Mystery at Kalemegdan: Discovering the Ancient Secret Tunnel

In this episode, we'll uncover an ancient secret beneath Kalemegdan as three friends embark on a thrilling journey through mysterious tunnels and hidden symbols, guided by a timeless guardian.

Sr: Prvog sunčanog dana proleća, Miloš, Jelena i Nikola šetali su Kalemegdanom.
En: On the first sunny day of spring, Miloš, Jelena, and Nikola were walking around Kalemegdan.

Sr: Miris cvetova i cvrkut ptica pratili su svaki njihov korak.
En: The scent of flowers and the chirping of birds accompanied their every step.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio pun turista, ali naši prijatelji imali su poseban plan.
En: Kalemegdan was full of tourists, but our friends had a special plan.

Sr: "Miloše, setiš li se onih starih legendi o tajnim tunelima ovde?
En: "Miloš, do you remember those old legends about secret tunnels here?"

Sr: " upita Nikola.
En: asked Nikola.

Sr: "Naravno, Nikole, ali mislio sam da su to samo priče za decu," reče Miloš.
En: "Of course, Nikola, but I thought they were just children's stories," said Miloš.

Sr: Jelena zastane kraj kamene stene.
En: Jelena stopped by a stone wall.

Sr: "Pogledajte ovo," reče uzbuđeno.
En: "Look at this," she said excitedly.

Sr: Bilo je to nešto nalik starom simbolu, urezanom u kamen.
En: It was something resembling an old symbol carved into the stone.

Sr: Bliže su pogledali i primetili su tanku pukotinu.
En: They looked closer and noticed a thin crack.

Sr: "Mislim da je ovo ulaz," reče Jelena.
En: "I think this is the entrance," Jelena said.

Sr: "Nikada nisam video ovo pre," reče Nikola.
En: "I've never seen this before," said Nikola.

Sr: "Hajde da istražimo.
En: "Let's explore."

Sr: "Oprezno su pomerili kamen i otkrili uski tunel.
En: Cautiously, they moved the stone and discovered a narrow tunnel.

Sr: Prvo je Miloš ušao, zatim Jelena, a Nikola poslednji.
En: Miloš entered first, followed by Jelena, with Nikola last.

Sr: Svetlost baklji bacala je tmurne senke na zidove.
En: The light from their torches cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Sr: Simboli su bili svuda oko njih.
En: Symbols were all around them.

Sr: Bili su čudni, nepoznati.
En: They were strange, unknown.

Sr: Svaki simbol pričao je priču, ali oni nisu mogli da je razumeju.
En: Each symbol told a story, but they couldn't understand it.

Sr: "Šta mislite da ovo znači?
En: "What do you think this means?"

Sr: " upita Jelena.
En: Jelena asked.

Sr: "Nisam siguran, ali osećam da nismo sami," rekao je Miloš tiho.
En: "I'm not sure, but I feel like we're not alone," Miloš said quietly.

Sr: Odjednom, čuli su šum.
En: Suddenly, they heard a noise.

Sr: Iz tmina je izašao stariji čovek sa sedećom bradom.
En: From the darkness emerged an elderly man with a gray beard.

Sr: "Dobro došli," reče on.
En: "Welcome," he said.

Sr: "Ja sam čuvar.
En: "I am the guardian.

Sr: Ovo mesto je tajna vekovima.
En: This place has been a secret for centuries."

Sr: ""Ko ste vi?
En: "Who are you?"

Sr: " upita Nikola.
En: asked Nikola.

Sr: "Zovem se Vasilije," odgovara čuvar.
En: "My name is Vasilije," replied the guardian.

Sr: "Simboli koje vidite pričaju o hrastovom drvetu koje je bilo sveto.
En: "The symbols you see tell of an oak tree that was sacred.

Sr: Tunel je koridor kroz vreme, a ovi simboli čuvaju tajnu našeg naroda.
En: The tunnel is a corridor through time, and these symbols protect the secret of our people."

Sr: ""Tajnu?
En: "A secret?"

Sr: " upita Jelena znatiželjno.
En: asked Jelena curiously.

Sr: "Da, tajnu prošlosti i budućnosti.
En: "Yes, a secret of the past and the future.

Sr: Morate da čuvate ovo mesto," reče Vasilije ozbiljno.
En: You must protect this place," Vasilije said seriously.

Sr: Tri prijatelja su se pogledali.
En: The three friends looked at each other.

Sr: Osetili su težinu odgovornosti.
En: They felt the weight of responsibility.

Sr: "I hoćemo," reče Miloš stisnutih pesnica.
En: "And we will," said Miloš, clenching his fists.

Sr: "Čuvaćemo tajnu.
En: "We will protect the secret."

Sr: "Sa novim saznanjem i obećanjem čuvara, izašli su iz tunela.
En: With newfound knowledge and a promise to the guardian, they exited the tunnel.

Sr: Pogled na Kalemegdan bio je sada drugačiji.
En: The view of Kalemegdan was now different.

Sr: Shvatili su da nose deo istorije sa sobom.
En: They realized they carried a piece of history with them.

Sr: "Hajde da se vratimo ovde svakog proleća," predloži Jelena.
En: "Let's come back here every spring," Jelena suggested.

Sr: "Slažem se," reče Nikola.
En: "I agree," said Nikola.

Sr: "Ovo je sada naš zadatak.
En: "This is now our mission."

Sr: "I tako, svake godine, Miloš, Jelena i Nikola vraćali su se na Kalemegdan.
En: And so, every year, Miloš, Jelena, and Nikola returned to Kalemegdan.

Sr: Vezani tajnom i prijateljstvom, pazili su na drevni tunel i čuvali simboliku svoje prošlosti, za buduće generacije.
En: Bound by the secret and their friendship, they watched over the ancient tunnel and preserved the symbolism of their past for future generations.

Sr: Kraj.
En: The End.