Mystery Mailbox: Unveiling Cardiff’s Hidden Treasure

In this episode, we'll uncover a hidden diary, a mysterious letter, and embark on an unforgettable journey that brings two neighbors closer together through an unexpected Victorian-era treasure hunt.

Cy: Ar foreau haf, roedd strydoedd preswyl Caerdydd bob amser yn llawn bywyd.
En: In the early summer, the residential streets of Cardiff were always full of life.

Cy: Gerddi bychain yn blodeuo, a'r haul yn pefrio ar dai oes Victoria.
En: Small gardens blooming, and the sun shining brightly on Victorian-era houses.

Cy: Roedd Branwen yn hebrwng ei hun erbyn y post.
En: Branwen was walking herself to the mailbox.

Cy: Pan agorodd y blwch, llithrodd llythyr dirgel allan – heb enw na chyfeiriad.
En: When she opened it, a mysterious letter slipped out – without a name or address.

Cy: "Rhys, edrych ar hwn!
En: "Rhys, look at this!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd Branwen wrth ymyl y ffin ger ei drws.
En: Branwen shouted by the fence near her door.

Cy: Rhys, oedd yn torri'r lawnt, cododd ei ben a cherdded tuag at hi.
En: Rhys, who was mowing the lawn, raised his head and walked over to her.

Cy: "Sut gallaf gynnig help?
En: "How can I help?"

Cy: " gofynnodd Rhys.
En: Rhys asked.

Cy: Roedd un llygaid yn ofalus fel bob amser, yn gwrthod manteisiau amheus Branwen i anturiaethau.
En: One eye ever cautious, avoiding Branwen's dubious inclinations towards adventures.

Cy: Edrychodd Branwen ar y llythyr.
En: Branwen looked at the letter.

Cy: Agorodd a darllenodd yn dawel.
En: She opened and read it quietly.

Cy: Roedd rysáit ar gyfer eiddo cuddiedig.
En: It contained a recipe for hidden property.

Cy: Hefyd, cyfeiriadedd perygl.
En: Also, a hint of danger.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn sceptig, ond Branwen gwthiodd ymlaen.
En: Rhys was skeptical, but Branwen pushed forward.

Cy: “Rhys, rhaid inni ddilyn y cliwiau hyn,” meddai Branwen yn bendant.
En: "Rhys, we must follow these clues," Branwen said determinedly.

Cy: Rhys hollti cyn gynted, ond gydag ewyllys cadarn, cytunodd i helpu.
En: Rhys hesitated initially, but with firm resolve, he agreed to help.

Cy: “Byddwn ofalus.
En: "We need to be careful.

Cy: Falle mae perygl go iawn yma,” rhybuddiodd Rhys.
En: There could be real danger here," Rhys warned.

Cy: Yn dilyn y cliwiau, aethant i dŷ hen, segur yng nghornel y stryd.
En: Following the clues, they went to an old, abandoned house at the corner of the street.

Cy: Edrychodd y tŷ fel oedd wedi cael ei gymryd drosodd gan natur.
En: The house looked like it had been taken over by nature.

Cy: Ceir pobl wedi siarad amdano ers blynyddoedd, ond neb wedi mentro i mewn.
En: People had talked about it for years, but no one had ventured inside.

Cy: Ymlaen i'r gegin, wnaeth Rhys sylwi ar bren llawr a oedd yn arw iawn.
En: In the kitchen, Rhys noticed a very rough floorboard.

Cy: Dynnodd hynny, gan ddangos trap dirgel.
En: He pulled it, revealing a hidden trapdoor.

Cy: Islaw, canfuwyd bocs 'nghuddiedig gyda llyfr.
En: Below, they found a hidden box with a book.

Cy: “Mae’n ddyddiadur,” dywedodd Branwen yn cyffrous.
En: "It’s a diary," said Branwen excitedly.

Cy: Darllenodd y cynnwys, gan ddatgelu stori am deulu a thrysor oedd wedi’i guddio i aros hyd nes gan cyfnod gorfodol.
En: She read the contents, revealing a story about a family and treasure that had been hidden to wait until a designated time.

Cy: Seddi teuluol gwerthfawr yn cael eu claddu i gadw’n ddiogel.
En: Precious family heirlooms were buried to keep them safe.

Cy: Branwen synodd.
En: Branwen was astonished.

Cy: “Felly, dyma’r trysor!
En: "So, this is the treasure!"

Cy: ”Arhosodd Rhys y foment, gan feddwl nerth y hen hanes.
En: Rhys paused for a moment, contemplating the strength of the old story.

Cy: “Mae’n anhygoel,” cyfaddefodd o’r diwedd.
En: "It’s incredible," he finally admitted.

Cy: Roedden nhw yn cael hyd i deulu’r eiddo, gan rendro’r trysor iddyn nhw.
En: They located the family of the property and returned the treasure to them.

Cy: “Rhys, wel am antur, on’d doedd e?
En: "Rhys, what an adventure, wasn’t it?"

Cy: ” daeth Branwen, wên fawr ar ei hwyneb.
En: said Branwen, a big smile on her face.

Cy: “Du'n cytuno.
En: "I agree.

Cy: Ond rwyf wedi dysgu gwerth gofal,” cyfaddefodd Rhys.
En: But I've learned the value of caution," Rhys admitted.

Cy: Ac eto, roedd Branwen wedi gweld agwedd newydd i Rhys - doedd e ddim mor ddiflas ag yr oedd hi'n meddwl.
En: Yet, Branwen had seen a new side to Rhys – he wasn’t as dull as she had thought.

Cy: Gyda'r straeon o'r llythyr dirgel yn aros gyda nhw, dal i ddysgu gwerth lotes, fe wnaethant adael yr heddiw hyd yn oed agosach na'r dydd o'r blaen.
En: With the stories of the mysterious letter staying with them, still learning the value of caution, they ended the day closer than the day before.

Cy: Gorffennodd yr heddiw gyda chrëiriau cariad, caredigrwydd a gwasanaeth i hanesion y gorffennol.
En: The day ended with tokens of love, kindness, and service to the histories of the past.

Cy: roedd Branwen a Rhys wedi ennill gwersi gwerthfawr p’un bynnag faint o antur y mwya eu dilyn.
En: Branwen and Rhys had gained valuable lessons no matter how great the adventure.

Cy: Ac felly, ar y stryd hwnnw, pethau'n parhau.
En: And so, on that street, things continued.

Cy: Roedd Branwen yn dysgu bod pethau'n well weithiau gyda rhybudd, a Rhys wedi dechrau gweld apêl mewn anturiaethau bythgofiadwy.
En: Branwen learned that sometimes things are better with caution, and Rhys began to see the appeal in unforgettable adventures.