Mustache Blaze: Milan’s Fiery Birthday!

In this episode, we'll dive into the hilarious tale of Milan's fiery birthday fiasco at the local 'Ćevapi Grill.'

Sr: Sunce je već bilo počelo da zalazi, a nežno narandžasto svetlo je osvetljavalo tablu na kojoj je pisalo "Ćevapi Grill".
En: The sun had already begun to set, casting a gentle orange light onto the sign that read "Ćevapi Grill."

Sr: Unutar restorana, vesela muzika je svirala dok se u prostoriji osećao miris dimljenog mesa i svežeg hleba.
En: Inside the restaurant, cheerful music played as the room filled with the smell of smoked meat and fresh bread.

Sr: Milan je sedeo za stolom okružen svojim najboljim prijateljima, Sofijom i Jovanom.
En: Milan sat at a table surrounded by his best friends, Sofija and Jovan.

Sr: Na stolu ispred njega, velika rođendanska torta sa plamenim svećama koje su nežno titrale, čekala je svoj veliki trenutak.
En: On the table in front of him, a large birthday cake with flickering flames on the candles awaited its big moment.

Sr: "Zduvni sveće i poželi želju, Milan!", uzviknu Sofija, dok je Jovan u ruci držao kameru da zabeleži ovaj poseban trenutak.
En: "Blow out the candles and make a wish, Milan!" exclaimed Sofija, while Jovan held a camera in hand to capture this special moment.

Sr: Milan je zatvorio oči, napravio želju i duboko udahnuo.
En: Milan closed his eyes, made a wish, and took a deep breath.

Sr: Međutim, umesto da sveće nestanu u oblaku dima, dogodilo se nešto nezamislivo.
En: However, instead of the candles disappearing in a cloud of smoke, something unthinkable happened.

Sr: Milan je udahnuo previše snage pre nego što je izdahnuo, a mali plamen je poskočio pravo na njegov gusti brk.
En: Milan inhaled too forcefully before exhaling, and the small flame jumped right onto his thick mustache.

Sr: U sekundi, njegov brk je postao svetlo narančasta baklja.
En: In an instant, his mustache became a bright orange torch.

Sr: "Uuuuuh!", vrisnu Milan, dok su Sofija i Jovan skočili na noge iznenađeni.
En: "Whoa!" Milan screamed, as Sofija and Jovan jumped to their feet in surprise.

Sr: Sofijina hitra reakcija je sačuvala dan; ona je brzo zgrabila čašu vode i polila Milanovog brka.
En: Sofija's quick reaction saved the day; she swiftly grabbed a glass of water and doused Milan's mustache.

Sr: Plamen je nestao, ostavljajući za sobom miris pečenog dlaka i nekoliko crnih, kovrdžavih dlačica.
En: The flame disappeared, leaving behind the smell of singed hair and a few black, curly strands.

Sr: "Jesi li dobro?", zabrinuto je pitala Sofija dok je Milan s prezrenjem gledao svoj ugljenisani brk.
En: "Are you okay?" Sofija asked with concern, while Milan looked disdainfully at his charred mustache.

Sr: "Dobro sam," Milan je uzdahnuo, "ali moj ponos nije."
En: "I'm fine," Milan sighed, "but my pride isn't."

Sr: Jovan, još uvek u šoku, spusti kameru, briznuvši u smeh.
En: Still in shock, Jovan lowered the camera, bursting into laughter.

Sr: "Milane, bar ćeš imati neverovatnu priču za pričanje!"
En: "Milan, at least you'll have an incredible story to tell!"

Sr: Ubzo, celo društvo se zarazilo smehom, a Milanov peh postao je glavna šala večeri.
En: Soon, the whole party was infected with laughter, and Milan's mishap became the highlight of the evening.

Sr: Konobari su prilazili, nudio oproštajne porcije ćevapa, dok je gazda restorana obećao Milanu besplatnu večeru za ublažavanje štete.
En: Waiters approached, offering complimentary portions of ćevapi, while the restaurant owner promised Milan a free dinner to make up for the mishap.

Sr: Priča o Milanu i njegovom "rođendanskom vatrometu" brzo je postala legenda u "Ćevapi Grill"-u.
En: The tale of Milan and his "birthday fireworks" quickly became a legend at the "Ćevapi Grill."

Sr: A Milan? On je odlučio da otad nosi kraći brk, podučen iskustvom koje nije mogao ni da zamisli dok je izbijao svećice na torti.
En: And Milan? He decided to henceforth sport a shorter mustache, having learned a lesson he couldn't have imagined while blowing out the candles on the cake.

Sr: Njegov rođendan se završio slatkim ukusom ćevapa i smehom za stolom, a rođendanske želje? Pa, možda će sledeće godine biti manje eksplozivne.
En: His birthday ended with the sweet taste of ćevapi and laughter at the table, and as for birthday wishes? Well, maybe next year's will be less explosive.