Mystery at Park Güell: A Birthday Adventure in Barcelona

In this episode, we'll uncover the magical mystery of Park Güell as ten-year-old Jordi embarks on an unforgettable birthday adventure filled with hidden treasures, laughter, and Gaudí's enchanting creations.

Ca: El sol brillava amb força al Parc Güell.
En: The sun was shining brightly at Park Güell.

Ca: Era un dia perfecte a Barcelona.
En: It was a perfect day in Barcelona.

Ca: L'aire era fresc i ple de rialles.
En: The air was fresh and filled with laughter.

Ca: Al centre del parc, hi havia una família preparada per celebrar una festa d'aniversari.
En: In the center of the park, there was a family ready to celebrate a birthday party.

Ca: Jordi, un nen molt emocionat, corria per tot arreu.
En: Jordi, a very excited boy, was running everywhere.

Ca: Ell portava una gorra blava i una samarreta amb un drac.
En: He wore a blue cap and a t-shirt with a dragon.

Ca: Avui era el seu aniversari.
En: Today was his birthday.

Ca: Tenia deu anys!
En: He was ten years old!

Ca: Montserrat, la seva mare, decorava la taula amb globus de colors i pastissos.
En: Montserrat, his mother, was decorating the table with colorful balloons and cakes.

Ca: Al seu voltant, altres famílies passejaven i admiraven les obres de Gaudí.
En: Around them, other families were strolling and admiring Gaudí’s works.

Ca: Alguns nens jugaven a pilota, altres miraven els llangardaixos de ceràmica.
En: Some children were playing with a ball, others were looking at the ceramic lizards.

Ca: El parc bullia de vida.
En: The park was buzzing with life.

Ca: De cop, Jordi va veure una cosa brillant sota un banc.
En: Suddenly, Jordi saw something shiny under a bench.

Ca: Era una petita capsa de fusta.
En: It was a small wooden box.

Ca: La va obrir amb cura.
En: He opened it carefully.

Ca: Dins hi havia una carta antiga escrita a mà.
En: Inside there was an old handwritten letter.

Ca: "Feliç aniversari, Jordi.
En: "Happy birthday, Jordi.

Ca: Troba els tresors del parc.
En: Find the treasures in the park."

Ca: "Jordi va cridar Montserrat.
En: Jordi called Montserrat.

Ca: "Mira què he trobat!
En: "Look what I found!"

Ca: " Montserrat va llegir la carta i va somriure.
En: Montserrat read the letter and smiled.

Ca: "Sembla una aventura, Jordi.
En: "It seems like an adventure, Jordi."

Ca: "Amb la seva mare al costat, Jordi va començar a buscar els tresors.
En: With his mother by his side, Jordi began looking for the treasures.

Ca: Van pujar les escales de mosaics, van seguir els camins sinuosament i van observar cada racó del parc.
En: They climbed the mosaic stairs, followed the winding paths, and observed every corner of the park.

Ca: Cada vegada que trobaven una pista, posaven una peça del puzle.
En: Every time they found a clue, they placed a piece of the puzzle.

Ca: Finalment, després de passar per moltes escultures i fonts, Jordi i Montserrat van arribar a la gran plaça amb bancales de serps.
En: Finally, after passing by many sculptures and fountains, Jordi and Montserrat reached the large square with serpent-like benches.

Ca: Allà, sota una de les serps, hi havia la capsa final.
En: There, under one of the serpents, was the final box.

Ca: Jordi la va obrir amb mans tremoloses.
En: Jordi opened it with trembling hands.

Ca: Dins hi havia un llibre de contes amb il·lustracions precioses.
En: Inside was a storybook with beautiful illustrations.

Ca: A la primera pàgina, hi havia una dedicatòria: "Per a Jordi, perquè cada dia sigui una aventura.
En: On the first page, there was a dedication: "For Jordi, so that every day may be an adventure."

Ca: "Jordi va somriure i va abraçar Montserrat.
En: Jordi smiled and hugged Montserrat.

Ca: "Gràcies, mare," va dir.
En: "Thank you, Mom," he said.

Ca: "Aquest ha estat el millor aniversari de la meva vida.
En: "This has been the best birthday of my life."

Ca: "Montserrat va besar Jordi al front.
En: Montserrat kissed Jordi on the forehead.

Ca: "Sempre recordarem aquest dia al Parc Güell, Jordi.
En: "We will always remember this day at Park Güell, Jordi.

Ca: Ara, gaudim del pastís!
En: Now, let’s enjoy the cake!"

Ca: "I així, la festa va continuar amb rialles, jocs i alegria.
En: And so, the party continued with laughter, games, and joy.

Ca: El parc, amb el seu encant màgic, fou un escenari perfecte per a una aventura inoblidable.
En: The park, with its magical charm, was the perfect setting for an unforgettable adventure.