In this episode, we'll dive into the lively atmosphere of a Serbian tavern where a simple accident turns into a night of laughter and local charm.
Sr: Svetla su nežno titrala iznad kafane "Zlatni Bokal", dok se sumrak spuštao na kaldrmisane ulice malog srpskog grada.
En: The lights gently flickered above the "Golden Goblet" tavern as dusk descended onto the cobblestone streets of a small Serbian town.
Sr: Milica, nova konobarica, nervozno je podesila sloj šminke u malenom ogledalcu pre nego što je krenula da nosi punu tacnu rakije žamorljivim gostima.
En: Milica, the new waitress, nervously adjusted her layer of makeup in a small mirror before she set out to carry a full tray of rakija to the chattering guests.
Sr: U tom trenutku, Petrović, lokalni šarmer s crnim brkovima i glasom koji se čuo preko cele kafane, smestio se za svoj uobičajeni sto u uglu.
En: At that moment, Petrović, the local charmer with a black mustache and a voice that could be heard throughout the tavern, settled at his usual table in the corner.
Sr: Jovan, vlasnik kafane, trudio se da zabavi grupu turista koji su se oduševljavali starinskim ukrasima zidova i pričama o davnim vremenima.
En: Jovan, the tavern owner, was entertaining a group of tourists who were delighted by the antique decorations on the walls and the stories of ancient times.
Sr: Dok je pričao o bogatoj istoriji grada, nije primetio da je Milica, pretrpana narudžbinama, poskliznula na mokru dasku poda.
En: As he talked about the rich history of the town, he didn't notice Milica, overwhelmed with orders, slipping on the wet floorboard.
Sr: "Opa, pazite!
En: "Careful!"
Sr: " viknuo je Petrović, ali već je bilo kasno.
En: Petrović shouted, but it was too late.
Sr: Tacna je poletela iz Milicinih ruku, a čašice rakije su se, kao u sporom pokretu, izlivale po Petrovićevom sakou.
En: The tray flew out of Milica's hands, and the rakija glasses spilled, slowly, onto Petrović's jacket.
Sr: Momenti tišine poput kapljica prekinuli su veselu atmosferu, pre nego što se kafana uzdrmala od Petrovićevog glasnog smeha.
En: Moments of silence, like droplets, interrupted the cheerful atmosphere before the tavern shook with Petrović's loud laughter.
Sr: "Dobro došli u Srbiju!
En: "Welcome to Serbia!"
Sr: " uzviknuo je Jovan, pokušavajući da ispravi situaciju dok su turisti zapljeskali, misleći da je to deo lokalnog gostoprimstva.
En: Jovan exclaimed, trying to remedy the situation as the tourists applauded, thinking it was part of local hospitality.
Sr: Milica je, crvena u licu, samo želela da propadne kroz pod.
En: Red-faced, Milica just wished she could sink through the floor.
Sr: No, Petrović je, elegantno mašući mokrim rukavom, prilazio Milici i šapnuo: "Ne brini, ovo je znak sreće, malena.
En: However, Petrović, elegantly waving his wet sleeve, approached Milica and whispered, "Don't worry, little one, this is a sign of good luck."
Sr: "Ohrabren Petrovićevim rečima, Milica se osmehnula i pomogla mu da se osuši, dok je Jovan nastavio svoju priču, sada dodajući anegdotu o današnjem događaju.
En: Encouraged by Petrović's words, Milica smiled and helped him dry off, while Jovan continued his tale, now adding an anecdote about the day's events.
Sr: Do kraja večeri, turisti su nazdravljali zajedno sa ostalim gostima kafane, a Milicin peh postao je vesela priča koja se prepričavala.
En: By the end of the evening, the tourists toasted with the other tavern guests, and Milica's mishap became a cheerful story retold.
Sr: Veče je završeno pesmom i igrom, a Milica je naučila da, ma koliko nezgoda izgledala strašno, to može biti početak nove priče.
En: The night ended with song and dance, and Milica learned that no matter how dire a mishap seems, it could be the beginning of a new story.
Sr: Kafana "Zlatni Bokal" bila je svedok mnogih takvih priča, a ova će ostati upamćena kao veče kada je kafana plesala u ritmu tajanstvenog srpskog gostoprimstva.
En: The "Golden Goblet" tavern had witnessed many such tales, and this one would be remembered as the evening when the tavern danced to the rhythm of mysterious Serbian hospitality.