Mistaken Identity: A Tale of Two Pets

In this episode, we'll explore the humorous mix-up that led to an unexpected friendship under the sunny skies of Kalemegdan.

Sr: Sunce je visoko na nebu dok Jovan šeta prema Kalemegdanskoj tvrđavi.
En: The sun was high in the sky as Jovan walked towards the Kalemegdan fortress.

Sr: Vazduh je svež, a miris proleća se širi okolinom.
En: The air was fresh, and the smell of spring was spreading around.

Sr: Jovan je uzbudjen jer će se sresti sa svojim dobrim prijateljem Nikolom.
En: Jovan was excited because he was going to meet his good friend Nikola.

Sr: Nikola je rekao da će sa sobom doneti i svog kućnog ljubimca, malenog crno-belog mačka po imenu Miki.
En: Nikola had said he would bring along his pet, a small black and white cat named Miki.

Sr: Kada se Jovan približio Kalemegdanu, primetio je da pijaca cveta punim sjajem.
En: As Jovan approached Kalemegdan, he noticed that the market was in full bloom.

Sr: Ljudi su razgledali tezge, birali voće, povrće i cenjkali se.
En: People were browsing the stalls, picking fruits, vegetables, and haggling.

Sr: Među njima je vidio i devojku koja je držala povodac.
En: Among them, he saw a girl holding a leash.

Sr: Na kraju povoca trčkarao je mali, veseli pas.
En: At the end of the leash, a small, cheerful dog was running around.

Sr: "Sigurno je to Nikola sa Mikijem!
En: "Surely that's Nikola with Miki!"

Sr: " pomisli Jovan, ne čekajući da bolje razgleda.
En: thought Jovan, not waiting to look closer.

Sr: Prtrčao je do devojke i zavikao, "Nikola, jesi li to ti?
En: He ran to the girl and shouted, "Nikola, is that you?"

Sr: "Djevojka se zbunjeno okrenula.
En: The girl turned around in confusion.

Sr: Njeno ime je Milica, i u ruci je čvrsto držala povodac sa svojim ljubimcem, šarenim terijerom po imenu Laki.
En: Her name was Milica, and she was holding the leash tightly with her pet, a colorful terrier named Laki.

Sr: Jovan je previše brzo zaključio.
En: Jovan had jumped to conclusions too quickly.

Sr: Pogledao je u Milicu, pa u živahnog psa na kraju povode, i shvatio svoju grešku.
En: He looked at Milica, then at the lively dog at the end of the leash, and realized his mistake.

Sr: "Oprosti", rekao je rumen u licu, "mislio sam da si moj prijatelj Nikola".
En: "Sorry," he said, blushing, "I thought you were my friend Nikola."

Sr: Milica se nasmejala.
En: Milica laughed.

Sr: "Nema problema", rekla je, "Laki uvijek privlači pažnju.
En: "No problem," she said, "Laki always attracts attention."

Sr: "U tom trenutku, kroz gomilu se probio Nikola, držeći u rukama svog pravog ljubimca, crno-belog mačka Mikija.
En: At that moment, Nikola broke through the crowd, holding his real pet, the black and white cat Miki, in his hands.

Sr: "Tražio sam te posvuda, Jovane!
En: "I've been looking for you everywhere, Jovan!

Sr: Šta si uradio, kako si mogao da zameniš mog Mikija sa psom?
En: What have you done, how could you mistake my Miki for a dog?"

Sr: "Svi su se nasmejali kada su shvatili šta se desilo.
En: Everyone laughed when they realized what had happened.

Sr: Jovan se izvinio i rekao: "Bili su šareni i veseli, pomislio sam da je to Miki.
En: Jovan apologized and said, "They were colorful and lively, I thought it was Miki."

Sr: "Milica ih je pozvala da se pridruže njoj i Lakiu u šetnji po tvrđavi.
En: Milica invited them to join her and Laki for a walk around the fortress.

Sr: Proveli su popodne zajedno uživajući u sunčanom danu, novom prijateljstvu i humoru situacije koja ih je spojila.
En: They spent the afternoon together, enjoying the sunny day, their new friendship, and the humor of the situation that brought them together.

Sr: Od tog dana, Jovan, Milica, Nikola, Miki i Laki postali su nerazdvojni prijatelji, a Jovan nikada više nije zamenio mačku za psa.
En: From that day on, Jovan, Milica, Nikola, Miki, and Laki became inseparable friends, and Jovan never again mistook a cat for a dog.