Misplaced Backpacks and Unexpected Friendships at Kalemegdan

In this episode, we'll follow Nikola, Ana, and Jelena as they navigate a hilarious backpack mix-up at Kalemegdan Fortress, leading to unexpected friendships and unforgettable memories.

Sr: Svetlost sunca obasjavala je zidine Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: The sunlight illuminated the walls of the Kalemegdan Fortress.

Sr: Nikola, sa svojim ruksakom na ramenu, šetao je kroz istorijske zidine.
En: Nikola, with his backpack on his shoulder, was walking through the historic walls.

Sr: Uz njega su bile Ana i Jelena.
En: He was accompanied by Ana and Jelena.

Sr: One su volele da istražuju, ali Nikola je danas bio zamišljen.
En: They loved to explore, but today Nikola was lost in thought.

Sr: Dok su se divili prelepom pogledu na reku Dunav, Nikola je seo na klupu da se odmori.
En: As they admired the beautiful view of the Danube River, Nikola sat on a bench to rest.

Sr: Ostavio je ruksak pored sebe.
En: He left his backpack beside him.

Sr: Istovremeno, turistička grupa je prolazila pored njih.
En: At the same time, a tour group was passing by.

Sr: Bilo je mnogo ljudi, svi upadljivo slično obučeni.
En: There were many people, all dressed conspicuously similarly.

Sr: Kada je Nikola ustao, zgrabio je ruksak misleći da je njegov.
En: When Nikola stood up, he grabbed the backpack thinking it was his.

Sr: Ali nije primetio da je zamena bila izvršena.
En: But he didn't notice that a switch had been made.

Sr: Ana i Jelena su bile već nekoliko metara ispred i nisu primetile promenu.
En: Ana and Jelena were already a few meters ahead and didn't notice the change.

Sr: Nikola je sa smeškom pratio devojke, ali se ubrzo zaustavio kada je shvatio da mu nešto ne odgovara.
En: Nikola was smiling as he followed the girls, but soon stopped when he realized something was wrong.

Sr: Otvorio je ruksak i unutra su bili suveniri, vodiči i flašice vode - sve to nije bilo njegovo.
En: He opened the backpack and inside were souvenirs, guides, and bottles of water—none of it was his.

Sr: "Devojke, imam problem," rekao je Nikola.
En: "Girls, we have a problem," Nikola said.

Sr: Ana se okrenula: "Šta nije u redu, Nikola?
En: Ana turned around: "What's wrong, Nikola?"

Sr: ""Mislim da sam uzeo pogrešan ruksak.
En: "I think I took the wrong backpack."

Sr: "Jelena je prasnula u smeh: "Kako si to uspeo?
En: Jelena burst into laughter: "How did you manage that?"

Sr: ""Ne znam," odgovorio je Nikola, zbunjen.
En: "I don't know," Nikola replied, confused.

Sr: "Samo sam seo na klupu, a onda kad sam se ustao, zgrabio sam prvi ruksak koji sam video.
En: "I just sat on the bench, and when I got up, I grabbed the first backpack I saw."

Sr: ""Moramo ga vratiti," rekla je Ana odlučno.
En: "We have to return it," Ana said decisively.

Sr: "Kod koga?
En: "To whom?"

Sr: " pitao je Nikola, gledajući oko sebe.
En: Nikola asked, looking around.

Sr: Srećom, turistička grupa nije otišla daleko.
En: Luckily, the tour group hadn't gone far.

Sr: Ana je brzo prišla grupi i slomljenim engleskim pokušala da objasni situaciju.
En: Ana quickly approached the group and tried to explain the situation in broken English.

Sr: "Excuse me, wrong backpack.
En: "Excuse me, wrong backpack.

Sr: Problem.
En: Problem."

Sr: "Turisti su je gledali začuđeno, ali jedan muškarac je shvatio o čemu je reč.
En: The tourists looked at her in surprise, but one man understood what she meant.

Sr: "Ah, yes!
En: "Ah, yes!

Sr: We wrong bag too!
En: We wrong bag too!"

Sr: "Nikola je predao ruksak i uzeo svoj.
En: Nikola handed over the backpack and took his own.

Sr: "Hvala vam," rekao je i nasmešio se.
En: "Thank you," he said with a smile.

Sr: "Nema problema," odgovorio je turista sa širokim osmehom.
En: "No problem," replied the tourist with a broad smile.

Sr: Tri prijatelja su nastavila šetnju tvrđavom.
En: The three friends continued their walk through the fortress.

Sr: Jelena je i dalje kikotala, dok je Ana sve objašnjavala: "Nikola, sledeći put pazi gde ostavljaš stvari!
En: Jelena was still giggling, while Ana explained everything: "Nikola, next time be careful where you leave your things!"

Sr: "Nikola se samo nasmejao.
En: Nikola just laughed.

Sr: Nisu mogli prestati da pričaju o smešnoj situaciji tokom čitavog dana.
En: They couldn't stop talking about the funny situation all day.

Sr: Na kraju su seli na travu i gledali zalazak sunca.
En: In the end, they sat on the grass and watched the sunset.

Sr: Nikola je mahnuo novim prijateljima iz turističke grupe u daljini.
En: Nikola waved to their new friends from the tour group in the distance.

Sr: "Barem sada imamo uspomenu koju ćemo pamtiti," rekao je Nikola.
En: "At least now we have a memory we'll always remember," Nikola said.

Sr: "I nauk," dodala je Ana, smešeći se.
En: "And a lesson learned," added Ana, smiling.

Sr: Kalemegdan je te večeri izgledao još lepše, dok su prijatelji zaključili da su avanture sa prijateljima uvek najlepše.
En: Kalemegdan looked even more beautiful that evening, as the friends concluded that adventures with friends are always the best.