin arrived at work and discovered that a centuries-old painting was missing.

Et: See oli suur maal, mis kujutas Raekoja platsi kunagi.
En: It was a large painting depicting the Town Hall square of yesteryears.

Et: Maal oli väga väärtuslik.
En: The painting was very valuable.

Et: Ei olnud märke sissemurdmisest.
En: There were no signs of a break-in.

Et: Katrin oli šokeeritud.
En: Katrin was shocked.

Et: Kuidas see sai juhtuda?
En: How could this have happened?

Et: Ta kutsus politsei.
En: She called the police.

Et: Politsei uuris juhtumit hoolikalt.
En: The police investigated the case carefully.

Et: Ei olnud mingeid märke vägivallast või vargusest.
En: There were no signs of violence or theft.

Et: Kõik oli omal kohal, välja arvatud maal.
En: Everything was in place except for the painting.

Et: Katrin mõtles palju.
En: Katrin thought a lot about it.

Et: Ta teadis, et maal on eriline.
En: She knew the painting was special.

Et: See oli sajandeid Raekojas olnud.
En: It had been in the Town Hall for centuries.

Et: See oli osa linnas ajalugu.
En: It was part of the town's history.

Et: Ühel õhtul, kui Katrin jalutas vanalinnas, ta nägi vanameest, kes hoidis kahtlast kotti.
En: One evening, as Katrin was walking in the Old Town, she saw an old man holding a suspicious bag.

Et: Mehe pilk oli terav ja kummaline.
En: The man's gaze was sharp and strange.

Et: Katrin küsis mehelt: "Tere, kas te oskate öelda, mida te seal kannate?"
En: Katrin asked the man, "Hello, can you tell me what you are carrying?"

Et: Mees oli vaikinud hetkeks, siis naeratas ja ütles: "Ei midagi erilist."
En: The man was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Nothing special."

Et: Katrin ei olnud rahul.
En: Katrin was not satisfied.

Et: Ta järgis meest, kuni ta läks väike pood.
En: She followed the man until he went into a small shop.

Et: Mees pani koti maha ja astus sealt välja.
En: The man put the bag down and stepped out.

Et: Katrin läks poodi.
En: Katrin entered the shop.

Et: Mida ta leidis, oli hämmastav.
En: What she found was astonishing.

Et: Koti sees oli kadunud maal!
En: Inside the bag was the missing painting!

Et: Katrin teavitas kohe politseid.
En: Katrin immediately informed the police.

Et: Politsei tuli ja võttis mehe kinni.
En: The police came and arrested the man.

Et: Selgus, et mees oli kunstivaras, kes tahtis maali müüa.
En: It turned out that the man was an art thief who wanted to sell the painting.

Et: Politsei viis mehe minema ja Katrin tõi maali tagasi Raekotta.
En: The police took the man away, and Katrin returned the painting to the Town Hall.

Et: Tallinna vanalinn oli jälle rahulik.
En: Tallinn's Old Town was peaceful again.

Et: Katrin oli õnnelik, et aare oli tagasi.
En: Katrin was happy that the treasure was back.

Et: Ta tundis, et oli teinud midagi tähtsat.
En: She felt that she had done something important.

Et: Maal paigutati uuesti oma õigesse kohta.
En: The painting was placed back in its rightful spot.

Et: Katrin istus oma lauas ja vaatas maali.
En: Katrin sat at her desk and looked at the painting.

Et: Ta teadis, et vanalinn on täis saladusi, kuid seekord oli üks neist lahendatud.
En: She knew the Old Town was full of secrets, but this time, one of them had been solved.

Et: Ja nii jäi Tallinna vanalinn edasi oma salapäraseks, kuid turvaliseks paigaks, kus sajandeid vana kunst oli kaitstud.
En: And so Tallinn's Old Town remained a mysterious yet safe place, where centuries-old art was protected.

Et: Lõpp.
En: The End.